

My name is Hunter Mansilla, I just turned 25 this year but it's also my 3rd year battling my bone cancer. It's hard to be just laying down on a bed all day but for almost 3 years now, I wanted to give up but I didn't.

When I just got so bored doing nothing I requested a laptop that I watch videos and movies too. My parents bought one and spent most of the days just watching youtube e and some fictional movies.

My father then suggests the Star Wars series for me to watch. Of course, at first, I just thought it will just be a garbage movie just like space movies I watched before but I gave it a try.

In the end, I loved all the movies except for the last three of the series. I loved the series so much at one point I want to be there and live there. After a year I watched the series about 23 times before my body cannot fight anymore.

I thought it will be my last night being alive and my guess was right after sleeping that night I felt like my body just got pulled out of someone's body which is true as my soul just floating around the room as my body is cold asf and the nurses and doctor rushing into my dead body.

A small drop of my tear dropped into the floor. I felt a mixed feeling a part of me being happy as I don't have to endure the pain anymore and the other part is being sad as watching my parent's smiles fade as I watched them cry in front of my dead body.

Before I could go near to my parents I felt like my body got sucked up. But before that I still touched my parents and hugged them both before being sucked in completly.