
House of Dragon Smaug Rebirth

the title says everything available in: 1) Wattpad (in Spanish Version) : ¿Soy smaug el dorado? 2) MegaNovel (english): House of Dragon Smaug Rebirth 3) GoodNovel (english) : House of Dragon Smaug Rebirth

ZERO_GT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The Most Powerful Dragons Of Mother Rock


Dragon ??: I WANT TO SEE THAT!

* ? muffled sound and explanations ?

Two great Dragons... Only one winner.

It is well known that Dragons are territorial, but these fights are semi-controlled practices by adults, since a small dragon already has all his senses, will, strength, etc. ....

Reason why parents usually abandon them at such an early age, since they are born directly as adults, few parents stay long enough to teach and give experience to the newborn, it is common that a newborn does not know his relatives.

Until then, the leader of the herd or another dragon close to the eggs acquires a need when encountering a fatherless hatchling, to see it fight against another.

Mostly fights arranged between the older ones, this was a test of blood, the rules are simple, the one who manages to kill the other, can ascend to young, among the Dragons there is no rank based on age, but by the fights they have when they reach certain stages, fighting against a pair to get it.

As one ascends the other either dies or drops in rank, regardless of age or size, that is the law of dragons, simpler than it is primitive, but so effective that no dragon dares to break it.

This being the case, two "teenagers" as humans used to call them, were fighting tirelessly to kill each other, the first day was over and many adults and some humans were watching everything, but nevertheless.

The humans were soldiers, the civilians and farmers were sleeping, only those who were on guard were left, the pirates and the guides between Westeros and Essos are quite turbulent in that sense, being the most sensible thing to leave a few with Dragons to guard and illuminate the area. Who would attack an island full of Dragons?

The field of both was at its limit, at the point of fainting from the exhaustion of flying all day, below them were several hatchlings following their example, killing of consuming each other like cannibals.

A few were lucky enough to escape unscathed from this fate, although their original mission was to kill everything in the forest, the youngsters had misinterpreted that order.

Knowing that "everyone in the forest" included but was not limited to themselves as such, that was a big problem, it would take two days longer than expected, everything was a battle.

Death was what he heard in the distance, while a serpentine dragon body approached, smelling more and more the blood of various animals, among them, his brothers, with roar of his stamgo, telling him to go immediately to that place and consume the blood of those dragons and fight by instinct.

Along the way he did not but see animals running towards the outskirts of the forest, surely towards the human camp.

Even if he did not know the foliage of the area, it was easy to deduce that there was no safe place in the forest, so he had to get out of it, and it did not seem that the human camp was the way out. If not, it was the only area of the island that was exposed to open country.

Years of Dragons fighting in that area left their scars in that place, it is not silly to assume that the whole island is forest and that the only flat area is where the Dragons are sleeping.

Every step, every meter less of difference between the snake dragon and the battlefield, was giving him sensations, I know how a fire inside him was growing, euphoria?, assimilation?, joy?, he felt so good that he made snorts and increased the pace running more and more.

==========POV kurotomi =======

Soon I will find out what is happening here, you could say that my "sense of war", takes effect when smelling blood, which is driving me to run absurdly fast, which increases my hunger to consume all the life that is in that place, now it is a necessity.

In front of me, I see... Death.... I see... Trenches?.... I see Dragons about 2 or 3 meters high I guess, I can't calculate their length, but it would be something like a school bus from the United States.

Under that pair, there is no man's land, one dragons prepared in a place that could be said to be trenches, on the other side the same and in the middle corpses, unrecognizable witnesses of what probably happened here. The massacre, and any one, an unprecedented genocide and my estogame only says "consumes, murders, grows, corrupts".

Who am I to refuse, omitting instinct, I ran in a quadrupedal way, little by little I have been getting used to it throughout the day, and I am almost starting to become an expert in this running, passing through no man's land, the two sides turn surprised in my direction.

========End of POV=========

Strangely, both tired Dragons contemplate how a newborn approaches the mud full of corpses of his brothers, it is not strange that they do this kind of acts, but it is even more rare that they do it during a fight.

Looking at each other and turning to the little one who, for some reason, began to tear the flesh of the dead as if they were his prey, without paying attention to them or approaching them in a fearful or confident way, does he think he is superior?

While the Dragons in the trenches, turned to look because the dragons of the opposing side and their "fighter" stopped fighting, looking at him, and then the. In the middle of all the conflict, a smaller dragon entered the battlefield like a silent rat in front of everyone's confused eyes.

All the hostile actions stopped to look at that dragon that ate happily, nobody bothered him, and he had no concern for his surroundings as if he had lived so many times that he walked like a dog in his house.

It is the opportunity to strike the blow, the "champions" stopped fighting and it was time for both sides to make their moves to win this territory for their respective families, or rather for them during this competition, everything would be worth it for that piece of cow that adult dragon offered as a prize.

No one would share it, so they created sides to fight for it, both killing the animals of the forest, and reducing their own numbers so as not to have to share the beef among their peers, only one would eat.

They relied heavily on the champions, but their power was such that they created trenches and barricades to protect themselves from them. At first it was melee in a silly way, but as both sides saw their strongest characters fighting and in turn killing both allies and enemies, it was more than understood that they would have to look for a place to protect themselves or what would be the point of fighting if everyone died in the end.

The strategy was to surround the camp, pass to the side of no man's land and open up to them, no one expected a frontal attack by then, let alone to think what happened later.

=======POV kurotomi =======

I was eating calmly, ¿why the meat tastes so good?, it is like chicken, but with a little spicy when you get to the muscles, soft organs, and the scales would easily pass as nachos before my teeth that broke it easily and painlessly, but did not take away that they were hard above all.

Complying with the agreement, my body was sinking deeper in mud for each corpse I found, I felt thousands of looks, but I did not see anyone near me.


A battle cry, or rather an attempt, it was still weak in intonation, and from the location no wonder it is far away.

The ground trembles, like an earthquake or a warning that something is about to happen, metal against metal, giving start to the pitched battle again, the champions descend from the sky to the trenches to contemplate the field and how several small Dragons come out of nowhere fighting, and like any good unfortunate I am in the middle.

Fighting like animals, fighting like cats and dogs or like my aunt with my uncle the santiagueño over grandma's land, it is with pride that I say, I really need to learn how to fight, if it wasn't for how abnormal my scales are, I would surely be dead at the first bite.

Whenever they try to bite me, their jaw bounces at the resistance, claws snapping at the touch against the surface, throwing sparks of rose between the two objects.

One is highly resistant and the other very sharp, yet nothing gets through, something I've been noticing, it's my tail.

It swings back and forth, beaten, my wings scratching the. Armor of other Dragons, something like every third one of my attacks pierce the. Armor, but we're so much that I fail to kill them, giving him if either down or whatever.

Fire is a key factor, it is me and about 5 others out of the more than 20 that we are without counting the champions that can spit fire. The scales act as reflectors of the flames, only that in bad movement and goodbye or that the scales are not so well developed.

My fire swallows everything it touches, there was even a dragon that because of the heat it felt due to my flames died because it was cooking, maybe the scales reflect the fire so that it does not burn the faithful that is below, but they repel the heat emitted by the same flame.

Of all in the field I am "the most remarkable" not because of my useless way of fighting, but because of the hardness of my scales.

Something that I have noticed is the similarity that they use to organize themselves and not to get confused, one side paints their snouts in blue and the others in red, although they don't need it, it seems that they like to wear it for mere aesthetics.

It is so strange to me that in the two hours of fighting, my brain has not registered anything related to my scales, that is, it is not that I have time because it needs to coordinate my body to prevent any of those teeth or the fire from touching any sensitive or somewhat less hard part of my apparently invulnerable armor.

FIGHTING DRAGON (BLUE SIDE) : You rat who begs for my senizas, yes, your brother with strong scales.... I challenge you to a duel, I'll show who really is the tough one here.

One of the combatants, more specifically the one from the blue side, shouted loudly, for a human it was just a roar, for me "words", if that can be said, basically, why does he want to fight me?

Me: and why should I accept your duel?

DRAGON FIGHTER: are you a real dragon, or are you a bastard snake?

That... That somehow made the fire in me intensify so much that my body emitted heat, the area where the organ that produced fire was located lit up red, giving a look that if I were to release that fire, it would burn anything in front of it, even that strong steel that accidentally created my birth. That would terrify anyone to think that it could be done.

Me: Make that a bastard underdeveloped reptile!

I turn my head slightly at my statement, maybe he still has a basic language, so much so that he can differentiate new words.

Ignoring his curiosity he lunged towards my position, he was much bigger than me, it made him feel imposing to challenge, that's terror.

I am confident that I will win, or well, that's what my instinct makes me believe, but I curse myself internally for listening to my second head and not to my brain....

Come to think of it .... Am I male or female, worse yet, how do I verify that?

Hello everyone, I'm the writer :D, here I leave you the new chapter, I hope you like it, I just finished it and I'm writing the next one, although I'm in constant debate whether to keep Smaug as the main character or to concentrate on Kurotomi...

With nothing more to say, drink water :v

ZERO_GTcreators' thoughts