
Honey goes well with Lemons

Ms_Lilith85 · Teen
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3 Chs


"Zach... Let's break up"

As if each word echoes around the room ,with her heart thumping so loud that brought pain to her chest, while stoping herself letting tears fall from her eyes. They we're the only ones in the room but her mind felt crowded with a thousand thoughts.

"Why? Give me a suitable reason to" he spoke as he looked at the girl with teary brown eyes . He look at them as if it was his world, his world that came crashing down at this moment.

"I don't think my reason is suitable for you but it is for me" she answered while her voice start to shake . She was still looking to his blue eyes that used to calm her down but now it's pressuring even her thoughts .

"Tell me Rian" he pulled her closer to him . As he caress her hand giving it a soft massage , it was something Rian always do for him to calm him down . Just returning the favor he thought.

" Zach Why do you like me? Cuz I don't get it , I don't get you, I can't understand why" she look at her hands bieng wrapped around his to avoid him seeing her eyes let out tears she was stopping awhile ago.

"Look at me Honey" he called out to her using they're sweet nicknames as he hold her cheeks . She faced him with her tears dripping to his hands." Stop crying please it's painful" he pull out his handkerchief and gently wiping her tears away

She stayed crying quietly biting her bottom lip to not make any noise ,while looking at him wiping her tears.

" I don't know what happened and why suddenly your asking me for a break up, why your crying ,Why your asking me about the reason I love you, even when I just do " he stated as he pulled her to his embrace , wrapping his hands around her and burying himself to her neck , giving it a few minutes before looking at her face again.

"You know I'm not good with words right?" Still looking to her eyes going down to her lips .

"Can I kiss you?" He asked as he gently brushed his thumb to her bottom lips. For a few seconds she nod giving him approval.

He kiss her with passion as if he was explaining how much he love her . As the warmth spread to her body with the arms holding her waist she let out sweet sounds that made him tense for a second . I want more he thought but he restraint himself . They parted a bit to breath but still looking at eachothers eyes, with cheeks blushing and redden lips . That reaction is way to cute he thought.

"My answer is no I don't want to Honey , I love you too much to let you go , Your mine" he declared before giving her forehead a kiss and embracing her again.