
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 43

"Morning, Fang Ming!"


On the way to work, Fang Ming happened to bump into another waitress from the tea restaurant, Ye Caini!

The two greeted each other with a smile and went to work together.

Ye Caini is a native of Hong Kong Island with an average family background. She works part-time in a tea restaurant. She came a few days earlier than Fang Ming. She is nineteen years old and very beautiful.

And even wearing ordinary waiter's clothes can't hide her beautiful body.

There is an aura of aloofness, and a sense of a strong woman who is just beginning to show off.

In the tea restaurant, the person Fang Ming has the best relationship with is her!

After all, they are both newcomers, and they are both good looking. In addition, Fang Ming has the soul of future generations, and his high intelligence and future tricks often makes her laugh.

The two of them walked in together, cleaned up, and started working for the day. Soon it was time for dinner, and a large number of customers flooded into the store, and Fang Ming also became busy.

At this time, Fang Ming noticed three people walking in front of the door wearing patterned shirts with parted hair, tattoos, and a carefree appearance!

Fang Ming was already used to this look.

They are part of the gang that control this street, they should be the lowest ranking sticks!

On Hong Kong Island, associations (gangs) have become an indispensable part of the entire society.

According to statistics, members of associations account for one tenth of the four million people on Hong Kong Island, for a total of 400,000 people.

Plus, their relatives and friends!

It can be said that half of the population of Hong Kong Island is related to associations.

At the bottom of Hong Kong, the most influential people are not the British or the Hong Kong police, but these large and small associations.

No one can touch them at all!

And the gangs are not a charity association, raising so many younger brothers also requires money.

Smuggling, gambling stalls, horse stables, and white powder are all ways for society to make money. Of course, these are relatively advanced.

And like this low ranking members of the associations, their task is to collect protection fees from merchants.

Seeing the three people coming in, the owner of the tea restaurant was already used to it. He took out an envelope from under the table and handed it to them.

The leading young gangster opened it, took a look, and nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw Ye Caini coming from the kitchen carrying refreshments.

"Hey, Lao Huang, Are you recruiting new waitresses here?"

"Such a pretty girl is a new waitress, right?"

The leader walked towards Ye Caini with a smile, and the boss's face became unhappy.

"Bad Ghost Tang, I've already paid the protection fee, don't cause trouble here!"

However, Bad Ghost Tang waved his hands nonchalantly and said, "Don't worry, don't worry!"

He stood in front of Ye Caini and said, "Beauty, Don't you have a boyfriend? Let's get to know each other! My name is Bad Ghost Tang; you can also call me Brother Tang!"

Seeing the ill intention-ed looks of the three young gangsters, Ye Caini's pretty face turned pale. She took a step back and said angrily, "Go away!"

"Hey, this girl is pretty bold! I like it!"

As he said that, Bad Ghost Tang directly stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Caini's hand.

Seeing this scene, none of the customers in the store were minding their own business and doing whatever they were supposed to do. Some of them even looked at the fun with interest and laughed mischievously.

The boss looked bad but did not stop him.

Fang Ming glanced at the boss. After working here for a few days, he knew that the boss was a coward and did not dare to cause trouble, but Fang Ming did not.

Though he believed that in such a large audience, Bad Ghost tang could not go too far.

But he couldn't just watch Ye Caini being teased.

Fang Ming stepped forward, grabbed Ye Caini's arm, pulled her over, and stood in front of Rotten Ghost Tang.

"That's enough; don't cause trouble!"

Fang Ming said calmly, staring at the Bad Ghost Tang.

After several years of military career, he had walked through the South Vietnamese battlefield. Even though Fang Ming looked calm, he made no other movements.

But the aura he showed off also made Bad Ghost Tang expression stiffen.

Immediately after reacting, he felt that he had been disrespected and felt very unhappy. He glared at Fang Ming angrily and cursed.

"Boy, do you want to die?"

"This is a restaurant. Leave if you don't eat." Fang Ming said coldly.

Though he doesn't want to cause more trouble, this chaotic society will not allow a good person to live a stable life honest people will only be bullied.

Bad Ghost Tang face was very gloomy after being challenged like this in public.

Damn, a waiter can be so arrogant!

If he don't beat him and let this kid kneel down and apologize to him, Bad Ghost Tang will never be able to collect protection money here in the future.

Even his follower will looks down on him.

"Fuck him! Fuck him!"

Bad Ghost Tang gave the order, and the two boys stepped forward directly!

One of them wanted to step forward and grab Fang Ming's collar, but before he could catch him.

Fang Ming moved first, took a step forward, lifted him on his back, and threw him to the ground!


His back hit the ground firmly, making a muffled sound!

The boy's face turned red, and his eyes almost popped out!

Then Fang Ming kicked the other boy diagonally, so fast that no one had time to react.

The other boy felt as if his chest had been hit by a big rock. The world was spinning for a moment, and his body flew four to five meters, smashing several tables.

The pain was so painful that he lay on the ground like a prawn, holding his stomach, with tears and a runny nose running down his face, and he even vomited out his breakfast.


There was an uproar in the restaurant. Everyone stood up and left, looking at Fang Ming in surprise.

I didn't expect that this handsome boy was so powerful, and he easily defeated two young gangsters.

Behind Fang Ming, Ye Caini was also very surprised and covered her mouth, with joy in her beautiful eyes.

She was still worried about whether Fang Ming could defeat these three dangerous gangsters!

Now she realized that she was worried in vain; it turns out he is so good at fighting!

On the other side, Bad Ghost Tang saw his two younger brothers being killed in the blink of an eye, and he suddenly panicked.

He knew he was in trouble!

But now he couldn't afford to giving in, so he took out a machete from behind.

"Boy, you are good at fighting!"

"I'll chop you to death!"

After merging the original soul of Fang Yuejin, Fang Ming's character has also undergone many changes. After all, he is a person who has experienced war.

Seeing Bad Ghost Tang take out the machete, Fang Ming's eyes turned cold.

Bad Ghost Tang was stunned because he saw a strong murderous aura in the eyes of the boy in front of him, as if he were being stared at by a tiger. This look made him feel scared.

He felt timid in his heart, but the next second, he became even more angry. How could he be frighten by a waiter? This made him feel ashamed.

"Boy, how dare you look at me like that?"

Angry, Bad Ghost Tang slashed at Fang Ming!


But before Rotten Ghost Tang could hit Fang Ming, Fang Ming moved, grabbed his wrist, and twisted it hard!


Bad Ghost Tang's face was painful and ferocious, and the machete fell to the ground.

Fang Ming made a fist with his other hand and hit him hard on the chin.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, along with several teeth!





He was beaten so violently that his mouth and nose were bleeding.

He was still struggling at first, but after a few punches, he completely collapsed to the ground, becoming like a dead dog and unconscious.

Ye Caini hurried over and grabbed Fang Ming!

"Ming, stop hitting him, you will kill him!"