
HOTD: Aerion Targaryen

- I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · TV
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Chapter 24

Outside the courthall,

Maester Luwin's eyes bore into Grandmaester Mellos, his voice edged with frustration. "You said all evidence regarding Maester James's experimentation and our involvement were taken care of. Then what is this?"

Grandmaester Mellos remained silent, the weight of the situation heavy upon him. "Maester Luwin," he finally spoke, "I had my men clear the chamber of everything. That is the truth. But now, it seems either the prince forged evidence or Maester James betrayed the Citadel."

Luwin clenched his fists, forcing himself to breathe. "Do you think he has more evidence against us?"

Grandmaester Mellos leaned back, his expression grave. "I believe he does, but for now, he won't reveal it. Perhaps he's biding his time."

"But why? The prince is clever and loyal to his house. If he has damning evidence, he won't stay silent," Luwin argued.

"Last night, I spoke with him," Grandmaester Mellos confessed. "From his words, I sensed that he's well aware of the Citadel's past and current actions against House Targaryen."

"And Maester James's arrest?" Luwin pressed. "Was it mere coincidence?"

"No," Grandmaester replied. "It was planned. The Targaryens may not yet know all our secrets, but the prince is no fool. His actions are a warning to us and the Citadel."

Luwin's mind raced. "If he does possess evidence, it will be a problem. But if he doesn't, today could be the end for him. The small council and the lords won't tolerate him breaking the ban and claiming Dreamfyre."

Grandmaester Mellos shook his head. "I'm less hopeful. Prince Aerion isn't like other Targaryens. He sees the real enemies to his house. Last night, I glimpsed not another Daemon or Jaehaerys Targaryen, but a Maegor Targaryen—one with strength and wisdom."

"And you don't think he'd be foolish enough to claim Dreamfyre now?" Luwin asked.

"No," Grandmaester Mellos said firmly. "He knows the Citadel's reach, and he needs his house's support more than ever."

Luwin sighed. "I'll convene with the other elders after my return. It seems Maester James is a lost cause."

As the trial resumed, the final pieces of evidence were presented. Aerion's men brought forth the blood and flesh samples, laying them out for all to see. From the scales it was proven to be that of Dreamfyre.

The trial reached its climax as Aerion made his closing argument. "For house Targaryen and the Targaryen Dynasty, Dragons aren't just some weapon or beast but an integral part of the house and it's history.

My actions were in defense of the realm and my house, for creatures that are our heritage and our strength. I stand before you, not as a prince, but as a member of House Targaryen as I accuse Maester James of treason against the Targaryen dynasty and the kingdom ." Aerion stated.

"Let it be known to all," he declared after a brief silence, his gaze piercing through the crowd until it rested on Grandmaester Mellos and Luwin. "Whosoever harbors ill will or schemes against House Targaryen shall meet their demise, consumed by the fiery wrath of our dragon's breath."

The entire court fell into an eerie silence, gripped by the palpable murderous intent emanating from Aerion. His eyes, bloodthirsty and unwavering. bore into the souls of those present. Not only the Maesters, Otto, and the members of the small council were shaken but even Viserys and the other members of Aerion's family felt their hearts constrict in fear.

King Viserys rose from the Iron Throne, breaking the tense atmosphere he declared his decision clear. "The evidence speaks for itself. Maester James, you have betrayed your vows and endangered one of our greatest treasures. You are hereby stripped of your title and shall face the consequences of your actions."

"Is there anything else you wish to say Maester Luwin, Grandmaester Mellos." Viserys asked both Maester's.

"I have nothing to say sire, Maester James actions had not only betrayed his vows but also brought shame on Citadel." Grandmaester Mellos stated his eyes unconsciously glancing at Aerion with murderous eyes looking at him and a smirk on his lips.

The throne room erupted into murmurs as the king's verdict was delivered.

Maester James would be publicly executed and the crown will investigate this matter in detail.

Aerion smiled as he observed the members of the small council and the trial concluded with a sense of justice that had long been absent from the halls of power.

As the court dispersed, the king remained seated, everyone left with only Aerion left just as he was about to leave Viserys spoke "Aerion, I would like to have a conversation with you, do come to my chamber later."

The sun hung high in the sky, The people of king'slanding stood there in shock. The air was thick with the scent of blood and the murmurs of the crowd, who had witnessed the execution of Maester James. His demise served as a stark warning to all who harbored ill will against the Targaryen dynasty.

In the aftermath, King Viserys returned to the Red Keep, his expression somber yet resolute. The small council awaited him, their faces a mixture of relief and apprehension. Without delay, Viserys dispatched a group of guards with a sealed message for Daemon Targaryen, Aerion's uncle, who had been away for quite some time.

The council convened, and Viserys spoke of his decision to send reinforcements to Daemon, who was locked in a fierce struggle against the Triarchy.

The king's voice echoed within the stone walls, "We must support the war put an end to this war, for this conflict had been going on for too long." Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, didn't object as he nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with the logistics of the task.

"Sire the, rumers regarding Aerion claiming Dreamfyre has spread beyond the walls of Redkeep, soon lord's will stand up questioning his actions." Master of coin Lyman Beesbury stated.

"Yes Lord Lyman I'm very well aware of it, but whether he claimed Dreamfyre is still a question." Viserys answered.

"and if he did break the ban I will surely judge him fairly" Viserys added.

"Yes your Grace " Lord Lyman answered.

After the meeting adjourned, Viserys sought counsel with his daughter, Rhaenyra. The matter of her marriage weighed heavily upon him, and instead of imposing a suitor, he chose to heed his wife the current Queen Alicent's advice. "My dear, the choice shall be yours," he assured her, a gentle smile gracing his lips as he offered Rhaenyra to travel across Westors and find her match just as he did. Rhaenyra's eyes sparkled with gratitude, her heart lightened by the prospect of choice.

The evening fell upon the castle, and Aerion made his way to the king's chamber. The door creaked open to reveal Viserys, a solitary figure against the backdrop of the dimly lit room. A glass of wine rested in his hand, the ruby liquid reflecting the flickering candlelight. "Come in Aerion" the king beckoned.