
Hotel Asphodel

After death, the souls of the departed are guided by beings to either Heaven or Hell. But what if one day, souls are unable to ascend or descend because of their lack of peace even after life? Kazu Shinoaki, an 18-year old university student used to see ghosts when he was young. After an encounter with a mysterious building, he was able to see ghosts again. Because of this, he was hired by Hotel Asphodel, a hotel where ghosts stay until they find peace. His job is to help the souls find peace so they can either ascend or descend Heaven or Hell. All Rights Reserved 2020. Ivan G. Arroyo.

ItsIvanArroyo · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Part 6 - In The Upper Residential Area

I kept running around in circles, but there's no sign of her anywhere. I'm tired, but I won't give up. I took another right turn, to a street I have never been into before, and proceed-




Across from me is a woman lying down in the middle of the street. She was pretty visible because she was lying down in the middle of the spotlight of the streetlight. And around her is a small puddle of blood.

I froze in place. I pulled out my phone and called the hospital. Immediately after that, I ran towards her. I dropped my bag of groceries and knelt beside her.

"Miss, are you with me?" I said loudly, my voice trembling. I have never seen a dead body before. IF this was a dead body. I kept calling for her as I look for a pulse in her wrist and her neck.

No luck. She's dead.

As I was about to stand up, I saw something peculiar happening.

Poppy flowers start to slowly bloom around the body. "Huh? What the hell?!" I said to myself out loud.

Startled by the blooming poppies, I got up and backed further from the body. A ray of light began to illuminate above her. Dark feathers began to fall from the light.

And in the light, a figure of a man slowly appears. The man with a hair that reached his shoulder, wearing a full-black suit, spreads his wings and slowly descends from his body. He also has a sword in its sheath hanging from the side of his slacks, and on his left hand, he holds an upside-down torch.

All of the things that I see here is familiar. I began to recall all of my research and that one class I had in Greek Mythology earlier.

I stood here, thinking, What the hell is happening? Am I dreaming? All of this is too surreal. Just earlier, I saw the ghost of the woman I've been longing to see, now I see a dead body in the middle of the road, and now Thanatos is here to pick up the soul of this dead person.

As the winged man landed on his feet, his right hand cupped the cheek of the dead woman. Slowly, the soul of the woman detached from her own body. She looked at her arms, then behind her, where she saw her lifeless body. She was alarmed by the sight of it.

"Don't be alarmed, my lady," The soothing calm voice of the winged man said. "Come with me."

I didn't realize it, but now she was looking at me. The man also noticed me and realized that I was looking at them. Both were alarmed but continued in what they are doing.

The ghost of the woman held the hand of the winged man. He looked up at the night sky then spreads his wings. He slowly ascended to the sky, the ghost of the woman ascending with him to the ray of light.

"Wait, don't go yet!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, but it was too late.

They disappeared as soon as they passed through the light.