
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 44

Fang Ming stopped. He couldn't beat someone to death in public.

Though Hong Kong is chaotic, it is also a society governed by rules and law. Fang Ming does not want to be wanted by the police yet.

Isn't a beauty like Ye Caini delicious?

The fight was over, and all three dangerous gangsters fell to the ground!

After watching the excitement, everyone around them also left one after another, leaving only a mess in the restaurant. The boss's face turned black when he saw this.

"You bad guy, you don't know how to go outside and fight!"

"How can I do business if my store is smashed like this?"

"Your salary for this month is gone! Go and eat sh*t!"


Just now, when his own clerk was bullied, this guy shrank his head and didn't dare to speak out, but now he became arrogant.

But the more this happened, the more anger grew in Fang Ming's heart. He suddenly turned around and stared at the boss.


The boss's voice stopped suddenly, his face trembled, and he was speechless. At this moment, he finally felt what Bad Ghost Tang experienced before.

It was like being stared at by a ferocious beast.

Fang Ming stared at him with cold eyes, and when he was about to punch him, a pair of warm palms grabbed his arm tightly.

"Ming, don't be impulsive!"

Ye Caini said anxiously, hugging Fang Ming with both hands, and her body was almost pressed on Fang Ming's.


Feeling the two soft masses on his arms, the anger in Fang Ming's heart immediately disappeared.

After traveling through the past few days, he found that his character was getting more and more irritable unlike the shroud and calm business personalty he had before traveling.

Maybe it's because of this body. After all, he participated in the South Vietnam War and left psychological trauma, the so called war sequel, which affected him.

And if you want to eliminate this emotion, you need to slowly adjust it!

Without saying anything else, Fang Ming left the small restaurant directly. He knew that he should find a new job.

"You damn boy, if you leave, don't come back!"

Seeing Fang Ming walk away, the boss cursed in a moderate voice making sure to not let Fang Ming hear him!


"Fang Ming!"

"Wait for me!"

Walking on the bustling street, looking at the people coming and going, feeling melancholy and lost, Fang Ming suddenly heard a voice behind me.

Looking back, it was Ye Caini chasing after him.

"Why are you here?"

"Why did the miser let you leave when they were busy cleaning up the restaurant?" Fang Ming asked.

"I resigned too!" Ye Caini said it matter of factly.

Stared by Fang Ming's strange eyes, Ye Caini lowered her head slightly in embarrassment and said nonchalantly, "After all, it was me that caused you to lose your job!"

"I'm sorry!"

"It's okay!" Fang Ming shook his head and smiled indifferently.

Even without this matter, he wouldn't be able to work there for to long!

"Don't blame Boss Huang, he's doing this for your own good!"

"That bastard Bad Ghost Tang is from He Liansheng. If you beat him like that, his boss won't let it go!"

"If you continued to stay in the restaurant you will definitely be hacked by them."

"It's better to leave the restaurant. Tuen Mun is so big, not all of it is He LianSheng's territory!"

"Also, the boss asked me to give you your wages for the past few days."

Ye Caini and Fang Ming walked side by side and explained softly.

Hearing this, Fang Ming nodded slightly and understood what the boss meant.

Though this guy is stingy, he is not a bad person.

The reason he didn't dare to come forward was simply because he was afraid of harming his restaurant. If he had a family and a business and offended society, his small restaurant would not be able to open.

He is a person whose edges have been smoothed by life!

Though he said that he would deduct one month's salary from Fang Ming, in the end, he secretly asked Ye Caini to take the money!

Fang Ming worked in the restaurant for less than ten days, earning 30 Hong Kong dollars a day, which is exactly 300 yuan now!

It can be regarded as Fang Ming's first income on Hong Kong in this era!

But it's definitely not enough to be called the first pot of gold!

"Where are you going next?"

Ye Caini asked, walking side by side on the street with Fang Ming.

Fang Ming is 1.85 meters tall, and Ye Caini is close to 1.7 meters tall. The two of them are like a pair of lovers, attracting attention from time to time.

"I don't know either. Let's find another job and do it first!"

"I am a man, and I will never starve to death if I have hands and feets!"

Fang Ming said it indifferently.

A salary of ten HKD a day is just enough to make ends meat. If you want to develop, you need to look for opportunities. ( HKD is Hong Kong Dollars)

"But, now that you have no job and can't pay the rent, where will you live at night?"

"I can go to the station, the dock, the hospital, or the park! It doesn't matter!"

In fact, Fang Ming can rest in his own space warehouse. There is no need to rent a house, but Ye Caini doesn't know that!

He said eagerly, "How can that be done? You will get sick after a long time!"

Then, as if she thought of something again, she slowly lowered her head, looked at her toes, walked forward, and said in an inaudible voice, "How about you go to my place to stay for a few days first?"


Fang Ming stopped and looked at Ye Caini in surprise.

Did he hear it right?

Did Caini let himself live with her?

Looking at Ye Caini's face that had turned slightly red, and how she didn't dare to look into Fang Ming's eyes.

Fang Ming looked at her strangely, how can she be so bold.

"You don't get me wrong!"

"You can lay on the floors there! And you will leave after you find a job and pay the rent!"

"After all, you lost your job because of me!"

Ye Caini He explained hurriedly, her voice getting softer and softer and her face getting redder and redder!

Fang Ming: "..."

At night, in a room of about eight square meters, which was the apartment rented by Ye Caini, Fang Ming layed on the floor.

His body felt cold, but his heart felt hot, and he couldn't fall asleep.

"Caini, are you asleep?"

"Yes i am already asleep!"

"Nonsense, why are you still talking when you are asleep?"

"I sleep talk at night!"

"Then I sleepwalk at night!

""I dare you!"

"Then i will give it a try."

"Try it and you will die!"