
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 20 The Most Important Piece In The Game.

At this moment Fang Ming and Ling Chen heard the front door of the house being opened, Fang Ming stood up and went to great the Grandmother who just came back.


"Hello Grandma, i hope you have been doing well" Fang Ming said to the Grandmother with sunny smile.

The Grandmother who just came back was surprised to see Fang Ming, she smiled back and said with a warm tone "hello young man, you haven't visited us ever since you left a month ago welcome to our house i will go and prepare some tea for you".

At this moment Ling Chen came from the back with some dresses on her hand and started to show it the Grandmother and ask her about her opinion.

Soon the three of them sat down together and ate the crispy baked chicken thighs Fang Ming bought as they chatted.

The curious Ling Chen kept asking Fang Ming about everything that came across her mind, and the smooth talker Fang Ming didn't fail to entertain her as for the Grandmother, she was watching this blissful moment from the side and talking a little here and there.


Fang Ming left Ling Chen and her Grandmother house in afternoon, he gave them 4 000 HKD to help them, at first he wanted to give them more but the Grandmother strongly refused. even Fang Ming with all his experience in smooth talking people couldn't convince her.

In the evening Fang Ming meet up with Li Na in their small love nest and showed her the gifts he bought for her, she was over joyed then she insisted on dragging Fang Ming to the commercial center so she can buy gifts for him as well.

Coincidentally they ended up in the same shop Fang Ming bought the cloths and gifts for her and Ling Chen in this morning, which caused the females clerk who remembered his mass purchase in the morning to misunderstand him for a restless rich second generation playboy who just brought another girl to show of his wealth.

Li Na who was in a good mode before entering this clothing shop was extremely pissed and just picked a random suit for Fang Ming before leaving the shop.

As for Fang Ming who ended up receiving a lot of small pieces of papers with homes addresses or phones number looked extremely awkward, then he turned to look at Li Na who had a cold face and waiting for him to explain.

Fang Ming tried very seriously to explain but he didn't understand what just happened himself, he could only attribute the small awkward incident to his handsome face.

The two ended up walking in silence all the way back home. while Fang Ming kept shamelessly praising his good and handsome new appearance in his heart.

Li Na was worried about gains and loses, she had lived with Fang Ming for almost a month now and she got to experience just how thick skinned and shameless this guy was, coupled with his handsome face and his strong body he was already a very tempting catch for most women.

Li Na could only shook her head, now that Fang Ming started to get richer he will become a very fatal temptation to those vixens out there, which women didn't want a strong ,handsome and rich husband.

As for trusting Fang Ming to keep his hand Li Na didn't believe it one bit, this guy was just to greedy.

Li Na turned her head to look at Fang Ming which in return smiled back at her innocently, she clenched her fist and really wanted to beat him up.


Few days later Fang Ming was flying in the economy class going back to china to clean his money and do some business, although Fang Ming can already be considered a rich guy in this era with a wealth surpassing 7.5 million HKD, but he can't really use it.

First because it is a dirty money and second because the police are still on the look out for the kidnappers.

7 millions HKD appearing out of nowhere in the hands of a guy who just registered himself in Hong Kong less than one month ago is just asking the police to catch himself.

However spending few millions HKD in China right now is different, the current China has a strong control on the foreign currency flowing out of the country but not the ones flowing in.

In this era china was just starting to open up to the western culture and the current system is full of holes he can take advantage of. Fang Ming decided to go to China not just to wash his money and make it legal but to invest and make it bigger.

Fang Ming also planned to buy some guns and ammunition from the soviet union, although the quantity he want to get his hand on was a bit to big for a first time deal, he was quite experienced at this trade, and he believed as an experienced Arms Dealer himself he knows how to convince one.

Fang Ming planned to make it into a long term business, from the experience he got in his previous life. Fang Ming knows just how important and crucial a well equipped team can play in the game.

Just the deterrence of such a team is enough to offset 80% of political troubles as for the other 20%, assuming deterrence may not work on them, Fang Ming still believed violent actions and assassinations will solve that.

Fang Ming knows that bribes won't solve anything, no that's just delaying the inevitable, only violent actions is always reliable it's also the best and the only solution Fang Ming believed in.

Affording such a team won't be easy, the quality of the equipment and the ammunition they will end up using is an astronomical sum.

But Fang Ming knows his priorities, having a strong and well equipped team is not optional, No it's the most important investment to have in the early stages.