
Honey goes well with Lemons

Ms_Lilith85 · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 1


We've been a couple for one year and a half though we never made it official to everyone. At times yes, it made me sad because I want to claim him as mine infront of those girls who still think they have a chance but... deep inside I want HIM to claim me as his instead. I'm not really the type who like attention to alot of people it actually makes me uncomfortable and trigger my anxiety but if it was about me telling the world his mine....I would try my best.

Rian's POV

"Honey wake up "

I felt warm lips on my forehead and arms wrapped around me , I must say this...I like it very much so let me snuggle a bit.

"Hey stop it we need to get ready" he said that but letting me snuggle close to him and actually still wrapping his arms around me.

"Just 5 more minutes please" I answered while cuddling him . I really like this.

"Honey am I spoiling you to much?"he jokingly asked.

"I think it's the other way around" He giggled at my answer.

"Yeah I guess it is " he said then gave me another kiss in the forehead."But we really need to get up now we're going to be late"

"Awww fine." he moved his arms away then I sit up the bed still feeling sleepy with my eyes still close . My hair is probably looking like a mess right now.

I felt him moved out of bed probably getting the hair brush since he kind of brush my hair in the morning like it's now a habit . I opened my eyes seeing him opening the drawer taking my blue hair brush then coming back to bed to brush my hair. My hair is down to my waist and it's naturally wavy so it's quite easy for it to get tangled and I sometimes straighten 3 times week. Though I don't know how he brush it so easily and gently everytime . After he brushed my hair he put it on a low pony tail. I really like it.

"There all done "

"Thank you honey" I turned around and hug him that he gladly accept then gave me another kiss on the cheek. I like it.

After that we got out of bed , he directly go down stairs while I got to prepare are uniforms for school. After I was done preparing , I followed him down stairs seeing him preparing the table with our breakfast on it. It smell so good I like it.

"Zach please marry me" I asked while leaning on the kitchen counter. With a smile on my face because I'm seeing us right now as if we're husband and wife.

"Haha Sure why not " he answered as he removed the apron and started walking towards me. When he got close he cornered me . Locking me up by the waist with his big hands pulling me closer to him then giving me a sweet kiss on the lip. It made my heart skips it beat , I like it , I really like it.

*Time skip*

Rian's POV.

It's lunch break , so I'll be heading to the school rooftop instead of the cafeteria since Zach told me we would eat together . I have our lunch boxes with me and Zach sent me a message that he'll bring the drinks, though he'll be running quite late since he have a meeting going on at this hour .

I headed to the rooftop making sure no teachers or school monitors saw me since this is a restricted part of the school since some depressed students last year almost jump here, It's kinda sad . I made it to our favorite spot so I put down the lunch boxes and set the blanket that we could sit on. Perfect

"It's quite windy today" I mumbled as the wind blow my hair "like then hehe" some memories came up to mind not just any memories but a really good one.

"Am I late?" He asked even though I'm not looking, I know it's Zach.

"I wonder? Is the School President Zachary Calix have ever been late." I teased. Since his a morning person who sleeps around 9 o'clock and wake up 5 o'clock in the morning even though our class starts at 8. I mean where does he gets that courage to wake up so early when you have such comfy bed to sleep on for 2 more hours.

"Then I'm right on time , let's eat"


We had our lunch together and he actually bought our favorite drinks . I got apple juice and he had the classic iced coffee that he always buy only on Mondays, Wednesdays,and Fridays ,It's Monday. I know because I told him to limit it since to much caffeine is bad for his health before he would 2 cup of coffee a day in the school council office when his doing school works.

"Rian?.." he called out to me while I was all cuddled up to him . He asked first when I was planning too.


"I'll be home late because of the upcoming school event planning but you could take the car home with you" he continued and handed me the car keys , though I didn't take it.

"I know Hailey told me but you should keep the car, I can just ride with my friends or taxi back home"

Hailey is my bestfriend and the school's treasurer . She's actually the only one who knows about our relationship since she was also the one who introduced Zach to me at a dinner party before. But that's a different story . She actually messaged me ~Girl let me borrow your boyfriend later , we got plans to do . Don't worry I won't snatch him from you ,nor eat him~ .

"Then when you get home message me " he sounded worried.

"Yes yes don't worry" I answered while massaging his hands to calm him down. He can be a bit of a worrywart sometimes.