
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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281 Chs

Chapter 80: "Bianka, return the home"

A few day's later...

"Are you awake?"

"....Bishop Otto..."

"You don't need to get up to pay respects, Bianka. Get enough rest, you've done well."

In a sanatorium ward. Otto slowly peeled off the skin of the apple in his hands, and he looked at Bianka who was currently still in a daze.

The adventures of Bianka and Rita in the bubble world really opened his eyes.

Who would have thought that this girl in front of him had already saved the world when she was only 12 years old?

[Kiana] is really very special.

"How does it feel to be a god?"

Hear Otto's words. Bianka was confused for a moment, before she answered carefully.

"It's like... Nothing special."

"Although I am a god to them, and their fate is all in my hands. For me all of this is too unreal."

"I guess I can say this is just an extra job for me. Other than that, I'm just an ordinary valkyrie."

Otto smiled gently: "Very humble words, Bianka. In that case, I will respect your decision."

Cut the apple into small pieces, and put it on the plate for Bianka to eat. Otto stood up, and he gave her a mysterious smile.

"Saving the world must still be a huge shock to you to this day. But, I have an extra present for you that will surely surprise you even more than this."

"What's that?"

Otto put his index finger in his mouth: "It will remain a secret since it is a surprise gift. I just hope, after you find out the truth you won't hate me so much."

Bianka: "???"

"Rest in peace for these few days. Don't let Rita worry about you. Goodbye Bianka."

Seeing Otto who had left her ward and leaving a very confusing puzzle. Bianka scratched her head, and she decided to just go to sleep today.

Body health is number one, and the matter of how Riddler Otto is, that could be put aside.

Don't make Rita worry about her. She really didn't want to bother her anymore.


Three days later...

St. Freya Academy...

Get off the passenger ship, and set foot back on St. Freya alone without bringing her best friend, Rita. Bianka took a deep breath to calm her agitated heart.

"I didn't think that after all this time I would come back here. All the valkyries here still look quite relaxed, nothing has changed."

In contrast to the valkyries at headquarters who always had a serious mood. Here, Valkyrie St. Freya looked too relaxed.

Bianka often heard gossip from some passing valkyries that the valkyrie from St. Freya, and their valkyries are two different types.

Although Bianka does not agree to speak badly behind people. Bianka somehow agrees with this at some point.

She didn't hate the valkyrie's peaceful life like this. But, being too relaxed would also be a big problem.

The battlefield is not a place for children to play.

As someone who had survived from hell, and was the only surviving member of the valkyrie squad. Bianka only felt that St. Freya is just a greenhouse flower education.

Valkyrie here, looking very fragile.

"No, Bianka back to main focus! Let's find the Kaslana family residence first."

Using the navigation app inside her communicator. Bianka who was getting closer to her destination, felt her throat become very dry, and her heartbeat was beating very fast.

The last time she felt this kind of feeling was when she saved the bubble world from being crushed a few days ago.

Overseer Otto's present this morning had really shocked her so much that she almost fainted on the spot.


Got off the tram, and saw the villa of the Kaslana family's residence in front of her. Bianka, who saw a wide open fence, immediately entered the yard with a little nervousness.

"Ding! Dong!"

"Ehem! Excuse me! Is this the residence of the kaslana family!?"

Pressed the doorbell, and shouted to call the person inside the house to come out. Bianka somehow felt that all of her current actions felt very ridiculous.

It was very clear that there was an inscription "Kaslana" in front of the house. Why is she still asking again?

Was it because she was too nervous?!

"Ah, the door is open..."

Seeing the door in front of her suddenly opened slowly as like blown by the wind. Bianka, who saw a dark hallway, somehow felt very scared.

Not afraid of the unknown. But afraid of what she expected this time.

"The door is open... So I'll close it..."

Set foot into the residence of the Kaslana family. Bianka, who had just touched the doorknob, suddenly froze in place.

"Plop! Plop!"

The room lights were turned on, and the sound of the booming ribbon trumpets sounded one after another.


Bianka: "...."

Felt her heart was about to stop. Bianka who heard a familiar name, and also not familiar. Can only stay in place in a daze.


Her former name.

This morning Otto had given her a surprise gift by showing her all her forgotten memories using the Fenghuang Down feather imitation he had created.

She finally finds out about her past which has always intrigued her.

Who is her real family, and why did she end up in an orphanage....

She finally knows everything.


Was it all too late?

There is a saying that three years is enough to test a relationship.

For Bianka herself...

The name "Kiana" sounded very foreign to her.

"Big sis, why are you daze?"


Seeing Thea who suddenly appeared in front of her. Bianka saw this little girl who was smiling happily at her.

"It's still not too late to go back, and it's still not too late to go home! There's no need to think about many things, just feel it with your heart, and choose!"

Thea held Bianka's hand seriously.

As someone who has experienced the same dilemma. Thea really understood Bianka's feelings right now.

Now, it was time for her to pay this family back for the compassion, and love they had given her.

"Come on big sister, daddy and mama are waiting for us!"

Dragged by Thea into the house without any resistance at all. Bianka, who was still in a daze, suddenly realized that she was currently being hugged by Cecilia all of a sudden.

Cecilia cried while hugging Bianka tightly.

"My dear, mama so sorry for failing to protect you... Mom is really sorry...."

Siegfried who was standing behind Cecilia, kept rubbing his runny nose, with bloodshot eyes.

"Daddy also sorry Kiana. Daddy really failed to protect you back then. I am a failed father."

Bianka: "....."

Silent, don't know what to say. Bianka remembered what Thea had told her, and she hugged Cecilia tightly.

She took a deep breath...

And she said what was always bearable in her heart at this time.

"I am home..."

"Mama... Papa..."

Bianka rested her chin on Cecilia's shoulder, and she opened her eyes again with tears in her eyes.

"Your lost kid... finally back home."

"I miss you two so much..."

You guys must be wondering, why I've been absent for these 2 days. simple, my neighbor makes trouble for me.

I hate my neighbors.

KayokoDaaacreators' thoughts