
Chapter 1: Lea

As I started running towards my car, Miss Alison called my name from behind, standing in the shed near the school. I turned my face to look at her, she was wearing a long lavender skirt and a woolen top of the same color. I don't like the black and silver wrist bands she wore every day, I don't think she took them off in years but I like her long blonde straight hair she never tie them, well not in front of me though "wait, there is something I want to talk to you about" I already knew what she'd talk about. "Can we talk later? It's raining and I'm already getting late" After a pause, she said, "I know your mom is waiting for you but give me two minutes, it's about your physics test". I knew my performance was poorer than usual this time and this would take longer than two minutes. "Miss Alison I'm sorry.... It's a lot going on and I couldn't focus. I'll try my best next time." She inhaled a deep breath. "I know it's hard for you dear but getting a "D" in one of the main subjects in sciences is not going to help you fulfill your dream of becoming a doctor". She was telling me this like I didn't know. "I will try trust me". She sighed "okay... say hello to your mom from me". Miss Alison was one of my mother's best friends and my physics teacher at High school.I knew her since my childhood. She is in her late forties, six years older than my mom but looked younger than her. It was obvious because she was healthier and happier than her. She is so fit, she exactly know what food is good for her health and what exercises would make her slim.She loves her body so much, she never had children. I told her goodbye and ran towards my car not letting rain drops ruin my mint green bag pack. "Good evening miss Lea" my driver Jay said to me when I set in the car. Jay is our driver since my parents got married, and he is the oldest of our servants. He is in his late fifties, skinny and always gives the best advice on every topic studies or even boys. In this hardest time of my life he is been, my supporter. He is one my father trusted the most. "Good evening"


My mother was sleeping when I reached the hospital, watching her suffer in so much pain my heart ached but I promised myself that I would never show her how much agony I was in, I'd never cry once in front of her. I always tried to show her that things were normal by not making her feel that she was sick, always talking to her and try not to mention dad and Ryan but she always bought them up in conversations which made things hard for me thank god she is sleeping if she weren't she would try to make me sad. I went to the cafeteria of the hospital where I saw him for the first time buying an expresso til today I always watched him buying it nothing else, god is this man just alive on coffee? Won't he need anything else to keep himself alive like solid food or a grilled cheese sandwich like I and other human beings do? Maybe I would ask him out for coffee or something but that day was not today he has to wait until it all ends and I will feel less pain, the day when my heart will ache less from this pain and will come back to life again. Usually, I try not to look at him and only stare at him when he is busy doing other things like talking to someone or busy staring at his phone but today he is alone and not using his phone sitting in front of me( on another table which is in front of me) staring at me with such naked lust and their Although, I am trying to focus on eating my cheese sandwich he is so irresistible, his hazel brown eyes and thin mouth he is sipping his coffee. In all the noise pollution of this cafeteria, I can only hear him swallow his coffee down his throat.


"Hey honey, how's your day?" my mother asked in a whispered voice "it was great, and guess what?" I continue trying to make it sound exciting "The doctors told me you are recovering rapidly... This means we can go home soon" worries spread across her face, "mm hmm" she tries to force a smile and close her eyes trying to hold her tears. Memories rushing through my mind "goodbye Lee, and break a leg for the competition"The last words he said to me echoed in my ears. I immediately run out of her room and bang, my eyes shut close and I fall back "aa ooh, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking" his strong and hard voice comes out soft this time. He stands up in no time, taking his right hand forward to help me "Are you okay?" It all looks like a dream, I am about to hold James Daniel's hand. I take a deep breath and place my hand on his and stand up by taking its support. Yea... I'm okay." His hazel Brown eyes are staring straight into mine, saying so many unsaid things. "Lea, right?" Oh my God, knows my name, I never thought that he knew my name. Is this all real? I'm trying to find my voice which is lost in a daze right now. Watching me suffer for words his facial expressions are confused "yea.. yea" I respond in a breaking voice. "How's your mother's condition now? I was checking her with Dr. Kevin when she first got here but then Dr. Kevin moved to another patient." I cannot believe that I almost forget to breathe. "She is better now, Dr. Kevin even said she can go home soon" he simper "that is great" I forced a smile, and a nurse called him and he excuses me and left.