
Death and R.O.B.,Wishes

In a void of darkness a soul from earth floating for a very long time he kept his sanity just after remembering the past life events.at first he fell in despair but after some time he managed to regain his sanity.he is a young orphan man soul named David who has enough money left by his parents before they died in plan crash accident.After his parents die he felt that he left alone but then he joined army so he felt distracted and after 6 years of his service in army then he has to retire because of injury in battle so he come back home after that because he was alone he took interest in novel ,mangas,manhwa and shows after that he get addicted to it so much that he read every novel and seen every show about fantasy then one day suddenly he felt pain at heart and died.then he is here as he is thinking of previous life as a little light surges from the corner of eye than it just get bigger and his eyes facing difficulty to open them but slowly he adapted to it then he slowly find himself into a totally white room in front of him sit and old man stroking his white beard in kind impression.

Old man stare at him after he started to talk"how are you little boy"with curiosity "I have never seen a soul of mortal that can endure this much darkness after all they will easily perish easily because mortal like you have a short life time to explore the mystery of life and understand about patience.

"Do you rob that reincarnate"asked the man"oh where's my manners yes I am the reincarnater and i am on the misson to select a candidate to save the world and I think you're a perfect candidate what do you think"said the old man "well which world is it some modern world or some of world with magic or those supercool martial arts world"ask the man in excitement" " well this world is very familiar to you of your favourite novel and shows game of thrones and house of the dragon"said old man"isn't that world is already saved because the prince that was promised"asked in confusion"yes that is the case what when that happens old gods of the world are already on extinct and those fucking Targaryen does not have a good head on their shoulders that even in the Dynasty of close to 300 years they can't even fucking stablize their own realm and top of that they also loose their dragon that make the already existing tiny magic to extinct so the old and original gods of this planet want to interfere with this what we can't change the destiny with our power's so we appeal to one of the top god of universe which we work under and he agreed what he also can't change the destiny of planet, what he said that he can interfere in this planet with his power's to certain extent so you will be send there what you can't rule the land of westeros from the start you can rule the land after the Targaryen dragon died"said the god,after adjusting the words of god the soul was little irritated"and then where I am going to rule over am I going to southroes"the man said"no the god said he is going to create a little more earth on the sea surface in the right side of the North.the land is almost 80% of the same land as the north in the sunset sea. Which almost hundred miles away from north and 200 miles away from land of always winter which will be like southroes on the surface so no one has gone to this island and also because the weather is almost the same as north what it is the richest land with mountains of gold , silver,iron, copper, diamonds, many type of stones, natural water resources that will help you to create your own kingdom so you revive the magic to run this world"said rob"so which time I am going I mean if I am going after the conquest of westeros then i have little to no chance to make my kingdom and what of my background"said the soul with"you will be the exiled prince of most powerful family of Valyria "The dragoneel family" named "Alexander dragoneel"because you or the man you take place against slavery what he also knows that he can't stop the slavery alone if most slave on his own can't even have thought of having freedom so his family think that he is weak minded and not have enough heart to rule over there family and Valyria where everyone is slave except 40 noble families what they can't kill you since you are the heir of family so you will exile with your 10,000 people who worship you as a king because of your kindness so you left with them with your dragon dragoneel". After thinking about many things the soul said " well my background is okay but I am thinking since it's the quest of gods and i am going to be reincarnated so there will be wishes right.rob staring at him said"yes there are wishes if I were to reincarnate you so there will be three wishes but because of top god inference now there are five wishes so choose wisely because they will be much more important in your journey also you can't wish something too much powerful because this will interrupt the world so there will be some restriction on the wishes.

After hearing rob words the soul start thinking about but to wish or not"ok i am done thinking my first wish is that I want asgardian top grade bloodline,dragon King bloodline,first man bloodline"."well this will be diffecult because asgardian bloodline is too powerful so I will give you it's long age,magic talent and total phisical enhancement that's all and dragon King bloodline and first man bloodline will be added to your second wish because they are of this world and from them you can get fire and ice immunity and if you drop a blood of your with dragon King bloodline they will be your to command they like live a peaceful life don't agressive as Targaryen and other dragon will also be respectful to you but they can't do anything for you since they will have a partner which they will be loyal and you can also get a greenseer ability and the ability to warg but you need to train in them to master them.

"Since second wish is completed then my third wish is knowledge about every profession in this world which make my people life good in this world and with miltery knowledge how to manage them or how to train them from all medival world's"."A good request which also fit in the criteria of one wish so granted.

"My forth wish is all the magic knowledge of Harry Potter world"said soul"well this can be granted because this is a world of magic and you need to know that this is not a world of technology so make sure that you can't make any technical thing otherwise this world will make rebound to anything that can't come with magic.

"I understand that this world is magical so I think it's okay and I also don't want them to send missile on my kingdom.so my last wish is earthbending of avatar world."well this power is little overpowered so you can't use this power to attack anyone you can help with this power to build your country or you can create volcano or mountains so u can build good structure for building that's all".after that I want to know about more things but there nothing left for me to see since I again swept into darkness".