
Hot mist

Anastasia_Hauflin · Fantasy
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5 Chs

It begins

A village in a dark era and monsters that lurk in the shadows . Not knowing where to go or if they even harm or want to harm you… for my parents that wasn't the case. I am part human from my father's side. A kind man that took a demon in when in need and saw that she was not a monster but an angel . I am called Lola the daughter of Shaw and Ren . I am half panther , with the features of my fathers human qualities but my mothers sleek curves . There is only one difference between me and the villagers that live around us,and that is a tail . My tail is my best tool but is my worst feature living Amongst others but there is nothing I can do but try and hide it so I can live my life… it is hard living in a village that fears something that they don't understand let alone somebody they don't know. My father was the healer of the village until my mother showed up and scared them by her shadow like appearance. When everyone that was a regular ran off they eventually said he was the best and came back to his business until my grandfather the chief of my mothers tribe outside the village and killed my father and stole my mother after she had me and tried raising me as a human as long as she could. I am on my own and run the shop now. I have abilities that others don't mind or seem to care but if I do a good job they come back for more.

I was in the field picking the ingredients for my next patient cure the pain in their neck and I heard I snap of a twig behind me. I felt eyes on me but when I saw no one was there I put my defenses up and ran like lighting into the forest across from the clearing. I ran and someone followed. I came up on to the mountain Miles away from the village . I came upon a hot spring next to the foot of the mountain and jumped it then hid in the bushes.