
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
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272 Chs

Side Story 20: Swiggity Swooty I'm Coming For That Aeldari Booty

At Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, everybody got served some tea by Ein. Yanfei then looked at Hu Tao and then Ein. Deciding that he was the better one to talk to, she faced towards him and went to the point of the meeting.

"Ein. May I ask for the contract that has been created?" Yanfei was really curious about what the funeral parlor and Walmart would be doing.

"Ahhh, I haven't gotten to that yet. Wait just one second." Ein took out some paper and a pen, he then wrote the whole contract with blinding speed. And he presented the papers to Yanfei, the ink not even dry yet.

Yanfei raised a brow and was unsure if that was wise. "A hastily written contract is the primary reason for the failure of majority of businesses Ein." Yanfei wanted him to reconsider and just reschedule their meeting.

"Just read it first." He nonchalantly waved his hand and started drinking some tea while Hu Tao excitedly waited for Yanfei to accept. As everybody knew who Yanfei was and she couldn't possibly afford her services.

"Hmmm, if you say so." Yanfei gave a sigh and started reading the contract. She was expecting a hot mess, just like how some rich bonbons play around and let other people fix their mistakes.

"Woah, this is highly detailed... How taxes are handled, the logistics. It even contains calculations and predictions in how this collaboration will affect the economy. This isn't just a simple contract, this is a detailed dissertation." Yanfei was speechless.

Keqing squinted her eyes and wanted to see a glimpse on how his mind works. "Give me that, Yanfei-san." Keqing also started reading it and went to the section that concerned her specialty.

Her tail swayed left and right as she got engrossed in it. Learning modern techniques and the detailed paper even taught her how to maximize the dimensions of a piece of land.

"Ganyu... We're not needed here, aren't we?" Yanfei looked at Ganyu with a pout as her expertise wasn't really necessary.

Ganyu gave a chuckle and smiled at her. "Well, don't be hasty Yanfei. This is much much bigger than you think. It also includes Inazuma and Mondstadt. Even the Raiden Shogun." Ganyu informed her and Yanfei's eyes widened.

"Are you making a new nation in the guise of this partnership?" Yanfei concluded that they were basically making a civilization with a more than functional economy.

"Not really, but how about it Yanfei? Want to get involved? You really like studying about laws right? How about making your own set of them?" Ein offered and Yanfei was shaken.

"M-my own laws?" Yanfei imagined it and thought of the challenge. It would test her knowledge on the current laws she knows to the maximum. It would also test her on culture, research. A myriad of circumstances and situations.

"Ahhh, she just got baited. Look at her, she obviously wants to accept it." Yelan smirked and knew when someone wanted to give in. What not with her tons of experience in interrogation.

"Let's give you some time to think about it, Yanfei. But we leave tomorrow, we'll meet up here in Liyue as the main operator of this is Ningguang." Ein smirked and gave her some pressure. Opportunities to grow and excel needed to be accepted immediately after all. Fortune waits for no one, but yourself.

"Let's go, girls. We should meet up with Ei and Makoto in Inazuma." Ein stood up, rallying everyone that were included for the trip, even Hu Tao.

Yanfei and Keqing were left there. The latter boring holes at the contract from staring at it too much. While the former thought of how to go about her given task. Already accepting it subconsciously.


The gang arrived at Inazuma and Hu Tao got really excited, a stack of flyers in her hands. "Oh boy, I heard there was a war here in Inazuma. Imagine all the business I'll be getting!" Hu Tao started posting her flyers and Yelan laughed at her.

"Didn't you know? The war didn't go through, Ein put a stop to it Hu Tao." Yelan gave a smile at the brunette's antics.

Hu Tao was shocked and looked at Ein like he betrayed her and her whole family. "What are you upset about? You'll have tons of business tomorrow when we go to the other world." Ein rolled his eyes and Hu Tao pouted.

"I was so determined though! It was such a good opportunity." Hu Tao felt dejected and he patted her head. "Don't worry, you'll have tons of bodies to bury. Later." Ein smiled at her and Childe got the creeps.

"This guy's insane..." Childe whispered as she remembered the battlefield they fought in earlier. "That's why he's fun, be grateful he's not crazy insane." Yelan commented.

"You don't understand! We're going to a world that everyone is waging a war. It's so bad, that even a battle maniac like me knows it's too much." Childe grumbled, everybody ignoring what she just said.

"Shhhh, we're already here." Ein shushed them and they entered the grand Narukami shrine. "Ein, a pleasant surprise. But why are you here?" Yae greeted them and gave him a pretty steamy kiss.

"Ahh, we have a trip planned. Want to go? I'm actually taking Ei with me and let Makoto handle Inazuma for now." He didn't want to bring her as she didn't like war. Already dying in one back at the past.

"Ahhh, something interesting again? I have been here in Inazuma for centuries already. I'm in!" Yae quickly accepted, wanting to ditch her work.

After explaining what their adventure would entail. Ei and Makoto immediately gave their answer. "Of course, husband. I would like to see how an empire of misfits would be made." Ei nodded.

"I have missed governing Inazuma for centuries. It seems this is a good opportunity for me to bring prosperity to my nation." Makoto was okay being left behind as she wanted things to do there for now.

"Wait a moment... Did Ei-san just call you husband?" Ganyu looked at Ein intensely and wanted him to explain himself.

"She just started to call me that lately." Ein shrugged and Ganyu stared at Ei. "What? He is my husband, is he not? We have consummated already after all." Ei tilted her head and was confused.

Childe choked on her drink and stared at Ein. "Damnnn. You what!?" Childe exclaimed and Makoto nodded.

"Yes, doesn't that make him our husband?" Makoto teased Ganyu and the qilin blushed heavily. They then heard a thud behind them as one Kujou Sara did an orz.

"M-my excellency... The almighty Narukami ogosho, god of thunder... I-is now married?" Sara lost the light in her eyes and felt like her world just crumbled.

"Ei, Makoto. Doesn't your subordinate love you a little bit too much?" Ein had a wry smile on his face and Makoto as well.

"Yes, Kujou Sara... Is an excellent guard and individual. Except her obsession with us is a tad..." Makoto didn't finish as they heard her sob.

Yae and Ganyu went up to her and just rubbed her back while Ein discusses what they'll do with the twins.

"I see, so you'll help this Ningguang to establish their faction early. But you'll leave her alone when they're self sufficient? I guess it is quite dangerous there. The cataclysm 500 years ago is like a normal Tuesday afternoon there." Ei frowned and Makoto was shocked.

"Umu, that's why you guys will help her. Though I will toughen up the humans until they can be the apex there. But it won't be enough to be untouchable. Except you, you'll be viewed as an alpha level psyker there." Ein started with Hu Tao and even Miko, as she doesn't really have good physical strength. Well, relative to what he desires that is.

"Ganyu, Miko. Let's go, we need to go to Mondstadt and get a few more people." Ein beckoned to them and everyone went to Mondstadt.


Appearing inside Jean's office, the entourage scared the shit out of Jean while Lisa stared at them in interest. As the gang went up from the floor like they were in an elevator for theatrics.

"What's up, Jean? Lisa?" Ein chuckled and Jean just deadpanned at him while Lisa gave a smile. Thinking that she wanted to know the secrets of how to do that.

"Ein-san. How may I help you?" Jean's eyebrows twitched and felt like something messy is going to happen.

"Hmmm, nothing much. Just that I need a couple of few people to establish an empire that spans a few million worlds." Ein shrugged and Jean knew that he wasn't joking.

"Ara~ That seems interesting, Ein-san... Can I participate?" Lisa gave a smile and Jean just stared at her.

"Why yes of course! You're gonna be the mage of the group. With you onboard, we now have 2 alpha-level psykers." Ein accepted with open arms and Lisa was confused on what a psyker was.

"Well, you can change the weather and destroy cities with your skills right? But you're held back by your mortal body." Ein explained her circumstances and Lisa frowned.

"Yes, that is correct. But I would appreciate it if you didn't divulge a lady's secret like that, Ein-san." Lisa gave a scary smile and he smirked back.

"Well, what if I give you some knowledge. What you learned was just the basics of the honkai and how it can bend reality to your will after all." Ein offered like the devil and Lisa went wide eyed. Shocked out of her mind. As she sacrificed tons of her lifespan for those secrets and he possibly has the answers for it.

"Then you are forgiven. And I might just give you a reward~" Lisa purred, almost drooling at the prospect of new forbidden knowledge.

"Ein, you're really making that lady hot and bothered." Yelan gave a wry smile, thinking that he was recruiting ladies for another reason.

"What? It's not my fault I'm irresistible. And I know what you're thinking, I just don't know any dudes that can come with us. Morax will be taking care of Liyue and his little son won't go without him. They're the only guys I know here." Ein shrugged and Yelan laughed.

"So, Jean. I need as much talented leaders as possible as well. Want to come? It would be more relaxing there honestly. Because Ningguang would be shouldering most of the paperwork." Ein also started tempting Jean.

Jean, the overworked woman. Was starting to really get burned out. She imagined a normal 40 hour work week and almost drooled from it.

But Ein came in with the finisher. "Hmm, not convinced? You'll have more time, hence. You can bond more with your sister. She's wasting her time believing in Barbatos you know? How about we use her faith for my religion? I'll even bless her. She would be ecstatic, no?"

"Uwaaaah. Ein, you don't sound like a god. More like the devil. Look at them, they look like they would sell their soul for your offer." Hu Tao whispered as she saw Lisa and Jean desperately fighting their desire.

"But if you don't want to, then it's fine. I'll just take Mona and Eula with me." Ein shrugged and stood up.

"W-wait!" Jean reached out. "H-how about the knights of Favonius? I'm the acting grand master. How will this work if I do accept?" Jean asked anxiously and Ein had an evil grin on his face that turned into a smile when he once again faced Jean.

"I'll do this." He snapped his fingers and a copy of the three that will be gone appeared. "What!? Interesting, but how will they operate just like us?" Lisa poked them and was really curious on just how real they were.

"Hmm, you kiss your own copy and they will gain your memories." Ein shrugged, making Jean choke on her saliva into a coughing fit.

"Say what again?" Jean was shook and stared at Ein, probing him if he was serious. Immediately concluding that he was, but she didn't know if that's what they really should do, how could she?

"Hoh? Are we going to see some lesbian action right now? You're pretty good, Ein." Yelan gave him a thumbs up.

"What? That's pretty tame no? If I transfer your memories myself, I'll know your every secret. Even your most embarrassing moments, I don't forget you know?" Ein rebutted, sounding offended at Jean's disapproving looks.

Lisa just shrugged and started making out with her clone. And the clone started responding, giving them a show.

Jean slowly went up to her clone, starting to sweat. She closed her eyes and thought that her first kiss would be against herself.

When she was about a centimeter close to the clone's lips. Ein just stopped her with a smile and poked her forehead. He then transferred the copy of her memories to the clone with a smile.

"Heh, sorry. You're just so uptight, I couldn't help but mess with you." He whispered in her ears and her spine tingled from his close proximity to her.

"Eek! Ein! You..." She glared at him and he gave a cheeky smile. "Hmm, I sure do give a good kiss." Lisa smiled and licked her lips, not really bothered about it.

"Lighten up, Jean. He's right you know? You won't get married at that rate, Eula even has you beat you know?" Lisa pointed at Ein and Jean groaned.

"Not like you're married, Lisa." Jean countered back and Lisa's eyebrows twitched. As she hasn't really found a man that was intelligent enough for her sapiosexual needs.

"Ahhh, no fighting. Okay? We're all friends here." Ganyu felt their tensions rise and she quickly defused the situation.

After they relaxed for a bit over Ein's tea. Which surely helped them, Eula arrived at the scene and saw her other copy. Raising a brow at Ein.

"Ein, what is that!? Answer, or you shall taste my vengeance." Eula squinted her eyes at him and Ein put her on his lap, turning the noble lady into a sputtering mess.

"It's gonna be your substitute for our little trip. Here, I'll show you what we'll be doing." Ein kissed her forehead and Eula internalized the memories.

"R-really?" Eula was surprised that Ein would let her rebuild the Lawrence clan with the spoils they would get there and make them great again.

"Sure do, it would also be because of your efforts so it won't feel cheap. Pretty good, right?" He smiled at her and Eula was really grateful.

"Now, Jean. Talk to sister Rosaria and Barbara, I'll go fetch Mona." Ein stood and left, leaving them some food so they could entertain themselves.

"So, uhhh. How about we strategize on what we'll be doing once we get there?" Jean suggested to them and Shenhe answered. "Let us wait for those that are from Inazuma and Liyue. For now, we feast." Shenhe started eating and everybody shrugged.


Ein went to a pretty big observatory with telescopes that would put Earth's modern ones to shame.

Now that she could solely focus on her research without worrying about money. Mona turned into a shut in and Ein wanted her to touch some grass. And what better way for a researcher than another universe all together.

"Mona, you aren't productive enough. We need to shutdown the observatory." Ein stared at the gobsmacked Mona and she was shocked to her core, taking a solid minute for his words to sink in.

"N-no... No way! Ein, we can talk about this." Mona looked like she was going to cry, so he stopped and patted her head. "It's just a joke, silly. You know that I'm rich as hell." He felt a little bad and hoped that observing the entire observable universe of another place would make up to it.

"Y-you bastard!" Mona released a suppressed breath and sat back down at her chair. Relief, washing all over her being.

"Hmm, how about I make it up to you? We're going to another universe, wanna see the stars there? I'll also put your pretty accurate predictions to use." Ein sat down with her and soothed her by caressing her hair.

Mona unconsciously leaned into him as she basked in his warmth. It then hit her. "What!? Another universe? Different star systems and constellations?" Mona perked up immediately and noticed her enthusiasm, clearing her throat to calm herself down.

"Ahem, another universe's stars? Interesting, I. Astrologist Mona Megistus will successfully take up this task." Mona proudly announced and started humming a tune.

Ein chuckled at her and thought she was a bit like Eula. "Here, I'll give you some information about that place." He kissed her forehead and she was overloaded with information, freezing at place. As Mona already knows he was an outer god, he gave her more information.

She then blushed up a storm and hit him with her pigtails. "W-what do you think you're doing!?" She pointed a finger on him and glared at him weakly.

"What do you mean? I already told you, I was going to give you more data." He shrugged and smirked. "Or the great Astrologist Mona Megistus is embarrassed by my methods?"

She huffed and reigned down her embarrassment. "Hmph, I am the greatest astrologist ever! Don't look down on me." She snorted and he thought that she looked cute.

"Hmmm, then I'll give you a much needed power up as well. You must already know that it's necessary?" He made her sit down again and Mona nodded, thinking of the strife and wars there.

"Then this will be a little bit more special then." He smiled and grasped on her chin. Tilting her head a bit as her heart started to beat faster.

"Awawawa, wait..." She blushed heavily and her prideful mask got taken away. "Hmm, scared?" Ein's husky voice calmed her down and she focused on his verdant green eyes. Losing herself at their depths.

He then gave her lips a quick peck. Not wanting to scare her away by being too aggressive. "Ahhh, what was that? You chickened out?" Mona tried taunting him but he pulled down on her chin and opened up her mouth.

"Ohh, so haughty. I guess I'll need to punish this cute, little mouth." He inserted his tongue inside her mouth and explored.

She was obviously shocked, but the pleasurable sensations made her lost and she put her arms around his neck.

Mona's body started to undergo change as well. Getting stronger, faster, harder. Turning into a superhuman so she won't have any problems punching the shit out of things there.

"Hah, hah." Mona caught her breath and her half lidded eyes stared into his. "Really nice, no? My little Astrologist." He gave one more kiss on her nose and stood up. Rousing Mona from her daze.

"Wha? Ahhh, yes... Good enough for the Mona Megistus." She looked down on the ground and blushed like a tomato.

"Come on, let's go. You don't need to bring equipment. We need to have a meeting in Liyue because we'll depart at dawn." He took her hand and they went back to the Knights of Favonius HQ. Everybody went to his crib so they could have a strategy meeting.


"Woah, this place looks... Weird?" Ei looked all over and didn't really understand what a modern home looks like. Especially an advanced one.

"Hehe~ don't worry! This place is awesome. I've been here, everything is nice here. Even the floors are heated." Yelan boasted and everyone started messing with things.

"Oh, Ohhhhhhhh." Ganyu, Hu Tao, and Mona were watching tv and a national geographic documentary was on. Mona even tried tapping the screen and Ein chuckled at their antics.

"Settle down, ladies. You guys discuss what your plans are over dinner." Ein went to the kitchen and everybody settled down at the dining table with a little bit of expectation.

While Ein was preparing, the doorbell rung and Yelan opened the door. "Ohh? Lookie here, I guess the premiere legal expert accepted~" Yelan snickered and Yanfei ignored her.

"Ahh, Yuheng, Yanfei, we've been expecting you. Sit down." Keqing sat down beside a dejected Barbara. She couldn't accept that Venti was Barbatos. And it definitely gave her depression.

"Ahem, this is quite a line up." Yanfei observed the people there and she was quite surprised. The Miko and Archon of Inazuma were also there. And the nuns were quite a disconnect too. Especially because the older one was drinking like a dwarf.

"I guess we are complete. Okay, listen up. I don't know where Ein will take us as our home base. But let us explain what the place entails in general." Ningguang put on some glasses and Ein gave a thumbs up at the kitchen, as she was looking like a sexy teacher.

"Don't make it complicated Tianquan, it is a nasty place in which wars have torned the world apart. Not to mention the chaos gods who play with the lives of inhabitants there." Mona interjected and Ningguang nodded.

"What she said, we are tasked to establish an empire that would be a safe haven for all other races. Except violent ones from the start like the Orks." Ningguang took out a map and pointed at a certain sector.

"And this, is what I would call one of our goals. Hive worlds, if we manage to relocate the citizens here and I promise you, if they see greener pastures. It would be easy, but it's not simple." Ningguang gave them flyers to visualize the lives of hive cities.

"This is... Quite frankly, immoral. But I guess their circumstances differ from ours." Ganyu was disgusted with the Imperium, as they feed their own kind what was basically corpses that get thrown down to the lower levels of the cities.

"Oh, don't forget. I'm giving you guys technology, so you can get some rogue planets or inhabitable ones. They're a dime a dozen anyway." Ein informed them while he started plating.

"Ein, you sure you aren't some kind of god of food? These cuisines are shining like some kind of treasure or something." Childe commented as the food looked divine and holy in a way.

"Well, I took my time creating those. So it's a little better. Especially for the lady over there that's depressed. That's my first blessing for you, Barbara." Ein smiled and Barbara looked up to him in surprise.

"Ein-sama? You shouldn't have!" Barbara was about to decline, but Rosaria put a hand over her shoulder like a thug. "Just eat it, Barbara. Or I will, this is a blessing from a god you know?" Rosaria lazily explained and Jean gave a wry smile.

"Oh, okay?" She took a spoonful and tasted a rich french onion soup. She then looked like she died on her seat, her soul ascending.

"Uhhh... Ein? I don't wanna be one of those guys. But is she okay?" Jean nervously asked as she anxiously stared at Barbara whose eyes rolled and was drooling like a dead person.

"Eh, don't worry. It's like that for first timers, ahhh. I remember my first time." Ganyu reminisced and everybody stared at her. "Why are you looking at me like that? No! I wasn't talking about that!" Ganyu blushed and Ein patted her head.

After 30 minutes, Barbara came back to the land of the living and immediately prostrated. "I... I have went to the after life. And it was beautiful." Barbara prayed and Lisa chuckled at Jean's complicated expression.

After eating, they planned more things and basically. Would find allies, trade, terraform planets, then make the beginnings of the empire and spread propaganda of course.

"Alright everyone, sleep tight. We'll be leaving early." Ein showed them to their rooms and told them to take a bath. They all decided to take a bath together and was escorted by a bot to the onsen.

"Why didn't I think of a bath like this when I made the jade chamber?" Ningguang was simply outmatched by his sense of comfort and luxuries.

And when the girls got in with a satisfied smile. Hu Tao decided to invade their privacy and ask about their lives.

"Hey, you guys are Ein's lovers right? Don't you worry about your mortality? Then you should've started trying to make some descendants right?" Hu Tao asked with a cheeky smile and Shenhe answered.

"We did, Ganyu taught me how to make a baby. And we've been doing it every night." She nodded in satisfaction and Ganyu covered her mouth hastily.

"Ara~ I didn't know that you had it in you, sister Ganyu. It seems that the quiet ones really are dangerous." Yae teased her and Ganyu pouted at her.

"Shenhe! You can't tell them that, it's private!" Ganyu chided her and Shenhe tilted her head. "Ahhh, is that the thing called discretion? Sorry, I just started learning that." Shenhe apologized and everybody sweated with her lack of common sense.

Yelan then started a pool fight, squirting some water on Childe who accepted the challenge. Wanting to test her improved physique that she endured for.

Everybody got roped into it and even Ningguang started enjoying it. Thinking that having friends like this was a blessing for someone in her position.


Early in the day, everybody was together and they were going to say their goodbye to Beidou first. "Guhahahaha! It's a good day for an adventure!" Beidou looked at her ship and checked if everything was in order.

"Beidou, whatever you do. Don't eat devil fruits okay? They're a trap, a crutch for strength. You'll fail miserably if you think they're good power ups." Ein lectured her and Beidou nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry! Guts is all I need to be the best sea farer of all time!" Beidou puffed her chest and confidently asserted.

"That's my girl, I'll give you a little help too. Ningguang got some, it's only fair I give you some as well." Ein gave her the knowledge of how to train haki. One piece's scaling for you to truly matter as a top dog.

"Ohhhh? That's appreciated indeed. Then, can I have a good luck charm?" Beidou jumped at him and kissed him for a few minutes. She then went back down and grinned.

"Well, you got tons of good luck now. I'm a pretty lucky man after all. Oh, by the way, if you're having some real trouble, call this number and ask for Kaguya or Tsunade. Tell them you're a part of the Aesir clan, they'll appear in a jiffy." Ein gave her a number and Beidou put it in her space ring which he created as an inventory.

"Alright, if we do need it. You already gave us food and supplies to last a lifetime though. So it would be fine, that's all what me and my men need. Booze too! Hahahaha!" Beidou laughed and hugged him tightly one last time. "Write to me often okay? Bye everybody, I wish you luck." Beidou boarded her ship.

The destroyer started to leave the harbor and entered a portal, disappearing from their view. "Good luck as well, Beidou. But you probably don't need it." Ningguang thought that she would overpower anything in her way with pure guts.

"Okay, everybody. Let's go as well." Ein rounded them up and they entered a portal. The world of Teyvat then started going into slow motion. Until time almost completely stopped. It was something that he did usually when he explores. So the kids won't grow up too quickly and miss him in their lives.


At the milky way Galaxy of the 41st Terran millennium. The warp was just doing its thing, being weird just like the sea of quanta. But Ein wanted an extravagant beginning for their empire and he released Enkidu from his omnipotence.

The whole universe trembled before his very presence. The warp couldn't contain it all and a massive pulse was released all over the macrocosm. A psychic shock wave let every living organism with complex brains knew... That something entered the galaxy. And whatever it was, it basically told them to shut up.

Psychic sensitive individuals got cut off the warp. Filling their heads with the overwhelming presence. And quite unexpectedly, serenity and peace. As Ein liked quietness and harmony.

Farseers of the Aeldari, special people of their kind that could use foresight and divinations all kneeled. Clutching their heads as they trembled, sweating heavily as if the weight of the world was on their shoulders.

"A presence has appeared in the warp. Its strength is unimaginable, it cut off access to the warp entirely." The farseer Eldrad Ulthran managed to convey before a vision entered his mind as the warp's influence returned.

He was surrounded by beautiful sceneries. Aeldari children were playing in parks, families enjoying a normal life. And other species of all walks of life treaded the lands. At peace, giving his old soul a sense of completion.

He felt fulfilled, his mission. Done, as the old ones, have made them to be the newer races' guide to live and explore the cosmos.

Eldrad then regained his senses and knew that it was a vision of the future. "Farseer Eldrad? You received divination? What happened? Is our race in mortal danger from the entity?" One of his followers. Asked immediately as they noticed that he received a vision.

"No, we are receiving salvation. Quickly! We must contact our other brothers and sisters. Every craftworld must know this!" Eldrad immediately contacted other craftworlds. While his followers gave a message to the harlequins so every Eldar would know. That hope for their dying race has come.


"Ahhh, that should do the trick." Ein nodded in satisfaction and they immediately teleported to a rogue planet without a star system.

Ein then terraformed it, turning it into an earth like planet instantly. The planet then bloomed, making it teem with life. Aligning it just right to a nearby star that was like the sun. So Ningguang and the others won't have any difficulty in trying to protect everybody from the elements of space.

"Ta-da, like that world I just created? It looks pretty, no?" Ein showed them a fraction of what he could do and everybody's mouth gaped.

"Uhh, yes. Yes we do, Ein... That's insane." Ningguang commented and everybody nodded. "Ahhh, Ein-sama even created an entire world for peace and prosperity." Barbara started praying again.

Ein scratched his cheek and gave a wry smile, as he was just in front of Barbara and it was kind of weird. He then implanted them with SWARA, so they will never be bothered by the ruinous powers and chaos. Their minds, locked like a fortress against any psychic interference. And their souls, forever protected by his mere influence on them.

"Now, how about you guys make this world into a developed one?" Ein gave them nanomachines to create anything they wished. Even giving them blueprints for certain tech that would help industrialize the world. And most certainly, weapons.

"Alright ladies, have fun. I'll be doing a little bit of something okay? Toodles!" Ein disappeared on them and they felt like they were truly alone in the world.

"Ein just left us here, we gotta embellish this place." Ningguang took out the blueprints, starting to build their empire's humble beginnings. And what better way, but to have nice homes.

Ningguang left Keqing to do what she gotta do and looked at the map of the Galaxy. Finding the nearest hive world for their manpower.

They created space faring ships that could load in approximately one million people and Ningguang tasked Shenhe and Childe to bring in the poverty stricken populace except the bottom of the barrel scum that do not deserve their paradise that was being quickly made by Keqing.

"Damn, Ein. These so called nanomachines are insane." Jean looked in awe as a city was quickly being built by Keqing, as if a godlike conductor that was guiding an orchestra.

"Yelan, you know the drill. Information is key and we need to learn everything about the Imperium. The lunatics would be our greatest enemy. Go with Shenhe and Childe, but diverge quickly and gather information. Hu Tao, Ein must have given you a special task?" Ningguang micromanaged them and Hu Tao nodded.

"Yes, it's about a particular race here in this world. The Aeldari, they don't have an afterlife. And Ein has bound me to him as an agent of his, so I can create an afterlife for them." Hu Tao was serious for once as Ein gave her a mission to handle the afterlife of a whole race.

"Good, it will be a nice bargaining chip. Talk to Keqing about how you will proceed in your endeavors." Ningguang gave her orders and the little brunette saluted. The Tianquan not really knowing that it was much more advantageous than a little bargain. But he can't tell them everything.

"Rosaria, Barbara, Yae. Create a church in the middle of the city in Ein's name. His impact on the lives for our new residents will be great. Capitalize on that and turn them into fanatics." Ningguang gave a smirk and thought that religions really were such an easy way to control the masses. Except he was giving real helpful interventions through agents.

"Okay, Yanfei. You already know what to do, once Yelan sends back information to us. Create the laws that will be the spine of our empire. Make sure to research well about the other cultures." Ningguang gave Yanfei what was arguably the hardest task, trusting in her expertise and skills.

"Umu, this will ensure that the empire will last. After all, weak and exploitable laws would be the downfall of it if I didn't do a good job. Any idea on what government it should be?" Yanfei brainstormed with Ningguang and they decided

"How about a constitutional parliament? With Ein as the head of state and I'll be the prime minister? We will then divide the other positions between us so traitors won't be a problem. Other races then can elect their own representatives. It is biased, but there should be no chances. We'll then pass on our positions to trustworthy substitutes." Ningguang thought about it for some time now and they will eventually return to Teyvat.

"Hmm, it would seem like a power struggle nightmare if we do that though. How about we use Ein's so-called America as a basis as well. Give the masses some power over the parliament and they can impeach those in the seats? We will then balance it out by giving everyone roughly the same quality of life and the highest education so they won't squander it." Yanfei and Ningguang swapped ideas.

And after a few hours, they rested themselves. Ningguang then looked at Ei and Ganyu. "Ei, Ganyu. We need more resources, we will conquer other planets and bring them here to our star system. By the way, we need a name for our empire."

"Hmmm, how about the divine empire of heaven?" Ei nodded sagely and was really proud of the name she thought up.

Ningguang cringed and thought she was bad at naming things. "Uhh, other suggestions?" Ningguang looked at Yanfei and she was stumped.

"How does the Hamn empire sound?" Ganyu gave a confusing name and Ningguang gestured for her to expound.

"I read it in one of Ein's books in his home, it was another language meaning haven." Ganyu shrugged and Ningguang squinted her eyes.

"That can work, it is short, profound, and sounds delicious." Hu Tao agreed with Ganyu and Ei nodded, seeing their point.

Yanfei gave a wry smile while Jean's eyebrows twitched. Lisa chuckled, but gave an approving smile, nonetheless.

"Hah, Ein would totally like that. I guess the Hamn empire is our nation now. What's next? Our specialty will be ham?" Ningguang gave a tired sigh, but she had a smile on her face.

"Jean, you will be in charge of our military. And for your first campaign. The strongest warrior of ours, Ei. Will go with you to bring in planets for our star system. We will expand a bit later when we hit a pretty good threshold for the population on each planet." Ningguang wanted extra planets already as having too much of them won't be a problem.

Ganyu then volunteered to make one of the planets an agricultural paradise that would be able to feed trillions of people. As her dream once was to have a farm and live a peaceful life when she retires. Not expecting she will be handling whole worlds of it.

Undergoing this important task for now. Not until her status as a diplomat will be needed at least. Ningguang and Keqing then started to build more of their cities. Quickly at that, as Shenhe and Childe took in tons of people that would need housing.

"I feel like I'm cheating a bit with Ein's creations. But this is just a head start, things will be much harder after this." Ningguang and Keqing looked at the lands like they would be making Konoha.


One Ein was still deciding what craftworld he would be going first. As the Aeldari was a victim, just like the emperor. Of bad writing, especially the space elves. Receiving no respect from their writers.

They were a race that existed since the dinos walked on earth. Fought the reality warping C'tans, hyper advanced necrontyr for 5 million years with the old ones and krorks. And they were the only ones that made it out pretty decently.

With the old ones extinct or driven out of the milky way. The C'tans shattered into shards. The huge ass krorks devolving into Orks. The necrontyr turning into space mummies that are in constant strife against each of their dynasties.

"All of them are psykers too, pretty potent as well. But no, space Marines sell too much I guess, money makes the world go round after all." He sighed and decided they will be a good ally for Ningguang and the others.

"I gotta give those horny elves a break. Well, probably except the dark Eldar, barring the Ynnari. I'm pretty kinky, but not that kinky." Ein then took out a dice and tossed it in the air. He looked at the face and shrugged at the result.

"Craftworld Ulthwe? Isn't that where farseer Taldeer is? Though she is in a wraightknight now. I guess let's find out how her condition is or if they'll call me a necromancer or some shit." He chuckled and located their craftworld. He then teleported inside of it and he stood out like a sore thumb.

"Woah, space elves. I mean, Elysia is an elf, but not like these ones." Ein observed the Aeldari that was staring at him while he monologued. His horns and eyes at their non human form so they will think he would be some kind of unknown xenos species. As they don't really like humans that much.

A child then bumped into him and he stared at her little almond shaped eyes. She was still containing innocence, not like the adults that have been warped. Well, she would eventually be xenophobic and a stuck up ass too, but that's in the future.

"Hey little girl, what's your name?" He asked the curious little kid and she touched his horns. "Woah, mister. Your horns are really weird, but my name is Fentara!" She exclaimed.

"Pretty name, how about I give you a nice little treat?" He gave her a lollipop and bided his time, as Eldar police. The aspect warriors who retired and became guardians.

"Like it?" He held her free hand and went to the side, taking out a table and chairs. Having a little tea time as the Elf police were a bit slow.

"Like it? I love it mister!" The child shouted out and other Eldar children who were currently unsupervised went close to them.

"Hey mister, what are you? You don't look like us. Can we get some of that?" The children asked curiously and he took out a variety of treats as his little companions for tea time grew in number.

"Why yes, I am an outer god, kid. I came here to talk with the seer council or the Autarchs." Ein shrugged as he sipped some tea.

"Whoa, are you someone special?" The children asked in child wonder. He then continued entertaining them with a game of Mario kart. And the kids would beat the crap out of human pros. They were that good.

But sadly, the elf police came with their hover bikes. Immediately pointing spears and weapons at him.

"Cease this tomfoolery, unknown xenos. Give back the children without question or else!" Their captain immediately ordered.

"Sheesh, what did I expect from you guys. Okay kids, play time's over. I'll at least give you some candies to take home." He took out baskets and gave them some treats like it was Halloween. And the elf police cannot touch them, they were for the kids only.

The guardians were perplexed by his actions, even more so with the baskets that the kids carried. But they were still mighty suspicious of him.

"Took you guys long enough, now. Onto business, can I speak to your seer council? You don't know what to do anyways, so I'll be lead to them. And no, you can't really do anything to me. I'll just stay here and drink my tea if you won't lead me to them." Ein just sat there and continued playing games while drinking tea.

"You filthy xenos! Do you know who we are!?" One of them blew a gasket as Aeldari experienced heights of emotions that are more intense than normal humans.

"Wait!" Their captain, a more experienced one. Diffused the situation and thought that he wasn't really a threat, for now. But he unnerved him and his intuition has saved him while he was a warrior that fought outside their craftworld.

"Ahhh, I can talk Eldrad too." Ein uttered their names and they were surprised. As they knew their chief farseer that was exiled.

"Ahhh, he was exiled. Shit, now I don't know anyone except Taldeer and her brother. Hey, is Ronahn still here?" Ein had tons of time and didn't really want to rely on his omniscience or picking memories for some names. And it was good fun too, interacting with them.

'How does he know all of that information? Is this man perhaps an acquaintance of those personages?' Their captain was getting convinced that he knew them somewhat, but didn't know if he was hostile or not.

"Who are you? How do you know them?" The captain knew that he was not lying, as only the eldar of Ulthwe knew the circumstances he just talked about.

"Well, you could say that they don't know me. But I know them, I'm a god see? I'm totally not suspicious, I even have some soul stones." Ein took out some soul stones that contained Eldar souls inside of them that are just lying around in some vault or battlefield that weren't looted or destroyed.

The guardians gasped as they immediately checked it and confirmed that the stones are in fact genuine. Their animosity was instantly replaced by gratitude as Ein took a couple of thousand of them.

"S-stranger. What is your name, we offer our thanks for saving our kin from she who thirsts." The whole squad of the space elves bowed down as soul stones trap in the souls of their fallen and saves them from being consumed by Slaanesh.

"I'm Ein, so? Can I talk with the council now?" He asked and the captain immediately led him himself as this was a joyous occurrence. Saving thousands of souls of their kin instead of them being consumed by the ruinous powers.

"Thank you again, Ein. This will never be forgotten by Aeldari." The captain once again thanked him and he waved his hands. "Umu, it is pretty important for you guys, so I came here with those."

They then quickly arrived at the building in which the farseer council resides. A quick report to the council was made and they were ushered in quickly.

"Ein, we understand that you have given us thousands of soul stones in which our brethren are contained in. And for that, we thank you. But we also received a report from the guardians that you wished to speak with us? This is not about the soul stones, is it?" The new farseer chief asked him and was pretty quick on the uptake.

"Umu, you see. I have a minor proposition to you guys. Seeing as you value those soul stones highly, then that means the Aeldari are still using the infinity circuit to stave off Slaanesh." Ein hinted about something concerning their infinity circuit. Their creation in which soul stones are slotted and power up their craftworlds while being safe, like a safe limbo.

"Yes, that is correct. Unfortunately. And there are still a lot that is lost." The chief frowned and was obviously having a hard time.

"How about I give you guys a proper after life? I am a god after all." Ein started business and gave them an offer that they cannot refuse.

"Blasphemy!? Ein, you might have returned thousands of our kin. But jesting like that is not appreciated by us." The chief squinted his eyes and Ein sighed.

"Hmm, give me a soul stone with an Eldar in it. I'll show you." Ein stared right at him and the chief was conflicted, but he gave in and asked someone to bring a soul stone.

Ein then took one look at it and snapped his fingers. A body of an Aeldari forming at their very eyes. He then pointed at the soul stone and the spirit inside of it moved like he was conducting, entering the body as the council watched in silence.

The body then gasped and patted all over his body. Noticing that he was alive. "I... Am I alive? This feeling, is no doubt my body. But I fell in battle..."

"Believe me now? They can also choose to rest in my pantheon. I just created an afterlife yesterday, so." Ein shrugged and the stunned council cannot believe their eyes. It was impossible to be necromancy. It was a full blown resurrection.

"Let us talk." The council all spoke at the same time and he gave a smirk. "Sure, by the way. I can cut the tethers that Slaanesh has on your souls by the way. I can just make a substitute easily that would fool the douche. So he, uhhh, she or whatever won't get pissy." Ein dropped a bomb on them and the chief remembered Eldrad's call on them earlier.

He then gasped. "You... You were the entity in the warp!" The chief exclaimed and he nodded. "Pretty smart, eh? Well, I did give away all the clues. You ain't old for nothing." Ein gave a satisfied nod and the council begged.

"Please... If you're such a benevolent god that has entered here for something. We will do anything so that our race could live without fear and prosper." They all pleaded and Ein sighed.

"Don't you wanna know what I want first? I'm actually making an empire. Or, my agents are. It is just in its infancy stage. But it will soon span millions of worlds. How about we go there for now? The Aeldari wants to live on a planet, no?" Ein smirked and it was easy as taking candy from a baby.

"What? But Ulthwe is caught in the pull of the eye of terror." The chief was not sure how they would escape, but Ein snapped his fingers again and the massive craftworld that spans hundreds of kilometers were instantly nearby at the now newly established Hamn empire.

"There, we're near the star system that my empire is being built on. Ohh, they have already taken multiple planets I see." Ein was surprised and the council looked at the nearby star. They saw beautiful planets that were teeming with life. And an agricultural world that had towering buildings with hydroponics and uses genetically engineered plants so that harvest will only take a week.

"My word. It is true!" The Aeldari council stared at the planets and were overjoyed at the sight of such beautiful planets.

"See? Loosen up a bit, this. It's gonna be a new home." Ein instantly took hold of the ship and ordered it to go to their base planet. Containing a sizable population of Eldar that number in the low billions.

"And we're going to screen all the soul stones. Let the tired rest, and the willing to live. Enjoy their lives at their new home." Ein instructed them to take him to the infinity circuit later and the wraithknights, mechs who are piloted by spirits inside a soul stone.

"Lord Ein, we have one concern. Ulthwe is a strategic craftworld that has fought the forces of chaos. It was because we are in the outer rim of the eye of terror. I believe that it would be detrimental if we suddenly disappear from there." The council had their worries and he nodded.

"Hmmm, I guess I'll bring in some new allies then. Remember them?" Ein started to create a green skinned behemoth. 15 meters tall, a krork.

"Krork!? Lord Ein, surely you must be joking?" The council knew that in the past. The Aeldari fought the krorks for supremacy as the necrons and C'tans have left along with the old ones. Creating a power vacuum.

"Oh I'm not. And who do you think I am? I'm gonna make these big boys have a thirst for battle only against daemons and corrupted things. And they'll fucking love it." Ein imagined what would the reactions of the whole galaxy be if they started seeing krorks at least 3 stories tall wearing power armor and wielding high tech weaponry. All while using tactics more advanced than even the space Marines. (pic)

"Lord Ein. If I may, you are quite crazy aren't you?" The chief sighed as he saw the krork suddenly move.

"My Lord, your will shall be done. Those daemon scum will wish they were never born." The krork's deep and unsettling voice shook the Aeldari. Making them gulp, as the galaxy would once again see an entire race that have fought against gods.


Ningguang saw a huge ass ship coming their way and thought that it must be Ein. Facepalming, she immediately called everyone to welcome the new faction that would be their inhabitants from now on.

Ein went to the infinity circuit and saw tons of soul stones. He scanned them all with a single look and determined who wanted to rest in peace. Segregating them into parts.

He then took out a universe from his pocket, just like Bianka's he replaced the soul stones with the universe filled with honkai energy and powered up the ship. Immediately deleting the murder spirit of the vessel that affected the eldar.

He didn't want to revive them one by one, so he just willed them to existence with their souls inside. And he ordered the guardians and seers to take the soul stones who wish to rest. He will be giving it to Hu Tao later.

And now, for the wraithknights as well as the other things they put soul stones on. Showcasing their desperation and lack of manpower.

"My lord. Please... Please give my sister her honor back, not as a wraightknight that is basically necromancy." A dude suddenly kneeled to him and Ein had a feeling that he knew him.

"You Ronahn? Hot damn, Swiggity Swooty, don't worry. I'll revive that Eldar booty." He quite liked Taldeer. But he would be having a word with her betrayals. As they once seeked help with humans and they backstabbed them, twice even.

"I'm sorry?" Ronahn couldn't believe his ears and Ein just ignored him. The wraithknights got into a stable position when they deactivate and Ein revived them as well.

An Aeldari woman who was as tall as him appeared. She had black hair and sharp eyes. With a gem on her forehead. (pic)

"Hot damn, Elysia's got to see this." He called for Elysia immediately and the siblings hugged each other over their reunion.

"Ein~ Why'd you call me over..." Elysia stared at the black haired elf and they were surprised too, seeing a smol Eldar, the siblings thought.

"Omagash! Ein, did you really find big, elf waifus? You're tall!" Elysia was really excited and her ears twitched, happy to see that Ein finally had someone in their ranks like her.

"Umu, pretty neat right?" Ein smiled at Elysia and the confused siblings still didn't know what's going on.

"Hii~ I'm Elysia ya know. Let's get along from now on, okay? Ein! You know what to do, seduce her at all cost! She will be a great addition as my sister!" Elysia gave the eldar woman a hug and Ein chuckled at her antics.

"Forgive me, but what is happening right now?" Taldeer was disoriented by the revival and Elysia's enthusiasm. "Sister, you have a body once again. And our race has been taken in by his excellency, Ein. We now have hope once aga." Before he could finish his explanation, Ein put a hand on his mouth so Taldeer won't worship him.

"Shhhh, I don't like worship. She can be grateful, but you heard the lady earlier. Perspective is a powerful thing and I would rather use my charm, k?" Ein telepathically said to Ronahn and he nodded.

Ein then used SWARA on Taldeer immediately, so she won't view him as their god. As what he did was kind of a big thing. It will create a huge rift on their relationship if she knew.

"Ahh, let me introduce myself. I am Ein, nice to meet you Taldeer." Ein smiled and shook hands with her.

"As I was saying, sister. Lord Ein here guided us to salvation, the chaos god Slaanesh no longer holds our souls!" Ronahn looked at Ein if that was acceptable and Ein nodded.

"Thank you, good sir. We will never forget this." Taldeer teared up from being overjoyed and Ein patted her head. "Umu, you are welcome. Now, let us go to your new home." Ein controlled the ship and went near their planet. The Eldar immediately packing up to live in their new home.

And while they slowly, but surely migrated. Ein took the seer council with him to the gang. "Sup, Ningguang. Like my gift? They're space elves you know? And they're all capable of magic and shit."

Ningguang sighed and rubbed her temples. "Thank you, Ein. Your gift is really appreciated. By the way, while you were fetching our new residents, look at this." Ningguang gave him their progress and Ein was pleasantly surprised that they even prepared a government already.

"Wow, you girls work quick huh? Oh, by the way. This here is our prime minister, Ningguang. She would be my officer in charge when I am not around." Ein introduced Ningguang to the council of Ulthwe and the frowned for a moment.

"A mon keigh? Lord Ein, please let us serve you instead. We will see to it that your empire would be even greater than ours in the past." One councilman yapped and Ein flicked him.

"Ahhh, what did I tell you? This new empire will be a haven for almost all races. Except violent ones, now apologize." Ein chided him and Ningguang chuckled at his display. Like he was lecturing kids.

"That's correct, leave now if you don't like it. And I assure you, I am not only smart. But I am also strong, Ein didn't pick me because of nonsensical reasons." Ningguang explained and Taldeer observed her, she was correct. Unlike the mon keigh, she was graceful and elegant. Having amazing balance that only warriors could have.

Which was thanks to Ein's little boost for them. Ein then told the eldar to follow him to let their dead rest for eternity.

They were met with a large building, they entered the facility and Hu Tao was there. Finalizing her funeral parlor for mainly the Eldar.

"Hey, Tao. It's time, they will guide you for what kind of burial or ceremony they want." Ein introduced them and Hu Tao saluted. "Sure thing, Ein. Leave it to me." She seriously said and they talked about the passing rights.

After some time, the soul stones of the ones who were scheduled to rest arrived and as many Aeldari came to celebrate their brethren's passing on.

Ein then had an announcement to make for them. "Aeldari, you have lived in constant fear. In anxiousness, in terror that if you show your intense emotions. Then Slaanesh would claim you." The elves were silent and they all nodded solemnly.

"Fear not, for when you are blessed. Chaos cannot get inside your hearts and mind. The Hamn empire means haven. And here, chaos is non-existent. Live without worry, cry if you are sad, celebrate if you are happy, vent if you are angry. For this is the rebirth of the Aeldari race." Ein finished and the elves were wary at first. But one by one, they started mourning the loss of their kin.

While some were ecstatic that they would finally pass on. Free from the shackles of this cruel world. Their heightened emotion, intense. But none felt the creep and influence of she who thirsts.

The soul stones then lost their otherworldly glow. Signifying that the spirits finally have peace. "It's beautiful. They are now in the afterlife." Hu Tao commented at the side as she saw the souls escape and enter another dimension inside Ein. They will then enter the cycle of rebirth once cleansed of their memories as a blank slate.

"Sure is." Ein patted Hu Tao's head and Taldeer went up to him. "Lord Ein, please. Give us your orders." Taldeer wanted to be useful immediately, their debt. Astronomical already.

"Then rally up the seers and go to Mona, she is the governor for divinations as well as foresight. And just call me Ein, I'd like you to think of me as a friend who came for a stranger in need." He smiled, giving her a map of the city that was starting to shape up.

"I... I see, you are a kind man. I will go with my forces then." Taldeer cracked a smile and she called for the seers.

Ein then called Ganyu and they would start a massive feast. Everybody was invited, especially the humans that were from hive cities.

He patted Hu Tao's head again for a good job and went to the hangars. Where he would start a special task force for beating up chaos.

And right there, krorks the size of houses lined up. Decked in their green power armor, currently in squads of 5. Comprising of a mage which is a psyker. A tank that have energy shields for days. A DPS who is armed to the teeth. A combat medic that could treat griveous wound with stims and nanotech. And a logistics krork, carrying tons of ammunition as well as supplies while acting as the commando unit.

"Alright, warriors! Who are you?" Ein walked in front of them and the Krorks roared. "We are the emperor's wrath!" Their low voices were like bass speakers that rumbled your very soul.

"That's right! And what's your purpose!?" Ein stood in front of them, hyping them up. "KILL!" They stomped on the ground. Their bloodlust shooting through the roof. But unlike Orks, their advanced intellect gave them restraint.

"Then what are you doing here!? Go and kill everything that you're supposed to!" Ein opened up portals to battlefronts. The squads causing tremors as they ran with glee and unbridled desire to kill at the portals.

Ein nodded in satisfaction at his now krork warriors that have charged to battle. Probably in a chaos infested world by now.

And in one particular place, the grey knights. A chapter of space Marines that are fighting hordes of demons, were doing what they do best.

"Daemon scum! Die! Ahhhhh!" One marine fired his storm bolters that were mounted at his wrist while cutting up demons with his force sword. (pic)

Lightning was flying everywhere and demon blood scattered. Dyeing the lands red as the forces clashed.

One demon who was clearly a cut above the rest, started to appear from the horizon. Finished with whatever slaughter it just participated in. Wielding a cruel whip and a gigantic axe. Its footsteps creating tremors, a bloodthirster. (pic)

But before it could reach the space Marines who were prepared for contact. They saw something green at the side, mowing down hordes of demons.

"Is that a bloodthirster I see, boys!? We hit the jackpot!" Their squad captain, the biggest. Who was 15 meters tall and holding a huge hammer with one hand. With cannons mounted onto his shoulder and blades attached at his arms roared.

"What in the emperor's name?" The space Marines were confused, so are the demons. But they quickly used that leverage to press the attack.

The hulking krorks gunned everything down. Their savagery, unmatched. Killing every single demon in sight like they murdered their whole family.

Their blades slicing them up like butter, their bullets piercing dozens of demons with every round. Their psyker raining down hellfire and lightning at anything in sight.

The squad leader finally arrived at the bloodthirster and it struck him with his whip. Only leaving scratches on his armor. The krork then threw his hammer right on its face. Knocking the large demon down on the ground.

"You hit like a pubescent girl!" The Krork mounted the bloodthirster and started wailing on its face with untamed ferocity. Every blow that were powered up with pistons and gravity wells smashed its face in. His blows creating tremors at every punch.

And when the bloodthirster's head was just a pulp. The Krork lifted up its body and tore it in two vertically. He gave a roar and immediately ran it down for the next demon that was unfortunate enough to be in his sights.

"Who are those xenos? Do we have any information on them?" The captain asked anybody as they watched one of the green giants destroy a bloodthirster with their bare hands.

"By the emperor, is anybody recording this? The ordo xenos must know. There are unknown xenos giants in power armor, roaming around." Their captain was concerned and they regrouped. Preparing to battle them when the quickly thinning horde of demons are gone.

After some time, the krork squad trampled on the last demon. They then stared at the space Marines, the red eyes on their helmets menacingly sizing them up.

"Space Marines, we have no business against you. Our job here is done, but have this." Their squad leader tossed a device to the captain of the grey knights and the Krorks regrouped.

"If there is chaos. Then we, the Hamn empire will deal with them." they started cloaking and went invisible, their suits then made their steps as light as air. Immediately peacing out for the next battlefield as their ships came from the webway. A series of tunnels that were made by the old ones and perfected by the Aeldari so they could travel in another dimension. Quickly moving around in the milky way, if you have a map.

"Captain, is it wise to take that with us?" One of the knights asked. "We will, for now. The bloodthirster wasn't even able to make a dent on their armor. We were outmatched, they also have a strong psyker with them. They would've trampled on us if they wanted too."

He stared at the device and wished that they were honest about their words. They also got information that they came from an unknown empire. But there are no records of it. "Great winds are blowing, a storm is approaching."


Thanks for reading everyone, I quite enjoyed writing that. But I am not a big lore nerd of 40k, so do correct me if I'm wrong. Anyways, ciao.