
Sage and World Alvin

Right at this moment inside a void a soul was roaming around but suddenly a portal appear inside void and that soul was pulled inside that portal.

In the world of called Alvin where their are two types of powers inside this world and these two powers are Dungeon Master's and Adventurous. Dungeon Master's have their life linked to their dungeon core and they get more powerful my killing Adventurous that dare to enter their Dungeon's.

While their is something that is out of control of Dungeon Master's and that is Monsters out break that happen inside their Dungeon, this is something that all Dungeon Masters are unable to control. While Adventurous are the people what become strong killing monster inside dungeon and eating Dungeon Core's that give them special skills.

Their are total 999 levels in this world called Alvin which Adventurous can reach while Dungeon's have 100 levels and each level have a grade White, Blue and Red. Meaning Level 1 Dungeon that have white grade then a party of level 1-4 Adventures can clean the Dungeon, if Level 1 Dungeon is Blue grade then party of level 5-8 adventures are needed to clears Dungeon. And if Level 1 Dungeon is Red grade then a party of lvell 9-10 adventurous are needed to clear that Dungeon.

With every level increase Dungeon gain another floor, meaning level 2 Dungeon have 2 floors while Level 100 Dungeon have 100 floors. And Adventures gain skill if they eat Dungeon core and only Dungeon core's of level 50 can give adventurous any skill.

In world of Alvin have many race's that exist they range from Goblins, slimes and orc to Dragon's, Elves, Phoenix's. While Dungeon are dangerous but they are the source of power for almost every race. And Dungeon master are always being killed very moment.

And any type of race it is they only get exp to level up inside dungeons it don't work if these kill monster that are present outside in the world. And even Dungeon Masters only get exp by killing adventure that are killed inside their Dungeons. And also their is some kind of law in thus world that protect Dungeon and that is peoples that have level that is required to clear a dungeon are only allowed.

Meaning if your are level 5 and wanted to raid level 1 grade white Dungeon you can't, because if you enter dungeon you will automatically be teleported outside. If your are level 1 and wants to enter a dungeon then you are more then welcome to in and be killed this was some kind of law the protect Dungeon masters.


Right now that would that was teleported out from the void, was teleported in a dungeon. This soul name was Sage. He was someone that live a very normal live get always so to school, his grade was also average their was notting remarkable but him but his will to keep on living. The reason behind this was because when he completed his high school, he got into car accident and have his legs broken to the point of not being restore again.

But that wasn't the sad part but the sad part was his parents died in that car accident, but they left him enough money so that he at least live half of his life in comfort, and because his house that his parents have left him he put his house on rent and he himself start living inside a small department.

But he didn't lose hope and continued his studies and passed college with good grade and he did go to University but right at the day of Certificate Ceremony a fire broke out in the place they were having ceremony and he got his right arm fully burned. It was so badly burned that doctors have to cut his right arm. But he still didn't lose hope and tried to live his life as best as he can. He even got a good job of being an editor, and only thing he like in his life was dungeon related every thing, be it games,anime, manga or novels.

While he did live his live, he saw still a virgin even when he died and nobody married him because of disabilities. And even when he died he died happily but after this death he suddenly appear inside a void and some kind of force was pulling, and he somehow feel's that if he got pulled inside by that force he will lose every thing that is why he starting resist it only only after resisting for some moment it was like that force have given up.

The force that was pulling him was Circle of Reincarnation of his universe and the reason it stop pulling him because inside the void his soul was always moving and because of that he got to someother universe and because of that Circle of Reincarnation of his Universe give up on him thinking that he would be erased by the Creator that was present in that Universe.

Creator are the being that lives in Celestial Ream and each Creator have a universe under them, but when Creator saw that a soul have come to his Universe he didn't destroy that soul and start to reach his memories and from these memories he found out that this soul was a Dungeon lover and he the Creator of Dungeon was very happy about that even peoples that don't know his still live his Dungeon's so he decided to test this soul and if this soul pass his test he will make him his successor.

And the test was to see that if soul can survive in the void for million years and what surprised Creator was his young soul will to live and he was very impress and decided to send him to one of most powerful Worlds in his Universe.



Immortal_Sun_Wolfcreators' thoughts