
House Party Jungkook FF

She hates parties as much as she hates being called a good girl. He's a bad boy who likes trouble. When they meet at a house party and end up going home together how will there friends take the news. How will her bullies react. How will she change

Lia_23 · Celebrities
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Lisa: What is she being dramatic about? It was just a game. Even her friend got a hickie and most of us worse did worse. she is such a crybaby

The girls all laughed and so did the males joked. I looked at seonghwa and let him go everyone here isn't worth my time. they are all vile.

Jungkook: hand me my phone taehyung

he looked at me shocked

Taehyung: your done playing

i scuffed. i was more than done with this childishness. lisa did that on purpose to hurt y/n that much is clear. And i am not gonna take part in this anymore.

Jungkook: this game is disgusting and so are those who think what just happened was funny

I glared at lisa and she shut up

Lisa: it was a harmless joke. shes the one who has an issue

Jungkook: maybe for you its just a joke cause you whore yourself out to everyone who shows you attention but to those who have respect for themselves it was far from harmless

Jennie: watch how you speak to her, she is a girl. And if y/n didn't want to do it she didn't have to play. she is the one who stood up no one forced her to do that

Jungkook: you all knew she would have to do whatever you dared her to do cause she picked drink and you shamed her into doing it all of you did… that's why you picked the worst disgusting guys in the circle to be apart of the dare.

wooyoung: what did you say about us

he glared at me but i didn't care i was beyond pissed for the events that happened. I was even pissed at jimin for not stopping it.

Jungkook: You heard me. You two are disgusting pigs that have the mindset of perverts and the control of a toddler. Always thinking about you and what you want, not caring who you hurt in the process. he hurt someone dont you see that no because he got what he wanted and he would have kept going if i hadn't pulled him off even though she said stop and her friends said to stop. he is a pig and so are you

He stood up getting in my face with seonghwa right behind him. As if i would be scared of those two. They couldn't touch me if they wanted to.

wooyoung: you act so big and bad when you're no different

Jungkook: That's why you're wrong. I don't go around harming and using girls. I may be a lot of things but a pervert is not one of them

wooyoung: that is it i have had it with your mouth and attitude

Jungkook: do something then

I was itching for him to swing so i can lay them out. He went to square up but the guys in the group quickly held him and seonghwa back . While Jimin and Taehyung quickly pulled me away. they got luck i will tell you that.

Jungkook: your a fucking pig

wooyoung: wait until i get my hands on you

Jungkook: i dare you to try something i will end your fucking life and that goes for anyone of you. You're all shallow, vain and narcissistic. Disgusting fucking cows that pray on others down fall. I'm sick of you all. fuck each and everyone of you

Your pov

You had run all the way out the front door before your friends grabbed your arm. You had tears in your eyes and you could see those standing around just staring but you didn't care. You wanted to be far from this house as possible in this very moment.

Soyeon: are you okay y/n

You: no, what about this makes you think i am okay. I told you i didn't want to come to this party

i whispered through sobs

Aisha: We know and we are so sorry.

You: I just want to go home

you really just wanted to be in bed and pretended this night never happened

Soyeon: we will take you

You: no stay and have fun i will get home by myself

you didn't want to be with them. you didn't want to be around anyone.

Aisha: Do you think we can have fun when you're like this?

Soyeon: Yeah, he crossed the line.

Aisha: i should go back and kill him

She was fuming they both were. Them actually worried made you calm down you hated worrying your friends. You never no matter what will make them worry.

You: it's not that serious.

You took a deep breath and wiped the tears away that were fighting to leave your eyes

you: it was just a small hickey I will be fine

Soyeon: yeah your first one. you must be freaking out because of it.

that was enough to let a couple shed but you quickly stopped them. If i keep crying they will never let me leave

You: I will be fine. I just need time to think.

You smiled the best you could but you were still on the verge of tears

Aisha: okay we will-

You: alone

They looked concerned but you just turned and walked away before more fell. Half way down the steps you realized that soyeon had driven. It would be a long way back home from here. But that didn't stop you from walking no way you were going back in that house with that guy. It took a while but your head was clear or you weren't in shock anymore. Either way you knew that you didn't like the feeling of hickeys. It was strange. It didn't feel good like they make it in the movies or how soyeon had made it look. She was in heaven so why do i feel like this. The wind blew past you and you began to shake. It was really cold and teh short dress did nothing to help. You told them you didn't want to dress up why couldn't they let you go in jeans and a tshirt. Another gust blew past you which tempted you into turnin back around. No way you were gonna make it. As you stood and debated, a car had driven past you. It kept going but then stopped and reversed. You looked at it and then around until it stopped in front of you. You should have run but you were too scared. Were you gonna be kidnapped? The window began to roll down and your heart was put at ease

Jungkook: y/n

You: jungkook

You bent down and looked in the car a little bit confused.

You: what are you doing

Jungkook: i could be asking you the same thing

You: i couldn't stay at that party

Jungkook: neither could I

You got why you couldn't stay but why couldn't he

Jungkook: do you need a ride

You; no I am fine

Jungkook:you don't live in this neighborhood right

You: no I don't

Jungkook: I could give you a ride so you don't have to walk all the way in heels

Your feet did hurt and it was cold

You: i don't want to trouble you

Jungkook: get in

He didn't sound angry or annoyed but embarrassed. You nodded and got in the car. When you sat down he turned on the heat.

Jungkook: seatbelt

You nodded as you put the seatbelt on. It felt awkward. You had never talked to him or looked at him but all in one night you had a conversation in which he was an asshole, you kissed him, he pulled that guy off you, and now he was giving you a ride home without saying anything he started driving. The ride was very silent which only added to the awkwardness you felt. You looked at the passanger mirror and plan as day was the hickey. You covered your neck, the feeling still strange.

Jungkook: are you okay

You: what

Jungkook: your holding your neck

That made you self conscious how long had he been watching you.

You: yeah… it's just the first time I-

You stopped feeling ridiculous. You're almost graduating highschool and you have never experienced a hickey before today. That and your first kiss. But you were not gonna tell him that he would probably laugh

Jungkook: I figured… if you keep messing with it the longer it will bother you.

You quickly moved your hand away from it. You looked at him and he was looking at you his face had a soft expression. It almost made you want to cry. How was he so kind and gentle