
Horus: The Forsaken Sage

Humans... The beings that were forsaken by the Existence faced their last battle with the utmost conviction to save their race.... "Conviction my ass, every single great family was a slave to those lizards damn those son of bitches" ----------------- ---------------- ------------------- --------------- -------- [I the World Spirit of Celestia greet My Son Alexander Sylvius, it's about time you reclaim what's yours, and shed that weak past of yours.......] "You have awakened huh, now that everything is doomed! Took you long enough" The humans were even forsaken by their own world spirit.... -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- [Alexander, My Son are you ready to enter the Genesis Plane] Yes, The genesis plane, the strongest pillar of existence, where the laws governing the reality resides, the plane which held the secrets to.............. ------------------ [Fate Of Oroborus] The Timeline resets causing the future to be disrupted from the original path... ---------------- Join to see how Alexander schemes against other nations, destroy the plans of other Race and bring Forsaken Beings to the Peak of what the universe has to serve... And unravels the mysteries surrounding his existence... ______________________________________________ hi there! thank you for reading my novel, do let me know if you have any suggestions, or advices you would like to share, critisism much appreciated

Infinity_Quill · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 The Last Stand

Planet Celestia, solar system N-78, Aurion galaxy

In the ever expanding universe with catastrophes everywhere, extinction of a race wasn't something new, just as it was taking place on the planet Celestia.

So why do we care about the planet? It's none other than the birth place of our protagonist and the his first stepping stone to conquer the world.

Celestia the planet, which once seemed exactly worthy of the phrase "heaven on earth", was now nothing short of a ball of crimson red, the whole planet turned into a battlefield.

By now there was only a single man's silhouette visible, ready to fight till his last breath. As for the others, well most of humanity was now dead and whoever was still left, were on their last breath.

Meanwhile the invaders had only 1 member left, while the rest of them were killed.

The last survivor was a humongous western dragon, covered with shiny black scales, which absorbed any incident light, unlike a normal dragon it had 3 pairs of wings, and finally to match it's majesty, it had a crown of horns.

"Alexander, it isn't too late, I still have the same offer, agree to become our slave we will let you live."

The shiloute of the person roared in fury " shut the bullshit, you expect me to side with you, the one who annihilated the whole of my kind".

He raised his sword, pointing it towards the dragon, he roared with fury, "today, either you will die or I die along with you".

The dragon regretfully said "you never learn, do you, I guess it's time I end you once and for all" as it flapped its wings and ascended in the sky, each of his flaps sent shockwaves down the ground. Decimating anything it comes in contact with.

Numerous magic circles appeared behind the dragon, bombarding Ice spears towards Alex. a shield of luminious blue energy appeared around Alex defending him.

A barrage of ice spear ended, Alex leapt into the air and stepped on a magic circle propelling him even higher, matching the eye level of the dragon.

Alex bent and curled in mid air, finally he swung his sword with every ounce of momentum he could muster.

[Gale Crescent]

An emerald crescent appeared and severed the dragon's wings causing it to fall down, creating a crater. As the dust settled the huge dragon was nowhere to be seen, instead there was a humanoid.

Just as the humanoid opened his eyes, Alex instantly realised it was the dragon he had been fighting, he backed off, his instincts were screaming "run if you don't wish to die."

"You god dammn human why even struggle, just accept your fate and die!!!" the dragon.

[Hellfire Hurricane]

A vortex of flame was created with Alex as the center, seemingly sucking out air from the surrounding and burning with the sole intention to annihilate.

"Aaaaaaahhh fuck you, fuck the dragons and their grand aunts Alex cursed out any latter and I would be invisible in the dark...."

"Huff huff... Cursing out isn't going to help me.... this vortex is slowly closing in, my mana isn't going to last long, a battle of attrition is a big no no. Calm down calm down, think of a way... First find a way out."

A magic circle emerged below Alex's feet.


Alex appeared 10 feet away from the vortex, gripping his sword tightly, Alex stared at the dragon, his eyes blazing with pure determination.

The dragon observed Alex for a while, a portal materialised besides it, and the dragon pulled out a massive great sword out of it.

With a deafening roar, Alex lunged towards the dragon, seizing the initiative, swinging his sword with precision, just as his swings were about to connect, The dragon swung his great sword, Alex's instincts tingled as he immediately backed off..

The shear force behind the swing was bewildering... Alex was sure if it hit him, he wouldn't just come out with a broken rib or two.

And with that he lost all the momentum he gained, now it was the dragons turn, and he spared no effort in it, it unleashed a barrage of strikes, each strike was earth shaking. Alex dared not take any of his strikes head on.

He danced nimbly around his opponent, ducking and weaving to avoid the crushing blows, parring every attack he could, while avoiding the ones he couldn't, while waiting for an opportunity to strike back....

With each clash, Alex was growing more desperate, after the bloody battle his body wasn't in a state to fight, there was a limit how far he could push it, as for the dragon he seemed like he could go on for years, yet still not get tired.

The clash of swords grew intense, and slowly but steadily Alex was being suppressed, Alex rushed closer towards the dragon, aiming to land a blow on the dragon's chest, the dragon swung his sword, easily defending against the sword, but out of sudden a magic circle appeared right infront of its face, it was what Alex had been aiming for.... The dragon smirked


It swung it's massive sword, and to Alex's surprise even before the sword came in contact with the magic circle, the circle dissipated, the great sword absorbed the mana within the magic circle, but the swing didn't stop with just magic circle, it hit Alex, the first attack which connected and it sent Alex flying into the boulder with a terrifying force.

Alex coughed out a mouthful of blood, his inner organs suffering fatal injuries, as the dust from his collision settled, he saw the dragon approaching him.

"Be grateful you died beneath my, Thalorix Emberflames sword, so any last words??"

Alex once again coughed out blood, just for trying to speak "I have done my part, now it's up to you to finish this bastard"

Suddenly an oppressive force forced down Thalorix on his knees, no efforts of his helped him regain his standing.

It roared out "could this be..... How in the fucking sinkhole did this planet manage to awaken sentience...."

Before it could continue, Alex raised his arm and showed it the mighty finger, "Now shut up and just die"

Thalorix sent out a deafening roar and transformed back into his dragonoid form, to his dismay, the oppressive force still didn't let him move, rather chains of gold emerged from the ground holding the dragon in its place.

A crack appeared in the sky right above the dragon, from it emerged a colossal sword, emitting a golden aura, sensing the threat to its life, Thalorix absorbed the surrounding mana in the atmosphere and released a breath of hellfire towards the sword.

[Dragon Breath: Hellfire annihilation]

The sword didn't even seem to be affected as if existing in a totally different plane of existence, it moved down slowly as if possessing all time in the world.

And that's how Thalorix Emberwing, A great dragon of the Black dragon tribe died, due to the rage of a petty and spiteful world spirit.

Alex breathed out a sigh of relief "finally, I have avenged my kin, if only the planet gained sentience a little earlier, instead of in between the battle, we wouldn't be in such a bad state."

It was then Alex lay down right there, his body exhausted and soon his mind went blank, taking a well needed rest. It was a weird scene, a human sleeping besides the body of a huge dragon, a rare sight indeed.

"Hmmm.... How long have I been asleep?" Alex asked out, as he woke up.

<[It 3 has been a total of days, since the battle, your body recovered, it's great to have you back, Alex]> A monotonous voice spoke.

It was his personal AI, Nebula, it resided within his 7th magic circle, if not for him exhausting his mana and not being able to sustain it, he wouldn't be so helpless in his fight.

"Nebula, connect to the satellite network and scan for life signals."

<[Searching for satellite system Zeus, 87% intact]>

<[Commencing linkage with Zeus]>

<[Linkage successful, searching for life force signals]>

<[No life force signals detected]>

And then reality sank in, he was the last of his kind alive in the universe, the people he cherished, the ones whom he trusted and the ones who trusted him all are gone, not a single being left.

"If only I could eradicate those traitors earlier, If only father was alive, if only I could turn back time" Alex fell on his knees, nobody knows what was going through his mind."

Suddenly a thought crossed Alex's mind, he contemplated for a while, and then he started laughing like a maniac, "Hahaha, what more is left to life now, if I succeed now then things might change".

If anyone saw him now they would immediately get the idea as to why he was given the moniker "Maniac Prodigy".

Alex approached the dragon, or what was left of it, he used his mana and began drawing out Thalorix's blood, within a while he had a blob of blood floating mid air.

He directed his mana and a huge array made up of blood was formed with Alex as the centre. He began supplying all the mana he had, to the array, it began glowing, just as half array began glowing the progress took a sudden hault.

"Ah fuck fuck damn it, what's the problem?"

<[Mana levels critically low, Alex. You need more power to complete the array.]>

He gritted his teeth, frustration and desperation mingling in his chest. With no other way, Alex gritted his teeth even harder for the pain that was to come.

He closed his eyes, focusing inward, and began burning his own body mass, converting it into mana. His skin felt like it was on fire, his bones like they were melting, but he pressed on, determined.

The array progressed a bit further but that was it, his mana was still insufficient, the realisation threw him down a spiral of dismay, the realisation of him failing.

Just as he gave up, he felt a jolt of mana surge through him. His eyes snapped open, wide with disbelief. He could feel the mana levels rising, replenishing, but the source felt different.

"Who?" Alex asked out.

<[Alex, the mana... it's coming from your subjects. They are burning their own existence to fuel you]>

Tears welled up in Alex's eyes, upon seeing his subjects who no longer had anything to look forward to in life, were still willing to extinguish their existence all for him to succeed in his endeavour.

"No.. no I can't do this" he cried out, choking on his own breath "I can't ask this from you, so please.... Stop it at the very least die a peaceful death"

But mana continued to flow within him, he could feel it, their determination, their loyalty and their belief in the one, whom they called My Liege.

"I won't let you down" Alex whispered, his emotions were a total jumble, a soup of rage, pride, happiness, sorrow and gratefulness.

"I, Alexander silvius, swear upon the Silvius family, upon my very soul, I will be the king you deserve. I will not let your sacrifice be in vain."

With his resolve Renewed, Alex channeled the mana into the array. He poured every ounce of his will into completing the spell, every thought focused on honoring the gift his people had given him. Soon the array, reached completion, his body slowly became more and more ethereal.

[Time Reversal]


Alex disappeared from the plane, without a speck of him left behind. This was where the legend begins, the legend of the Forsaken Sage, Horus.