
House Party Jungkook FF

She hates parties as much as she hates being called a good girl. He's a bad boy who likes trouble. When they meet at a house party and end up going home together how will there friends take the news. How will her bullies react. How will she change

Lia_23 · Celebrities
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That Kiss

Jungkook: you don't have to be home right away do you

you heart quickened realizing that when you get home you will have some explaining to do

You: my parents think i am staying with soyeon

Jungkook: and you were gonna go home dressed like that and tell them what

He had a point but there is no use in trying to think of a lie. they will know

You: I don't really know, I just couldn't be at that party. I guess I will have to just deal with the punishment that comes from my poor decisions.

Jungkook: going to a party without permission, getting a hickey you didn't enjoy, and it being out so late in the night, and a boy driving you home lots of poor decisions

You: yeah i guess

I didn't even think of what they would do with jungkook driving me home just another thing to explain

Jungkook: you have a death wish

You: you have done worse haven't you and your still alive

He stopped talking realizing you crossed the line you felt bad

You: i didn't mean it like that

Jungkook: it's fine…

you: really i am sorry

Jungkook: its fine trust me. Ive heard it all

that made your heart ache

you: my parents are gonna freak either way

jungkook: i wish i could help

you: nothing it gonna get me out of this

he nodded his head

jungkook: i have an idea

He switched lanes.

you: where are we going

jungkook: you will see shortly

We soon pulled into the driveway of a house. He parked the car and then got out. He quickly came to your side, opening the door. You got out and began to look around he didn't say and started walking. realizing he was leaving you just followed after him. He led you in and straight to the living room

Jungkook: wait here

he gestured for you to take a seat. when he made sure you were good he disappeared. Looking around the house was really nice. You could tell a lot of thought was put in to putting it together. He returned with a box

You: what's that

Jungkook: slippers. They haven't been worn yet

New slippers. You looked at the box and then him. He sighed setting the box down on the couch and kneeling in front of you

Jungkook: foot

You: what

He gave you a look telling you not to make him repeat himself. you realized he wanted to put the slipper on you himself

You: oh i will do it

He picked up your foot without saying anything. He undid the straps which casue slight pain at the back of your heel. You werent one to wear heels so figures in just the couple hours you got blisters. He gentle replaced the shoe with a slipped being careful not to rub the back of your heel. He then did the exact same thing on the other side. It made you feel awkward but he seemed okay. i wonder how many other girls hes done this for.

You: thank you

You looked at the slippers they were big a little to big must be guy slippers

Jungkook: My parents only bought extra slippers because taehyung ripped one so these were gonna be his. And we don't have any girls unless you count my mom's and I doubt you want to wear hers…

He is right I don't want to wear her's

You: they are fine

He sounded nervous now… so he has only had male guests over but why does it feel like he has practice replacing heels with slipped. either way that thought made me feel better about being here. I have never been a guest at a male's house before at least by myself and so late at night

You: where are your parents at

Jungkook: a conference the one Jimin's parents are at.

You nodded your head as he sat down next to you. Shows the difference in their personalities. Jimin took the opportunity to throw a huge party while jungkook while he did show up to a party he went home early.

you: so whats the rest of your plan

jungkook: hmm

you: you said you had an idea to get me out of trouble i hope giving me slippers instead of heels isn't it

he chuckled making you laugh nervously.

Jungkook: You can stay here tonight and then go home tomorrow. My mom also has makeup so you can cover the hickey so your parents don't find out when you do get home.

your eyes went wide. he expects me to stay the night with him. just us two alone here.

You: That is a really nice offer but I can't stay here

jungkook: well if you go home you will get introuble and you shouldn't have to deal with that after already having a bad night. so staying her would be the best option so you wont get caught

you nodded your head

you: thanks

Jungkook: it's the least i can do

You looked at him confused

You: you didn't have to do anything that you have to make up for. Its not like your the one who forced me out tonight or gave me a hickey to me

Jungkook: yeah but I did kiss you. And I think that's what incited them to do that to you.

You nodded your head. Not as slow as the rest of them

Jungkook: it was your first kiss right

You looked at him, he was looking the other way. You quickly looked down definetly not as slow as the rest but how did he know. Do i just scream virgin whos never been kissed

You: yes

Jungkook: i am sorry

hes apologising for the kiss I did not expect that coming from him. Did he not like it? Was he regretting it? I mean it was the first time i've ever kissed anyone

You: why are you apologizing

You looked at him and he was looking at you making you feel embarressed

Jungkook: I was so angry at what seonghwa did to you but i did the same thing. I kissed you because of that game without asking you. I took your first kiss. I am sorry i did that y/n

He was angry at seonghwa. Why would he be we don't know eachother barely have had a conversation. Still knowing he cared about what happened to you made you feel better

Jungkook: what

you: hmmm

Jungkook: you were smiling

You: ah nothing

You looked away feeling embarrassed what were you thinking. why did you smile

Jungkook: You just smiled at me. After i apologized are you making fun of me

He sounded upset now and he was frowning. You quickly shook your head. please dont misunderstand

You: no it's just you were mad at seonghwa

Jungkook: at guys who abuse woman guys like seonghwa and wooyoung but i can't say anything cause i am no different

You looked at him serious

You: you are far from the scum that makes up guys like them. your not a pervert

Jungkook: but i stole your first kiss

You: if i didn't want you to kiss me i would have stopped you or i wouldn't have opened my mouth. As far as first kisses go I think it was a good one. To be honest it felt way different from when seonghwa kissed me. When he did it i felt like i had kissed a frog it was horrible but when you kissed me i…

You caught what you were about to say so you stopped talking your face getting red. how could i get swept up in the moment like that. It must be the alcohol you were drunk for sure

Jungkook: when I kissed you what

You shook your head. You were not gonna get caught up again. It was just a moment that slipped out…

Jungkook: can i tell you what i felt in that kiss

You: nope

You shook your head. You had to crush all feelings welling up and him talking about the kiss will only make you think about it and that feeling you had during it.

Jungkook: before i kissed you i felt nervous

What did he have to be nervous about it wasn't his first kiss. He has probably kissed many women

Jungkook: You are the good girl. The shining gem of the school whenever anyone talks about you they only have good things to say

You: have met the hornets that rule over our school they would say anything but good things

he chuckled at the hornet comment

Jungkook; those girls don't count; they are just jealous of you and all the guys know why. You're such a pure shining diamond that nothing can corrupt or break. Here I was the bad guy stealing that diamond, that gem... corrupting it with my lips. I was unsure if I wanted to do it. I felt like I was about to chicken out. Me… scared to kiss you

You looked at him and he was only looking at his hands

Jungkook: When I looked into your eyes, something told me that I had to do it and that I wouldn't get another chance like this again. So selfishly I did it. And when my lips touched yours it was like something I had waited for... for so long it felt right. But you had not moved or done anything. I panicked that you didn't like it that i went to far. But I couldn't stop so I tested the water and signalled for you to open your mouth just to see if I was right. But to my surprise you opened your mouth and I was elated. I gave my all into that kiss not wanting to pull away from you. I wanted it to last a lifetime. But i knew you were trying your best to hold on but were running out of air by the way your hand reached up to my chest

My hand didn't reach up to his chest did it?… you thought back and sure enough your hand was on his chest you had balled his shirt in your fist. Why would i do that so embarrassing and infront of everyone. how will i go back to school havign done that.

Jungkook: when i looked in your face after kissing you i felt so embarrassed i had ran away claiming to get a drink… not so much of a bad boy am i… i ran away after kissing a girl no not a girl… the only girl that matters at school

He chuckled and then looked up at you. You were speechless knowing thats how he felt about you

Jungkook: crazy right

He looked away

You: I uh…

Your heart pounded. You closed your eyes and looked away

You: when they gave the dare i thought why would he kiss me chung ha is so much prettier and more popular by a long shot. That's what everyone thought you could see it on their face her face. Then you said the unthinkable you said me. But then you didn't get up. I thought you had made a mistake. I thought this was a joke. You were playing me to see my reaction. It hurt even more when Jimin said you could drink, meaning you would rather drink than kiss me. If I got the question, kiss you or someone else i would have chosen to drink too i didn't understand why it hurt though i had never thought or wanted you to kiss me. But then you still chose to kiss me and my heart stopped. When you made your way to me it felt like a trick. You had stared me right in my eye and for some reason I felt so impatient I wanted you to kiss me and you were taking too long. But when I felt your lips on mine my mind stopped working. I froze. I didn't know what to expect but not that. I then felt your tongue and it brought me back that you were actually kissing me. I did what felt natural and opened my mouth. And i am glad i did that kiss felt like… like time had stopped that no one in that room had mattered only you and then you let go and i felt disappointed but glad cause my lungs were burning

He let out a chuckle.