
Hot Bloodsuckers’ Obsession

[Mature Content 18+] In the world of Alphas with power to control minds, hand out excruciating pain and even seduce you to your death such that you die with a smile on your face. Yin Zhu was born an Omega. A slave without any magic. In Bloodlock being an omega meant that you were no better than a rug under the feet of the alphas. In fact, even rug had much more importance than Yin Zhu who was born as an omega. Her life was destined to be spent under the dominance of the alphas of the Situ family. At least no one knew that she was an omega, as long as no one found out that she was an omega she was safe. But at the age of eighteen, she was dragged to the Situ mansion, because of a mistake and now she have to serve in the family of a Vampires but it was fine right? As long as she stayed away from them she will be all right. Wrong. She ended up attracting the attention of the three young masters even when she didn’t meant to, one by one their gazes locked on her, in a manner she did not mean to —— by disrespecting them. Proud and arrogant as they were they didn’t want to let her go so easily. Now she have to serve them and protect herself as well, for if these men found out that she was an omega it was either death or a life of imprisonment. ———————— “ Did you go somewhere?”spoke a voice in the dark room, causing Yin Zhu’s eyes to go wide with fear. She turned around the room when another voice called from behind, the cold breath of the man skimming over her shoulder, “ I think she was out in the garden, her skin is cold.” Nervously, Yin Zhu turned around but the man behind her was gone, she swallowed hard as she squinted her eyes trying to make the silhouettes of the men who were hiding in her room. “ W..What are you doing in my room?” “ What are we doing in her room, she asks,” chuckled a third voice causing goosebumps to break all over her skin. When the figure of the man sitting on the chair next to the tea table stood up and started walking towards her. As he started to walk towards her the rest moved and circled her like a prey, the handsome features of the men illuminated in the moonlight making them look even scarier than they do. “ We came to see our omega,” said number one as he tilted his head and smiled at her. “ What about you? Where are you coming from, hmm?” “ I ..I just went out on a walk,” she replied as quickly as possible but then she heard someone behind her chuckle and Yin Zhu could feel her doom coming close. She tried to side step the two men but then she was caught by number three, his arms tightening around her waist as she tried to escape the two man, a dangerous growl rumbling in his chest that reverberated on her back . The two men walked closer to her as the first one raised his hand and cupped her face while the other caught hold of her silvery lock that was cascading over her shoulder. One of them skimmed his hand over her jaw and neck before splaying his fingers over her chest. “ Your heart is thumping rather loud, did you go on a run?” Yin Zhu didn’t answer for she knew that the three men knew she was lying, they could see through her lies better than she could see through their games. The man behind her leaned forward and whispered against her ear, “ Were you trying to run away with him?” “ Maybe I should wring the neck of that human after all, hmm? What do you say, sugar?”chortled the third.

fairytail72 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
573 Chs


Yin Zhu stared at the look of concern on her father's face and lightly said, " I am just going to work as a maid father, why will I get involved with those young masters? I mean sure they are some big, bad blood suckers but surely they wouldn't attack a maid like me right? I mean how embarrassing it would be for them to go after a maid who doesn't even have an ounce of interest in them?"

" Well, I just hope you are right," said Father Yin as he handed her and Yin Xia a cup of lemon tea each.

" Don't worry father, I will go and discuss it with Madam Huo tomorrow," said Yin Xia as she took a couple of sips of her lemon tea before adding quickly, " I will go and have a conversation with her, I am sure she would understand and let Zhu'er work with me. Madam Huo is a nice woman despite being a bit stern."

Madam Huo was the caretaker of the Situ family, it was said that she used to work as the nanny of the three young masters and when they got old, the three arranged for Madam Huo to work in the mansion. Even though the three young men were as wild as a Pallas shifter on catnip, they were very respectful of Madam Huo who have sort of raised them after the death of Master Situ's first wife.

" Yes, I am sure that Madam Huo would understand as long as nothing happens because even if she is nice, she listens to everything that the three young masters have to say,—-" he paused and took a whiff of the air, it was filled with a sultry scent and if he wasn't a beta and the father of the omega he was sure that he would have gotten crazy because of the scent.

Angry at the lack of Yin Zhu's attention he whirled around and asked in frustration, " Yin Zhu! Don't let me know that you have been skipping on your suppressants!"

Yin Zhu stiffened as she choked on the sip of tea she has just taken, because of what she was she would have to take suppressants along with carrying the omega ring with her when she was nearing her heat cycle.

The only downside of taking suppressants was that it hurt a lot.

" I...I have been taking them—-" she tried to worm her way out of the incoming danger but it was too late Father Yin has already picked up the feather duster and now he was wielding it like a sword. " You damned girl, I am going out of my mind worrying about you and you are actually acting like this? Come here, I will teach you a lesson!"

Yin Zhu immediately placed the cup on the table and then rushed towards Yin Xia, she almost slipped on the floor but somehow stopped herself from falling on the floor. And hid behind her sister who almost got toppled on the floor when Yin Zhu hurled all her weight upon her. " I didn't mean to do it," she said with a pleading voice. " I was …I was just busy thinking about how am I going to work in the Situ family and forgot all about it!"

" If you are going to be this careless then you might as well pack your bags and leave for the eighth cycle, I will tell the master that you found a mate and left!" Father Yin was very angry at his daughter's inability to understand what kind of dangers she might get into if she was to be caught by an alpha.

She was an omega the rarest among the three genders, if she was caught by an alpha then it would be almost impossible for him to rescue her.

Afraid that he will say something hurtful, he picked up his hat and then strode out of the house leaving the two sisters alone.

Only after Father Yin left did Yin Zhu step out from her sister's behind and sulkily said, "It's easy for him to say, he doesn't know how bad it hurts to take the suppressants."

" Father is just worried about you, Zhu'er," said Yin Xia as she helped Yin Zhu onto the bed and then went to look inside the cabinet where she kept Yin Zhu's suppressants. Once she found what she was looking for Yin Xia pulled the book-shaped box out and then flipped it open, inside the book were four bottles of glowing blue needles.

Yin Zhu glanced at the needles and shuddered, she really hated them.

"Just take in a deep breath and hold it in, you won't even know and it will be over," Yin Zhu knew that her sister was lying to her, she knew that suppressants hurt no matter how many deep breaths she took but she too knew that it was important so she drew in a deep breath and pushed her hand away, exposing a side of her glands to sister.

" Get it over with," she said with an air of a sacrificial lamb causing Yin Xia to chuckle. " It won't hurt, I will try my best."

But it did hurt.

Yin Zhu had to grit her teeth as the needle pricked her skin as the blue liquid flowed within her glands, it was as if someone poured hot magma inside her veins, shutting down the sultry scent that was emitting from them.

"Your heat cycle must be almost here," said Yin Xia as she breathed in relief as soon as the scent was gone. " Make sure that you don't miss the suppressants when you are at the Situ mansion or you wouldn't even get a chance to save your life."

" I know it was just a stupid decision anyway," said Yin Zhu as she rubbed her slightly swollen glands. " Who would have thought that the day I decided to skip the suppressants my heat cycle would arrive?"

" Well, you should have known that after all, you are the most unfortunate omega born in this world."

" Damn you, sister!"