
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
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272 Chs

Chapter 185: The Great Old Ones

Honkai energy swirled violently and overloaded the universe. Being funneled into their world to create more and more honkai beasts.

And the peak was starting, emperor class and above were the only things spawning. Which were perfect matches for Aesir's earth defense force.

In the large metropolis of Shanghai, a titanic honkai beast clashed with one of the Atlans. Their fists, moving slowly to observers, but when they hit each other. A massive shockwave got released as windows shattered from hundreds of miles away.

And at the center of every major city. What looked like a pink egg was being nourished by honkai energy. One of them, finally hatching to reveal what was inside. Humanoid honkai beasts that have terrible powers. Natural born herrschers.

The will of the honkai not wanting to rely on human hosts anymore and spawned natural ones starting from now on. Choosing to ignore the rules of nature to preserve the infinite macrocosm.

"That's a pretty big game changer." Vill-v noticed that the honkai beast herrschers were in complete control of their powers as the EDF squads started harassing them.

"I guess it's finally time to move. SAKURA, Phyllis. Come to the field with your organization. Kallen, Sakura, the Ange Noir and Ange Blanc will protect the EDF as special forces, go." Ein gave his orders and the 4 organization leaders immediately went to their troops.

Phyllis and SAKURA stood at an empty plain. And suddenly, a platoon of soldiers appeared from nowhere. All decked in anti-honkai fields and void shields. Their weapons are hyperspecialized for filthy energy shield users that can cut space.

"You are the opposite of the honkai. The order of Merveille. And the foul harbingers have come." SAKURA started her speech. Naming their assassin organization the order of miracles. As the honkai was derived from collapse or decay.

"Use your blades to cut the threads of Fate. Your shields as an aegis against their terrible powers! And your skills to behead enemies." SAKURA transformed into her honkai reactive form. Her 9 tails swaying left and right as her intent to battle increased to the maximum.

"Onwards! Follow me to battle!" They disappeared once again and Phyllis sighed. "Sister fox was really enthusiastic, I guess she would be. She probably hates the honkai more than Kevin." Phyllis shrugged, remembering the siblings' fate back in the previous era.

"I guess we should do our part, Can-chan." Phyllis patted Canned Food and it leaped to the side, starting to transform with her master.

Phyllis' claws lengthened and her teeth sharpened. Her heterochromatic eyes, getting even sharper. Releasing a growl, steam escaped from her body and she exhaled like a nuclear reactor.

They then leapt and looked like they teleported out of sight. Meanwhile, Kate and Krishna were hanging around Kallen and Sakura. Kate, holding judgement of Shamash that was burning brightly already. Her eyes, squinted as she could not wait to fight.

"Kate, you must be really excited? You've been waiting for this day for thousands of years." Krishna groped her to get a reaction, but she was just ignored and Krishna clicked her tongue.

"Kate-san, Krishna-san, are you sure about this? You'll be battling full on herrschers ya know?" Kallen asked them just to be sure and they both nodded, Krishna then dropped her smile and looked serious.

"I might not look like it, but I've waited for this day to come as well." Her eyes, cold as ice.

Kallen and Sakura then prepared. Flying to the skies with an army of angels that will fight full force today.


SAKURA arrived to the fray first and saw a group of herrschers. Trying to shoot down the titans and EDF squads.

She gave a bloodthirsty grin and drew her sword. Appearing behind the herrschers as she slowly sheathed it back.

"That one looks special! Attack!" The honkai herrschers started charging up their powers of lightning, wind, and fire. But they heard a clink and their line of sight suddenly rolled, their heads cleanly taken off.

"You are already dead." SAKURA didn't even look back and tried finding her new prey. And they weren't that much farther. Seeing a storm of ice and wind raging over the horizon.

Phyllis went to Africa and instructed Can to murder anything that was silicon based. She then took a whiff of the air and her pupils dilated. With a grin, she stormed off as an Apex predator that found prey.

A black fog was spreading everywhere and slowly corroded the titans with the help of the herrscher's partner which holds power over the void. Bypassing their massive shields so the fog of corruption can get into contact.

Phyllis' tails swayed left and right like a cat that found a toy. Her legs swelled with power and she immediately pounced.

They were smartly covered by void shields and Phyllis thought it was amusing. Her clawed hands on top of their bulwark as she licked her lips and gave a smile. "I like it when they struggle, makes it more exciting. But it's such a pathetic attempt."

Phyllis crunched the void shields and held them by their heads. She then bit off the throat of the one who uses the 6th core. Chewing it like a piece of gum.

Her tail then stabbed it right at the core like a spear. Immediately killing it as she looked toward the other. Her now free hand held on to its neck and she pulled. Dismembering the void herrscher with laughable ease.

"Africa is big, I hope I can find more of you." Her voice, like a growl. Phyllis then roamed the continent of Africa to exterminate every single one of them.


Kate that was carried by Kallen to the battlefield started entering her final honkai reactive form. Gaining black wings and two curved horns. The judgement of Shamash reacting to her will as it turned into a great sword with black edges.

She then roared and released a wave of fire that burned anything into ash. Before it can crash into the horde of honkai beasts. The flames froze and she was up against multiple herrschers.

"Ahh, how about you show me how you fight Kate-san?" Kallen was curious because she was basically how Kevin would fight if Ein wasn't around.

"Say less." Kate immediately dodged the barrage of superpowered energy attacks. A myriad of lightning, ice, wind, and fire raining down like it was the apocalypse. The entire city turning into a wasteland immediately.

"False gods! Today, you shall fall!" Kate was about to bring down her burning blade on them, but a void herrscher blocked her attack.

She then got imprisoned by chains that were created by a 1st herrscher, souped up by a herrscher of binding.

Kate started losing strength and gritted her teeth. Thinking of how to get out of the sticky situation before she gets locked up in an infinite corridor.

The chains suddenly loosened up as the herrscher that created it lost the light in its eyes. Kate then felt an arm on her shoulder. "Ara~ the battle just started and you're already captured? You're quite overconfident huh? This isn't like in the past, Kate. We're against multiples of them. Stay frosty, ha! Get it? Cause you're a popsicle?" Krishna came to save the day and Kate huffed.

"Thanks for the advice." She replied succinctly and used her powers to make black shards of ice. But they were glaciers in size and they all went for a beeline towards the enemies.

The herrscher of fire fired a beam with a smirk. Thinking that it would be pointless. But it suddenly fractured and turned into millions of daggers. Raining hell upon them.

Krishna, with her multitude of divine keys from her universe. Used abyss Flower and Fenghuang down on the herrscher of binding. The herrscher got distracted a bit by the illusions. But it was enough time for the speeding lance to hit her on the chest and be deatomized by it.

Kate then targeted the void herrscher from all the chaos and bore down her might. A blinding light escaped from her fiery sword and the surroundings melted from the extreme heat. After the light died down, a crater of molten metal and rock was the only thing left as well as the 7th herrscher who is of course immune to fire.

Krishna then used the 0th power of cosmic harmony. Swallowing the herrscher in a black hole. "Well done! But Kate-san, I thought you were humanity's strongest warrior? I think, Krishna-san was much better than you in that fight." Kallen critiqued and Kate cringed.

Krishna then had a wide grin on her face. "Hear that, loser? I'm better, kyahahaha!" Krishna teased her immediately and wouldn't let her live it down.

"Hmm, well. Time's wasting, Sakura. Let's start." Kallen's white halo shone brightly. Like an angel that was there to bring salvation, she brought out her guns. She then used gunslinger style and danced.

Raining down bullets that were millions of kilograms in weight. Killing off numerous honkai beasts and herrschers instantly.

While the sound of rhythmic cuts came from Sakura as she was in a stance. Delivering judgement cuts to anything in sight, cutting them to pieces like tofu.

"Waw. We know your descendant was powerful, but she's cleaning up with Sakura like they're sweeping away some garbage." Krishna gave a cramped smile, seeing their op gear and skills.


"Argh! Why are they so strong!? This is impossible!" The will of the honkai raged and thought that if this continued, even if their forces were nigh infinite. They will have more time for a counterattack.

"You aren't the only ones with strong individuals." The will of the honkai transported a herrscher to their universe. A horrible one at that.

"Let us see how you will deal with not one, but two of them." The gestalt will started its machinations.


Ein then felt space above the planet crack open. A portal the size of a planet ripped and tentacles started to go through.

"Ahh, fuck. So you decided to put her in this battle huh?" Ein sighed and Elysia felt a connection with the being. It is a herrscher, and not the normal kind.

"Ein, what the hell is that?" Kevin asked as they didn't really know what it is. "She's a herrscher. A sister of the herrscher of the end that is. Everybody, battle stations. I'll contain your battle, this is the moment you've all been waiting for." Ein created a mirror dimension and contained the planet sized honkai beast inside of it.

"Ara, fufufu~ Such a delicious test subject. It's Morbin time I guess." Mobius started to transform with the others and they went to space immediately.

Once they arrived at the mirror dimension, the planet sized honkai beast suddenly shrank. Revealing a hooded girl with black sclera and blood red irises. Her mantle showing veins and eyes. Looking like an eldritch being. (pic)

"Hmmm, human insects? Hehe, HAHAHAHA! What would you do? To the great me? Cana, a god." The herrscher spoke and her voice tried cracking through their minds. Normal people would go insane just from a sight of her. But they shrugged it off.

"Hell yeah we will beat your ass." Sushang cracked her knuckles and neck. "Hoh? Admirable courage from a human. But I am a god. I have exterminated my whole race and uncountable worlds. Let us see how your courage holds up, humans." Cana smirked.

"Careful, she's one of the great old ones. If you don't hold on to your mind properly, she'll corrupt you eventually." Ein reminded them.

"Thanks for the heads up." Vill-v immediately deployed tower of Babel and disseminated the information about her that Ein just gave her.

Griseo doubled down and created a fortress for her and Vill-v. Also painting an army for fire support when the battle would start.

"You? A god? Then let's put that to the test, false deity. We aren't normal too, so how about we stop talking and start fighting?" Kevin held the judgement of Shamash and could finally use its most pure form in where Ein burned half of Australia to nothingness. The heat starting to rise up until it could melt entire planets by just existing.

"Kyahahaha! You humans are amusing! Thinking that you could defeat me?" Cana laughed like a maniac and the space around her started to distort.

"Bravery and arrogance are two different things, insects. How about I show you how our worlds apart our strength are?" Cana started coalescing honkai energy and the two sides prepared for battle.


Thanks for reading everyone, the herrscher of ocean has arrived. And yes, she is one of the old ones that have killed her entire species. Anyways, ciao.