
House of Dreams

story about my dream.

Vienheartz · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 [Family]

live with 6 friends of different ages and preferences, in Yogyakarta

take a bath in a comfortable place with warm water

get into the bathtub, and sing

'ahh.. nanana~'

'El, we both want to go out, take care of the house, lock the house if you want to go out'

'yes ma'am'





After Quin and Rein were out for 1 hour, Chloe wanted to go out looking for ingredients for dinner

'I want to go buy ingredients for dinner, does anyone want to come?'

'Jessica wants to come'

'Shekira too'

'El still wants to take a shower in 1 hour'

'Then you bring the house keys, we won't be gone for long'

'okay, you can lock it from outside'

'YES, this way I can do that'

'i will sleep until everyone comes home'

When El wakes up, he hears Shekira and Jessica crying. Then El also heard a male voice outside

'don't worry, your sister will be fine'


then Sam broke down the bathroom door, and saw El passed out in the bathtub (actually El was just asleep)

he picked up El and dried his body, then gave El artificial respiration

then El wakes up and is shocked, and accidentally slaps Sam in the face

'what are you doing!?'

'i help you'

'i don't need your help'

'your lil sister need'

'wt- why are you guys call Sam?'

'because you didn't answer when we called'

'ugh- i just fell asleep'

'i thought you fainted' start crying

'huh- okay sorry for making you guys worry'

then El sent Sam home and apologized for slapping him

then when El came into her room, she fell and fainted with a fever

then Shekira calls Quin, Rein, and Chloe if El has a fever from soaking too long

'what? ugh- she's very stupid'

'oh my.. i will buy medicine for her'

'I'll be home soon'


After everyone got home, El was scolded by Quin for taking the disease so lightly

'sorry Sis'

'why are you so careless that you fall asleep in the bathtub'

'I'm sorry, I promise won't do it again'


Sam knocked on the door, and Jessica opened the door

'hi Jess, is Rein there?'

'yes, she is taking care of El'

'El? What is wrong with her?

'after you came home, she fell in her room and had a fever'

'that's really not surprising, how come she doesn't have a fever after 2 hours of bathing'

'then what are you doing here?'

'I want to give Rein a movie ticket, so can you call Rein out?'

'oh.. okay'

'what's up Sam? why call me out'

'ooh, i just wasn't too give you a movie ticket.. i think you will like it'

'OMG is this the quiet place 7 !?'

'yess, will you come?


'Alright, we'll meet again tomorrow in front of the cinema at 5 pm'


'Then, I'll go home first'

'okay, bye Sam'


'did your boyfriend give you a movie ticket?'

'shut up El, he's not my boyfriend. we are just friends'

'ooh yes sis Rein, before sis El fainted she was kissed by Sam'


'it was just an accident, and he didn't kiss me but gave artificial respiration. but then i slapped him'

'that's sad, i think he really kissed you'

'eww no I don't like it at all'

'are you serious? In the past, you chased his love until you were clearly rejected'

'now it's changed, I don't like him at all'

'ouh okay'

the day has changed, at 3 pm

'El? do you have time?'

'yes i have, what's wrong?'

'today i have a meeting with my lecturer, can you replace me watching with Sam?'

'why not ask someone else for help?'

'i don't have time anymore'

'ughh- ok'

Rein gave the ticket to El

'A quiet place 7? you know i can't watch horror movie right?'

'sorry, but everyone is already out'

'... ok'

then El goes to the cinema at 5 o'clock

'i will make him waiting for me HAHAHA'

'that's rude Mrs Eleanor'

'what? why are you in my house!?'

'i pick you up'

sigh* 'ok'

'How did you know that I would be coming to watch with you?'

'Rein already messages me, if she can't go out with me'


'you look beautiful today Mrs'

'stop calling me Mrs'

'yes Mrs'

'i said SHUT UP'

'... okay'

arriving at the cinema

'give me your ticket'

'for what?'

'i will change it, you don't like horror movie right?'

'how do you know that?'

'your sister tell me'

'ooh, ok'

Sam already change the movie

'what are we going to watch?'

'sex education'




'how dare you say that'

'why can't i?'


then Sam and El go into the cinema

'what is this?'

'just see, then you'll know'


after watching, Sam sent back El

'didn't go in first? maybe there is sis Rein'

'no need, I'll go straight home'

when Sam got in the car, he felt very aroused because of the movie he just saw

he returned to El's house and knocked on the door, and heard a sigh from El's voice

Sam went straight into the house, and saw El who was blushing

El confesses his feelings again to Sam

'Sam I- I love you'


'it's ok, don't answer it'

'I mean, I love you too'

'what? really?'

then Sam kissing with Eleanor

'i love you Sam' crying

'i love you too Eleanor'

then Rein went home with Quin and her 2 younger siblings

'wow, what is this'

'my confess is got accepted'



'I'm happy for you El'

'congrats you two'

'thankyou sis'

After 5 years of dating, Sam and El are getting married. but something unexpected happened the day before the wedding

El was hit by a car and had to be operated on because the bleeding couldn't stop

'El you have to be strong'

'i know you can do this operation'

'my loved, you have to be safe.. You remember, you used to really want to marry me. and tomorrow we will get married'

the operation was carried out for 18 hours, and in the last hour the doctor came out and said

'she is out of critical condition, but we have to keep a close watch on her heartbeat. we don't know when her body can withstand her very weak heart'

. . . . . . . .

I'm sorry that I rarely upload, because as you know if I get an idea from a dream, but lately I rarely dream. Thank you for being faithful to keep reading this novel