
Hotel Of Horrors

Hello there! Fellow Adventurers, Soul collectors and ghost-hunters. I am Asura. So, I am being forced by some mysterious power to write this down. I, Asura was just a common average person before I... “F**k!!” "First it was the damn hotel and now you. Just what do you want from me?." "Can't you leave me alone? I swear to god I won't.." An eerie voice interjected Asura's words. "Hehe" "God!!" "Oh Asura!, have you gone mad from spending time in the darkness locked up in these chains." "I already told you, all I required from you is to write out your experiences from the start and Warn them about the dangers you faced. But it seems you are in no condition to do anything." The mysterious voice replied in a tone of exaggerated disappointment. (false)Note: This is a true story of Asura an ordinary young man who got shoved into the world of ghosts, demons, and much more sinister. Read this, if you are interested in ghost hunting or if you are those people who love to revel and enjoy the misery that others went through. You are more than welcome to read. Ps: kadā man Deva. (Never Believe Devas)

KingofMortals · Horror
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18 Chs

Chapter-7 Changes to the body and Mysterious powers

Tick Tock... Tick Tock...

As I sat on the chair looking at the clock moving towards 10:50 pm, I readied my heart and mind to be strong and not get overwhelmed by those ghosts.


As the minute hand stuck at 10:50 pm, my vision blurred for a fraction of a second and I was present in the lobby of the ghost hotel.

I calmly made my way towards the desk and looked at the black wooden board and was surprised to find it had changed. Before it was just plain ordinary old wooden board, but now on the surface, mysterious symbols are present on its surface.

So, it really was the work of this wooden board that gave me this bump or whatever thing on my forehead. I thought to myself and raised my hand and slowly touched the board.

The instant my finger touched the board, it shook slightly, causing me to jump back, and as soon as my finger left the board, it stopped shaking and I wasn't shocked like yesterday.


I gulped in nervousness and took a step forward with more courage this time and placed my entire palm on the surface. The wooden board shook as if it had come back to life and those mysterious symbols started to glow. I looked upon the scene in wonder and awe as those symbols were so mysterious and had an unknown elegance to them.

As the symbols glowed, I felt suction on my palm and I couldn't move my hand anymore. I felt prickly like something was prickling my palm from the board. The courage I made up was gone in an instant and I feared for my life now as I looked at the glowing symbols and the hand. I felt the nerves in my hand constricting and blood flowing out of it onto the board.

"Will I be sucked dry? Oh god, what have I ever done to deserve such a cruel death? " I asked into the air as if God would really answer me. But the reality is, I didn't receive any answer and I also felt the flow of blood stop. Though I couldn't move my hand, it was a big relief to know I wouldn't be sucked dry anymore. The symbols which were glowing with a purple hue turned green with a tinge of gold and all the symbols coalesced towards the center of the palm.

It was weird to watch the symbols that were etched onto the board move around like they were a liquid surface. They moved towards my palm and crawled over onto my hand, up to my shoulder, and made their way towards my forehead and the heart.

I couldn't see what they were doing to my body, but I could see what was happening on the back of my hand. The symbols set up themselves in a complex matrix. Those symbols have some kind of resemblance to the Sanksrit script I saw long ago. But that's all I could confer from them as they're too complex and make me feel vertigo the longer I look at them. So I turned my head and just kept an eye on them from the corner of my eyes.

The waiting felt like hours, but after 10 seconds, the symbols disappeared into the skin, leaving a small golden green-colored tattoo on the palm. I tried moving my hand and it easily moved. I happily backed away from the board and was about to check myself when the clock stuck at 11:00 pm.

I turned around to look at the watch and then continued looking at the tattoo. It was then that I felt a hot sensation in my heart. It was warm, like summer heat, and the warmth seemed to be moving along with my heartbeat.

With each beat, the warmth pulsed from the heart and I could feel it traveling along the body towards my head, eyes, palms, and two legs. As the warmth met the symbols on the palm, they too warmed up and pulsed and started to flow back and forth. I simply sat on the chair and waited for whatever was happening to end. I did not even think about my life anymore as I felt powerless to do anything when it comes to these supernatural powers.

After a few minutes of the pulsing and flowing around my body, the warmth felt like it had turned into a hot ball of fire and, in what seemed to be a final push, the ball of fire traveled along the nerves towards the heart and then onto the neck and crawled up to the eyes and then on to the forehead and exploded.


I let out a bestial scream as I felt like my head was being burned from the inside out as I sat there clutching my head screaming wildly in pain as tears flowed out of my eyes and everything went blank except for the horrendous pain I felt. But surprisingly, even in such pain, I didn't pass out and was feeling it fully. After an unknown amount of time, a cooling sensation flooded my entire head from the point of my forehead.

It instantly made the horrific pain go away and I felt my thoughts clearing up. I released my hands that were clutching my head and raised myself up and sat properly as I was feeling the sensation of a lifetime. I felt my mind clearing up like a fog had been lifted. Same with my eyes. Everything I saw looked like it had been enhanced with a clarity filter and I could see much better than before.


The cooling sensation passed through my entire body, making me feel rejuvenated as I let out a moan in pleasure of it.

After a few seconds, the cooling sensation was gone, but the feeling of clarity was still there. It is like it has been there since my birth. My thought process, sight, senses, everything seemed to have gone through an upgrade.


As I was having a great time feeling myself, the hotel's door creaked heavily, causing me to break out of my thoughts. I shifted my gaze up towards the ghost, who I probably know is the fat man.


Every time I looked at him, it was just an obese man with fast jingling all around his body, but this time I was able to see more and that made me take a sharp intake of air through my mouth.

The overweight man who already looked grotesque even in human form now looked truly like the ghosts they show in films. His flesh was torn and hanging all over him as his skull was crushed and flattened with no eyeballs and his form looked like someone had placed it under some heavy machine and crushed it.

He looked like a flattened mass of flesh and bones. The only section that resembled his usual self was his right hand, which he now used to take out the Id card and patted on the table.