


I opened my eyes wondering as to where I am. As I looked around the room that I am in I saw a big space enough to fit 3 elephants, the sun so bright that I have to squint my eyes to cover it, my bed just too big to be normal, gold walls, gold in cravings to my walls, and lastly a woman whose her arm crossed and looked mad.

Before I could react she grabbed my pillow and swing it to my face. It was just too find for me but I saw it in slow motion. I was amazed but also terrified of what is happening right now, where I am, who is she, what room is this, is this heaven, is this hell, am I going to die.

I have tons of questions that cannot be answered right away.

"Son it's already afternoon, your father is angry that you missed the war discussions," The woman said.

'War??!!! What.....!!!! Son!!!!??????'


I cleared my throat to gasped at what just heard, did she just call me her son??? and war?? I don't even hold a single gun in my whole life. What the heck is going on.


Before I could talk my eyes immediately shuts down and saw the woman running towards me.

Then tons of information suddenly popped up into my brain. It's like me learning so fast but also I am learning it fast. So fast that I can feel my head getting hotter as time goes by. But one thing that I swore into my life is that I will never give up whatever it is so I endure the pain that feels like it's ripping my head apart.

The pain stops and my eyes open.


"Son are you okay?"

"Yes father just a small matter"

"I see, prepare tonight we will be waging the last battle to end this war"

"Yes father"

My father and his elite guards left my room same with my mom smiling at me as I also smiled at her.

One thing is for sure I am the son of an emperor on the planet of Fredis. I am in the world of Star Wars but it's 500 before the invasion of Naboo will happen. My father is a Jedi nor a Sith but my mother is a Jedi they don't call their selves Sith or Jedi instead they called themselves Force Users.

My new name is Ken Megrez and my current age is 19 years of age. I can control the Jedi powers but for Sith power to control for me, it's hard but have far more knowledge about it than Palpatine. To compare my power it's par to Grandmaster Yoda at his best. But using my Sith powers I can defeat Yoda barely.

This war that was my father is talking about is the war that has been going on for about a decade now with the other kingdom that want independence and don't want to be part of the empire that my father rule.

I stand up and went into my bathroom and undressed as I looked at my body. I am probably 6'5ft and my body is shredded with muscled but not too much that it makes my body look like a monster. While my face looked handsome more handsome than my previous body.

After staring at my body I then take a bath before going downstairs to the main dining room where there I ate my breakfast and lunch with my parents. I don't have any siblings nor my father having a mistress as I remember asking him why and he says I am more than enough for him.

After eating my lunch I went to the training ground where I saw lightsabers different styles, movements, and colors. As for me, I went to the forest where there the previous owners trains secretly to increase his Sith powers.

I trained for hours didn't stop or was even distracted. I killed animals to serve as my training. Using the Sith powers and controlling it is hard, I almost become rouge but handle it well because the previous owner knows how to calm down.



Then a surprise attack came from behind me but I stopped it using my lightsaber. I pushed the attacker using the force and simply back out. There I saw it is not a human nor an animal it's simple just a monster.

"A rouge one"

He has a body but it's covered with a black aura all around, head to toe. He can use a lightsaber. He cannot talk just repeatedly saying "More".

I smiled as this is the first for me and the previous owner fighting this kind of rouge one. I rushed and strike with my lightsaber with an intent to end this fast as I can. We strike each other for 10 minutes, I see no sign of the rouge one being tired so I just used half of my power.

I killed the rouge one using the help of the sith power, anger, and hate. It was hard to control but later on, got the hang of it and continuously strikes the rouge harder and harder until I cornered him and just went so fast as the light of speed that I cut his head.