
Hot mist

Anastasia_Hauflin · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 the introductions

His name was chase from a town miles away on the other side of the mountains. I listened to him explain that he had friends here that are human and understand that his village needed help and I was the closest help that he could find. People have told chase that I was human that helped people with remarkable skill with medicine . I corrected him by lifting up my tail from out under my skirt…. And said "your friends got the skills right,but human , I am not." He looked at me like it made more sense that I had such speed and skills and put a palm to his head . Chase continued and said "well of course your a half demon seeing that you bare no mark on you of a demon ." He lifted up his shirt revealing his chest that was sculpted like marble and abs that trailed down to no end …. He showed me what every demon had that marked them to be deemed to be a demon plus whatever power he had. It was like a birth mark that was unusually accurate with imagery having the image be of a cobra head baring it's fangs. I stood staring listening him talk about how he came here and how he tracked me down . But never expected me to run off before he could get to me then he stopped mid sentence realized I was staring at him. I blushed .

Chase called my name ,"Lola ". I snapped out of it and said " come to my place and we can make arrangements to travel to the village soon" . Chase grabbed my hand and squeezed . I lowered my gaze and raced him back to town and to my hut.