
Most Useless Dungeon System

Suddenly when Sage was teleported away he was thinking that this was his end. He appear inside a room and suddenly a voice sounded in his head,"You have been selected as the master of this Dungeon and you life is linked to the core of this dungeon if its core is taken or destroyed then you will also Die. To know the functions of your system you have to say System info".

When Sage heard that voice he thought that after staying inside that dark place for long have made him mad but then he suddenly felt that he can feel his body and to his surprise he can also feel his right hand and both his legs that he wasn't feel for like most his life and then he start to look around and when he saw was that he wasn't inside that dark place anymore but instead was inside some big field but the thing is their is ceiling at his head instead of sky.

When he look around more only thought that come to his mind was that he was inside a Dungeon, then he remember what that voice in head said and thought(System Info) and then suddenly lot of panels start to appear in front of his eyes.

[Unique Dungeon System: This System isn't like any other Dungeon system which let it's users buy monster from point's that he get from killing Adventure's that enter his Dungeon. No,No,No but this System allow it's user to act more like an adventure and you level up by killing monster but not the monster inside others dungeons but hunting monster in wild. And If you wants monster's inside your Dungeon then you have to make monster submit to you and become monster of your Dungeon, isn't that exciting. Okay now your System have Status where you can increase your status and.... that all what else do you expect].

Just when Sage was about to done reading he suddenly feel pain inside his mind and he start to get memories about this world that is called Alvin, about how this world have only one Continent and this world have 70% Earth and 30% water present in it and all about the races present on it.

When Sage was done having common knowledge about his world he as lo come to know that other Dungeon Masters have Missions and they even have Shop were with buying monster they can also but thing that can make them stronger. But only problem these Dungeon Masters is that only after when their dungeon have reach level 50 can they leave their dungeon. But he was still very angry about only having most simple type of system that ever existed. Then he said,"Status". Then suddenly his Status appear in front of him.

When Sage saw once again window appear in front of him now he was 100% sure that he was inside a world were magic exist and their are Dungeon Masters which was most favorite thing of his life. And he himself was a Dungeon Master a little weird dungeon master but nevertheless still a dungeon master. Then look at his status.

[Name: Sage

Class: Unique Dungeon Master +____

Level: 1

HP: 0

Mana: 0

Strength: 0

Agility: 0

Speed : 0

Intelligent: 0

Wisdom: 0

Vitality: 0

Status Points: 1000]

While doing some clicking he come to know that 1 status point in vitality means 10 points in HP and also 1 status point in Intelligent means 10 Mana. And also wisdom can help him in reducing casting speed of spells meaning 1000 points in Wisdom can reduce his spell casting speed by 1 second. And only Strength,Agility and Speed are the only this that doesn't increase any other thing.

But the thing that come as a surprise to him was that he was going to get 100 status points with every level while other peoples this world only get 50 status points. And also he can select another class for himself. Fist of all he distributed his status points. But before doing that her wanted to select his second class so he start looking at the list of Classes that he can select, but after the list of class was like it never ends and it keep going and going.

And it take him about hour to see complete list and when he was done one class got his attention it was called [Rise of Shadow Undead] the thing was this class let him make any person that he kill his undead minion. And when he thinks about how he didn't have any shop to buy monsters from so why can't he make monsters himself.

After think about it Sage decided to take this class called [Rise of Shadow Undead] as his second class. Although it did let him make any person or monster he kill his minion but the problem was his minion will always remain the same and couldn't level up at all and, if he want to make N undead that have same strength was him then he only have 5% chance to make then his undead.

If he is lot stronger then the undead that he want to make then their is 50% chance of succession. Well it was a class that have many limitations but it was still the best class suited for a dungeon master who didn't have shop to buy his own monsters, so he selected this job and start to add this status points.

[Name: Sage

Class: Unique Dungeon Master + Rise of Shadow Undead

Level: 1

HP: 2000

Mana: 1200

Strength: 500

Agility: 130

Speed : 50

Intelligent: 120

Wisdom: 0

Vitality: 200

Hidden; Minions: 0

Status Points: 0]

Just when he was done doing all this suddenly light start to appear from his body and then some notification start to appear in front of him asking him something.


Immortal_Sun_Wolfcreators' thoughts