
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 79: "Happy ending Homu Paradise"


Run as fast as she can to the direction of her family's resting place. Even though it was very hot during the day, Thea's back was currently very cold.

Gray Serpent!

World Serpent!

They came here to arrest her!

"They came too fash! I'm still not ready!"

Even though she knew that this day would come one day after she revealed her identity to the public. Thea did't know that day would come too early!

She hadn't even finished her evolution yet!

"Wait a minute... why do I have to run?"

Realizing something, Thea slowly lowered her running speed.

"Why should I be afraid, aren't I stigmata? I don't have a body! Damn, I forgot again!!!"

Perhaps it was because she had controlled this body for so long time, that she had almost forgotten that the current her herself was not a human.

Humans are generally afraid of death and risks they will experience if something happens to their physical body. Body is the foundation of everything. But for her who has an identity as a stigmata, the body may be just an outfit that can be replaced again and again.

Afraid of being kidnapped? Just move!

Dead killed? I can make another one!

Caged? Is this a repeated question?

Thinking about it a few times, Thea felt that there was nothing for her to be afraid of in this world except for a few certain identities.

"Except for the senior Hare and grandma Fu Hua who intervened, no one seemed to be able to threaten me anymore in this world?"

Thea suddenly woke up.

"It turns out that I'm pretty strong too?"

Felt quite special somehow. Thea felt that the figure of the mysterious black-clad Gray Serpent wasn't scary anymore.

Even if a Raven were to come, she would still be able to raise her head arrogantly!

Come on, punch me in the face!

I am not afraid!


"You left long enough, where's your balloon?"

"You tricked me!"

Back to where they all rest. Thea looked at Sirin with hateful eyes.

Sirin sighed: "I didn't trick you, maybe the uncle balloon seller's has already left. If you want, why don't you just take mine?"


"Tch, so stubborn."

Ignored Sirin's words, and walked past her very arrogantly. Thea realized that there was a special guest in their family right now.

"Ah, that's her! Mei quickly come here!"

Pulling Mei who was enjoying the ice cream given by Cecilia. Kiana directly introduced her very enthusiasticaly.

"Meet my other sister, Thea!"

Mei saw that there was one more Kiana who appeared in front of her, and her mouth suddenly twitched.

"Kiana... Are you triplets?"

"Eh, triplets? A lot of people say that too... But I guess it does."

"Why are you hesitating!?!"

Mei finally couldn't help for exclaim. The educated young lady's image was finally destroyed because of the strangeness of the Kaslana family.

"Thea Schariac, eldest sister."

"Eh? nice to meet you, my name is Raiden Mei."

Shake the hand stretched out in front of her. Hearing Thea's words, Mei suddenly tilted her head in confusion.

"Eldest sister? But isn't that a sirin?"

"No, I am the eldest sister! I refuse to admit that she can occupy the highest caste in the brother-sister relationship! She is not worthy of this position!"

Surprised to see Thea suddenly angry. Mei saw Cecilia suddenly appear behind her, and immediately pulled Thea's cheeks wide.

"Thea~ remember what mom used to say~? does Thea doubt mom's opinion~?"

"It hurts! hurts! hurts! Mama, I'm sorry! I'm the second sister, I'm the second sister!!!"

"Hm, nice~ Thea is a very wise girl~"

Mei: "...."

Seeing the harmony of the Kaslana family. Mei somehow suddenly felt very jealous.

If only her family was like this too.


In Homu Paradise, where endless fun resides, the kaslanas begin their journey again.

Maybe some people's enthusiasm has been drained by this morning's activities. Aurora and Sirin entered their quiet mode and only bought food and some souvenirs for themselves.

Just look at Aurora at this time. Wearing a Homu number #1 hat on her head, sunglasses, popcorn in her left hand, and cotton candy in her right. She looked like was really enjoying herself.

Sirin was currently also talking to Cecilia excitedly about many things like popular destinations, places to visit, and some random and funny things that passed in front of them.

Apart from in front of Thea where she always wore a sullen expression. In front of Cecilia, she always revealed her true self like an ordinary little girl.

For Siegfried, Thea, Kiana, and Mei...

They still had the spirit of the kaslana family, and the boiling blood in their bodies did not allow them to rest at all.

Mei, who was dragged by Thea and Kiana to play rides along the way, admitted that she was currently very tired.

Her legs felt very weak.

But... don't know why...

She also felt very happy.

"9 consecutive strikes! Kiana you lost!"

"This is not fair! I firmly believe that I am very proficient in the Gun Kata technique! How come you can aim so quickly!"

"That's because you underestimate the bullet reload speed! Your weakness is my advantage, Kiana!"

"Ughh... Mei....."

"Don't be sad Kiana, next time you will definitely win. Don't give up!"

"Hm, Mei is so gentle. Unlike my sister's mouth which is very hard, and that liar's mouth. I like Mei the most~!"

"Hey kid, at least say that without me here! Want to court death?"

"Mei, save me!"


Has two Kianas running in circles around her. Mei's head suddenly became dizzy, and she immediately fell to the ground.


Kiana screamed in worry.

"This is all your fault! She had a heart attack!" Thea gave a very scary analysis on the spot.

"Big sister, what should I do!? Is she going to die?"

"Calm down, I have a solution. Buy three drinks at the vending machine over there. Remember, two lemon flavors and one orange flavor!"

"OK sis!"

"Remember, buy carefully and read the label carefully! Mei's life is in your hands!"

"Okay, I'll be right back!"

Mei: "...."

Takes Mei to a shady place, and makes her sit on a park bench under a dense tree. Thea, who saw Mei who was silent, gave a gentle smile.

"My sister is so cute isn't she?"

"Eh? Yes..."

Feeling confused why Thea suddenly said like this. Mei remembers the look of panic and worry on Kiana's face, unable to smile a bit.

During this time as the eldest miss in the ME Corp, no one had ever worried about her like that. Even her own father.

For some reason, Mei's heart felt very warm.

"In the future, please take care her carefully. I will leave her to you."

She patted Mei shoulder earnestly. Thea was relieved when Mei nodded her head.

Actually, for Mei, Thea had her own opinion about her.

She is a worthy partner for Kiana.

Even though she beat Kiana black and blue at Chiba former school to stop her from hurting herself, and joined the World Serpant to find a way to save Kiana, but still failed because Kiana had turned into a Herrscher of Flamescion and had no need for her to the help again. Or other actions to save Kiana, and bring her back home, but she still has to stay on the moon...

Thea: "...?"

Well, let's stop here.

Looked at from any angle, this girl in front of her is really a loser.

But at least, Mei had already tried hard. This action of her has really gotten her approval.

So, let's just take a positive attitude.


She might not always be able to stay by Kiana's side much longer...

The her time is almost close.

"Mei, don't be gentle with Kiana in the future. If she makes trouble, just hit her on the head!"

"Ah? I see..."

Mei nodded her head expressionlessly. She was really very confused by what Thea meant at this time.

Why did she feel like she had obtained the approval of the family members to marry their daughter?

Thinking of something wild like this, Mei's face became slightly red.

"Sister, I'm back!"

"Good job Kiana, the patient is almost dying of thirst!"

Taking the can of lemon-flavored drink in Kiana's hand, and opening it in front of her without feeling guilty. Thea drank it, and she let out a delicious sigh.

Drinking lemon when thirsty is very refreshing!

"Wait a minute, didn't you say a heart attack? The problem must be in the heart right? Why would she die of thirst?"

Kiana's IQ is suddenly online.

"You idiot, illnesses in the human body are never that simple. Whether it's a disease that suddenly appeared due to a lack of money, or a disease of laziness, they have many sources that are extremely difficult to eradicate. You are still too young to understand."

"Mei, take this."

"Thank you, Thea, Kiana."

Kiana saw Mei and her Sister drinking the canned juice she had just bought. Crossing her arms in confusion, and she licked her dry lips.

"Somehow I feel like I've been tricked..."

"Kiana, take it."

"Big sister, thank you! You are so kind!"

Mei: "...!?"

Looking at the ridiculous Kiana, thanked for being given canned drinks by Thea, which she bought using her own money. Mei tried her best not to choke.

She almost vomited from laughing.

Kiana is really very cute~

"Ah, it turns out that you are all here. I thought you were lost. Thank goodness I found you three." Siegfried wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

Seeing Siegfried who suddenly appeared out of thin air. The three of them suddenly remembered that this big man had suddenly disappeared at some point in time.


Since when?

"Ah! special edition ninja Arahato figure!" Kiana discovers Siegfried's secret when she sneaks up behind him.

"Ssssttt!!! Please be quiet, and don't tell Cecilia! If Cecilia finds out, I'll be scolded by her for wasting my money!" Siegfried fell into a panic.

Thea was confused: "Why you should be afraid to spend your own money? Isn't that money the result of your hard work?"

Siegfried looked at her daughter with pity: "When you grow up and get married, you will know that some property belongs to us together. You will know one day."

"Sorry, I'm not getting married."

Thea answered bluntly.

Siegfried shrugged his shoulders, and didn't really care what a child said.

"Whatever you say kid. Anyway, we should go to Homu castle soon, it's time for all of us to regroup."

Kiana was surprised: "What, it's already afternoon? Although I still haven't played enough!"

Complained, and puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction. Kiana, who saw Mei sitting silently on a park bench, asked worriedly.

"Mei, can you walk? Do you need me to carry you?"

Mei shook her head, and tried to stand up.

"Kiana, I'm fine..."

Thea clicked her tongue: "Kiana, don't talk nonsense. No one would ever show their weak side to others. Kiana, carry her!"



Found that she was suddenly carried by Kiana on her back. Mei's face suddenly turned bright red.

She felt so embarrassed.

"Mei, if anything is uncomfortable, just tell me!"

"Hmm..." Mei's face was almost emitting hot steam.

Siegfried who had been watching the actions of the two of them, tried to lend a helping hand as well.

"What if I carry you? That way we can walk faster."

Thea who heard her father's words, immediately kicked Siegfried's heels really hard!

"Au! Au! Au! Why!?!"

Siegfried held his leg in pain, and he screamed in utter confusion.

Seeing Thea who left him with a sarcastic look. Siegfried, who made sure that Kiana could really hold Mei properly, immediately followed the three of them from behind.


Homu Castle...

Gather together again. This time they could all see the difference in custody between the two parties.

Cecilia's side had Aurora and Sirin who had lots of souvenir items in their hands. As for Siegfried's side, the three of them had nothing but some small toys they won in contests.

This points to very clearly, the difference in custody experience between a man and a woman.

Aurora who was holding many Homu dolls of all types, came at the three of them one after another.

"Kiana, for you."

"Thea, mama told me you like homu doll, so you can get two."

"For a thief like you... Hum! You take the black one. That ugly Homu suits you."

Handing over the Homu dolls in her hands one after another. Aurora, who returned to the group, was greeted with cheery applause from Cecilia.

She smiled proudly while wearing her sunglasses, as if she had done something really great for the world.

Kiana hugs the pink Homi doll happily: "Aurora, thank you!"

Thea who was holding two Homu dolls, didn't know what to say: "I am a loyal person. But since this is a gift given, I will accept it. Baba Homu, please forgive me."

Mei also received a gift, a black homu. Finally understood why Kiana called Aurora a liar.

If Aurora didn't want to, then she wouldn't be given the Homu doll for her at all.

She understood that This was not being called a liar.

This is a tsundere.

"Aurora, thank you for the present."


Aurora raised her head high, not caring about what Mei was saying at this time.

"Kids, photo time! Daddy's camera was ready!"

Cecilia also clapped her hands excitedly: "Kids, let's get together. Mei-chan, come over here, let's take a photo together."

Focusing the camera to shoot all the faces of his family members. An excited Siegfried, suddenly felt someone tapping him on the shoulder.

Gray Serpent: "If you mind, can I take a photo for you? It would be a shame if the whole family couldn't be in the photo."

Siegfried: "Really, thank you very much my friend!"

Gray Serpent shook his head without problem: "Don't think too much about it. Besides, here is Homu's castle. It just so happens that there's an unemployed Homu here. Do you want that Homu to take a photo with you guys too?"

"Really? But wouldn't that be too much trouble?"

"It's okay, you don't need to worry. I'm a tour guide, so I also know the rules very clearly here. Taking pictures with visitors, you could say is their job too."

"You are a tour guide? I am very lucky today! Thank you, next time, let me invite you to eat together!"

"That's not necessary, after all satisfying visitors is my job too."


Raven: "...."

Thea: "...."

Having endless question marks in the heads of the two of them. Both Raven and Thea were completely confused as to why the Gray Serpent could be this brave.

Damn it, do you think everyone has gone blind!?

"Then I'll start the photo shoot. The children can stand in the front row, and the adults in the back. Please hold the balloons to the sides so they don't get in the way of faces."

Giving directions, and aiming at the camera in his hand with focus. The Gray Serpent who acts like an amusement park staff, takes his job very seriously.

"Everyone, please put on the best faces you've got."

"On the count of three..."




Photo taken successfully.


"Young miss, you look very happy today."

Sitting in the car, and on her way home. Mei who was asked by the driver, tilted her head in confusion.

"Is it true?"

Looking into the rearview mirror, and saw that she herself smiled a little at this time. Mei's gaze changed slowly to gentle.

"Yes, I made a very valuable friend today."

In her hands this time, was a black Homu doll, and a photo they had taken just before.

Siegfried smiled broadly, Cecilia smiled gently, Kiana smiled silly, Thea smiled stiffly, Sirin smiled sweetly, and Aurora wore a disgusted expression.

Even herself, in the midst of this happy family, was smiling so happily in the midst of all of them.

Mei never expected that she would smile like that.

Even though she had just left, she felt very nostalgic for some reason.


Hear the notification sound from her communication device. Mei opened it quickly.

Kiana: "{Mei, we have all arrived at the hotel. How about you? Don't sleep late, sister Thea said people who stay up late will never grow taller!}"

See the message Kiana sent. May smiled gently.

Mei: "{I'll be home soon. Thanks for the reminder.}"

Kiana: "{Mei is too polite! Next time let's play together! I'll show you some of my secret collection later! See you later mei, good night and sweet dreams!}"

See the message Kiana sent. In the reflection of the phone's light, Mei smiled gently.

"Good night too, Kiana. Sweet dreams."

I pulled my words back. This chapter is the longest chapter I've ever made! Damn it, this chapter is almost the same as three chapters!

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