
Horus: The Forsaken Sage

Humans... The beings that were forsaken by the Existence faced their last battle with the utmost conviction to save their race.... "Conviction my ass, every single great family was a slave to those lizards damn those son of bitches" ----------------- ---------------- ------------------- --------------- -------- [I the World Spirit of Celestia greet My Son Alexander Sylvius, it's about time you reclaim what's yours, and shed that weak past of yours.......] "You have awakened huh, now that everything is doomed! Took you long enough" The humans were even forsaken by their own world spirit.... -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- [Alexander, My Son are you ready to enter the Genesis Plane] Yes, The genesis plane, the strongest pillar of existence, where the laws governing the reality resides, the plane which held the secrets to.............. ------------------ [Fate Of Oroborus] The Timeline resets causing the future to be disrupted from the original path... ---------------- Join to see how Alexander schemes against other nations, destroy the plans of other Race and bring Forsaken Beings to the Peak of what the universe has to serve... And unravels the mysteries surrounding his existence... ______________________________________________ hi there! thank you for reading my novel, do let me know if you have any suggestions, or advices you would like to share, critisism much appreciated

Infinity_Quill · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 Awakening in the Genesis Plane

Alex flicked out, and found himself in an unknown place, a realm of swirling energies and ethereal light. The air shimmered with colors that defied description, and the ground beneath him seemed to pulse with life, every now and then a cryptic storm of information appeared, as if making one believe they exist within a stimulation.

"Where in the flicking Celestia am ? Has the time not reversed successfully?? didn't I just jump into the river of tim.... e?"

In the distance, a colossal throne rose from the mist, and upon it sat a figure whose presence defied comprehension. As if sensing Alex's gaze the Lord gazed back towards Alex.

As Alex approached, his vision began to blur. The Lord's form was indistinct, shifting between shapes and genders, an amalgamation of all possibilities and none.

His mind struggled to grasp the kind of existence he was facing, the sheer weight of the Lord's existence pressed down upon him, crushing his thoughts into incoherence. He collapsed to his knees, consciousness slipping away.

While Alex was unconscious, within his mind space, a soft, soothing light began to glow. It grew brighter, coalescing into the form of a woman—otherworldly and breathtakingly beautiful, with an aura of gentle power. She was the World Spirit of Celestia, and she had come to him in his time of need.

"Wake up, My son" she said, her voice a melodious echo that filled his mind. "You can't waste this opportunity, times running out."

Alex stirred, his eyelids fluttering open. He was back in his mind space, a tranquil void illuminated by the World Spirit's radiance.

He pushed himself up, anger started to flare within him listening to the once soothing sound , even forgetting to question where he had landed himself into..... He flared up.

"You! Why are you appearing now" Alex said as he felt deep rage coursing through his soul... The rage hiding a sense of deep regret and break down..

"Where were you when everyone who idealized you as their Deity died a pitful death, where were you while every child of yours was praying to you....you too just like the Gods have forsaken us.... "His voice sounded desolate.

"Even then you had the face to appear before me" he snapped, his voice tinged with arrogance. Not able to control his emotions any longer he said "You should have been a bit useful for once Celestia"

The World Spirit's eyes suddenly striked, displaying a very mixed show of emotions, flicker of sadness and anger crossing her perfect features as if ready to drown the whole world in disarray.... She controlled her jumbled heart and with a shaky voice she said "Alex," her tone shriveled up as she continued "Please forgive this Unworthy Mother of yours for once..... Would you? "A tone so soothing to the heart which would make one dir in order to hear it just once more.

"But why can't you Understand Alex that I have tried everything... " Just as she was about to finish her sentence

"No! No! You did nothing.... Celestia" Alex finished his sentence with a look so devoid of life as if sucked off all the life from his soul. Stress could be seen all over his soul as if about to just burn everything....

Just when he was about to have a break down he felt a cold hand touch his cheeks spreading a cold breeze through his soul calming him down and making his dark clouds of thought blocking the light in head vanish.....

"You need to understand the reality of our situationsituation Alex... I tried everything.... " Celestia said with a tone as if a mother boasting about her child's achievements "And the proof is you...My Strongest Chess Piece, Alex. "

She extended her hand, and the space around them shifted. "Let me show you, it will be much easier."

Soon Alex saw grids made up of light luminating the surrounding And within those grids he saw himself in various scenarios—moments when he had wasted his potential, times when he had relied too heavily on his own arrogance and his background, and not enough on the gifts and help he had been given. Each scene showed the Celestia intervening, guiding him, protecting him from his own recklessness.

A sense of worthlessness passed through the once arogant king. Alex was once again reminded of how useless his thinking was.

"You think you have achieved everything on your own Alex?" she asked, her voice "You have no idea how often I have had to step in to save you from yourself. You waste your talent, only getting serious when it's almost too late."

"Even when you were completing the array it was me who was making you subconsciously complete the array, it was me who secretly provided energy to the array, believe it or not, even if the whole of your subjects gave every bit of their mana, you still wouldn't be able to complete the array."

"Did you really think that spell of yours would have worked?? "

Alex's arrogance began to crumble under the weight of her words. He saw the truth in the scenes she showed him, saw how she had been his silent protector and guide. His head bowed, shame washing over him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't realize..."

Celestia's expression softened, her anger melting away. She approached him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Alex, I understand what you have been through, I have been with you during your whole life, I too have been a part of your life. But you must understand your responsibilities towards your people now and take this change to right your wrongs."

"You need to trust me and use your gifts wisely this time Alex. Because this time the fate of the Humans lies within your hand"

He nodded, his voice subdued. "But what am I supposed to do now?"

'You will be regressing, but just regressing isn't going to do it, there are a lot of things you are in dark about, just know that we will chain you to the genesis plane, also let remind you, regressing isn't a childs play, with the stunt we will be pulling there is a huge price to pay, who knows maybe by the time you regress things won't be the same, the timeline for sure will decay, and bring about uncertain changes"

" Wait what that's too much to handle...please say a bit slower"

She took a pause and stared Alex in the eyes, and asked "We don't have that much time Alex, I just want to ask are you still sure you wish to go with it? "

Alex, contemplated and then he remembered the sacrifice of his people and his vow to never let them down, his eyes blazed with cold determination, as he nodded his head.

She smiled, a mix of affection and determination. "Follow me. It's time to fulfill our Duties"

Together, they rose and made their way back to the Genesis Plane. Celestia's aura enveloped Alex, shielding him from the oppressive gaze of the Lord on the throne.

They approached the only source of light which was shrunken to a size of a bead yet it was the source of all those storms. The source was so bright as if the light would be enough to light up the whole of the universe if ever let free. Though so bright it was mysticaly inviogarating to the eyes... Making one look at them infinitely.

Taking a peek in the bead of light Alex gasped, as he felt his soul crumbling witnessing the scene that he just saw his senses unable to comprehend even a single segment of what he saw but looking at this scene he felt his soul resonating as if it is tired by all those material experience and just wants to rest forever.

Just as his soul was crumbling Celestia fused into his soul preventing his soul from getting allured by the bead of light.

"Wh-what are those and now that I think of it what is this place this doesn't look like a node of time to me. So how exactly am I supposed to regress? " asked with a doubtful tone as they neared the bead. Suddenly Alex felt the Lord's gaze upon him once more, a weight that threatened to crush his spirit. He shivered in fear, but the World Spirit's presence remained steadfast, her aura a comforting shield.

"Stay close to me," she whispered, her voice a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. "Well long story short we are in Genesis Plane" She lifts her index finger and presses it upon Alex's forehead, a stream of information emerged within him. About what he was to do, along with a technique to sort out and target specific knowledge he is to take."

While Alex was comprehending the newly materialised information, the World Spirit enveloped Alex in a shimmering bubble formed by her aura, insulating him from the oppressive presence of the Lord. They moved along the direction of the Lord's gaze, heading toward a magnificent palace that seemed to float above the ethereal ground, radiating an ancient and powerful energy.

"Stay close, Alex," Celestia whispered. "This path is fraught with dangers beyond your comprehension."

As they floated towards the palace, Alex's eyes widened at the sight of figures bound in golden chains. Angels with radiant wings, demons with horns and fiery eyes, dragons whose scales glittered like precious gems—all were shackled by golden chains around their necks and limbs, holding them in place. Though their eyes were void of intelligence, their bodies were brimming with vitality and life force.

"Who are they? And why are they tied to the chains, Wait am I too going to be tied to those chains like that. " Alex asked, his voice a hushed whisper filled with awe and fear.

Celestia replied, her tone somber. "Do not linger on them. Their fate is not yours to question. You will come to know of all answers in the future, till then be patient. For the time being just trust me"

They reached the palace, and in the main courtyard stood a seven-headed serpent. Each head possessed a distinct and mysterious feature: one was adorned with celestial jewels, another had eyes that shone with the light of a thousand stars, a third emitted an aura of serene wisdom, and so on. The serpent exuded a godly, divine presence that made Alex's heart race with both fear and fascination, the only feature common among them all was a crystal embedded within the forehead of each head.

"Focus, Alex," Celestia commanded as Alex began to waver under the serpent's gaze. "You must not lose yourself here."

Gathering himself, Alex approached the middle snake head, his brain not able to account for everything that is happening with him but with sheer desire amd determine he continued, his hand trembling as he reached out to touch the bead of light that it held. Instantly, a torrent of information flooded his mind, threatening to overwhelm him.

"Use the technique, Alex! Your mind cannot handle it all at once," Celestia's voice echoed urgently in his mind.

Desperate, Alex activated the "Wisdom Grid." The flow of information slowed, and specific, targeted knowledge began to crystallize within his mind. As he started comprehending the information, a sense of omnipotence washed over him. He felt as though he had become a god, capable of understanding the universe's deepest secrets.

"Don't lose yourself in the power, Alex," Celestia reminded him sharply. "Now focus on the codes which I am pointing to. "

"Okay" Regaining his composure Alex started to focus on the things which Celestia pointed to.

"It will take around a year to formulate the ability and another year to be able to manifest the energy of Genesis Plane, though it will not respond to your control, but with me I am completely sure that we will be able to pull this out"

And as such 2 years flied by in a matter of seconds,

" Ahh my soul hurts, it's breaking, it's been a fucking year since I am harnessing this energy, what the hell is wrong with it, why is it always trying to break and assimilate me " Alex shouted with a very high pitch as if stung by a hoard of bees.

"It's just a matter of seconds Alex, that is for sure" Celestia cheered him with cutish voice as if a shy little teenager, cheering for her lover.

Just when Alex was about to get irritated... Boom a bright light sparked within his soul.

Seeing this Celestia without hesitation fused with Alex's soul..

"Now Alex now, use that ability" Celestia said in a thrilled voice but deep within that voice there hid a tinge of sadness...

[Fate of Oroborus]

A golden aura enveloped him, and his eyes shone with radiant light. Strange, ancient texts materialized around him, forming a cocoon that encased his body. " Don't worry Celestia, this time I will help you recover faster and I Alexander Silvius as the last king of human swear upon my name to protect my peop...."The cocoon began to shrink, compressing tighter and tighter around him not allowing Alex to say his final words..

Celestia's voice was filled with a mix of joy and determination. "You did it, Alex! You've accomplished your task. Alex I knew that you can do it, I leave everything up to you Alex"

Soon a crack appeared in the Genesis Plane releasing a bit of Energy in the Plane Of Reality.

Without further instructions, the cocoon containing Alex shot through the crack, disappearing into the vast expanse.

Meanwhile, the Lord, who had been observing all along, smirked slightly, a mysterious glint in it's ever-shifting eyes.

The crack heals, and the Lord's smirk fades into an inscrutable expression, leaving the Genesis Plane shrouded in its eternal mystery.