
Holonatural Occurences(Hololive Fanfiction)

Turns out, life isn't as it seems as it creeps its way into Haru Shinzou's life. While on a trip, he encounters a mysterious wolf-girl that seems to be linked to something that shouldn't even be real to begin with. With the existence of the supernatural, who's to say he'll have a great life? Or more than one? Discalimer : NOT A COPY I am the original creator and I am basically re-uploading my chapters from Wattpad. This is my fault for not having this disclaimer here before and I apologize.

Arusu120 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Question of Value

When I first witnessed the burning flames that created the worst day of my life, I knew that I had nothing else to go for in my life. It had happened as fast as a flame could grow.

But I knew that the flames were out of the ordinary. I knew that the flames weren't supposed to be glowing a shiny gold as it wrapped itself around my mother and sister. And I knew that because of my foolishness as a kid, it had gotten the people around me burning in agony.

But what I didn't know... was the fact that a creature so dangerous had vacated itself within the building's shelter. As for what reason, I wouldn't know.

All I knew was that it was my fault for letting it out.

"Do you... need help?" Yeah... I remember my own innocent words at that time. It was too bad of a shame that a child's naivety could be used against them.

But... it still felt nice to free something that didn't want to be there. As for the reprocussions, I didn't think that much into it. And in the aftermath, I could never live to swallow down and shun the depression with the memories of burning flames.


The wind actually felt nice for once. It actually felt like I was in peace as the wind would guide me along the path to somewhere that I wouldn't care about. As if I was dreaming, the sound of wind being pierced was all I could hear in my ears.

As I opened my eyes, I greeted the sky with a small twitch on my lips. But that was soon gone when I realized that the fact that I could see my shirt slowly being raised as the wind began to pick up.

My eyes widened in realization.

I was falling from the sky.

I wished I could open my mouth to scream, but the fear overwhelmed me, causing me to hold my breath as I looked around my surroundings with a panic filling my vision. Slowly and slowly, or fast in this case, I was falling to the ground that was located somewhere in the shrine.

To have died to die again? Was this something that I'm going to have to get used to if and when I die? If it was, then, I might have to keep my eyes closed and pray that-

"I got you!" A woman's voice had suddenly cut out my thoughts and I felt someone's body being pushed against my own. As I looked up to see a familiar fiery-like hair, I breathed out a sigh of relief when I noticed that it was Kiara-chan who saved me.

As I felt the wind begin to slow down, I could feel my nerves calming and my hands on her shoulders tightening as it was shaking on their own a bit. Maybe I can't calm myself so easily...

But as the wind began to die down a bit, the sight of two orange colored wings sprouted from Kiara-chan's back and continued to slow our fall. Soon, we were able to touch the ground again and I have never been so happy before to see stone flooring.

"Kiara-chan, thanks... again." As I didn't really notice it, my breathing was starting to slow down and I was more than able to formulate a few simple letters.

"Umm... you're more than welcome." Looking at her, I could see her arms behind her back as she bows down at me for whatever reason. Is there a reason why she's acting so formal all of the sudden? I mean, formal is not a word that I would describe her with the amount of memories I have with her.

"Is everything alright? You don't need to bow for saving my life like... three times already. I never took you for one to be so formal, Kiara-chan." I heard a sound come from out of my mouth that might resemble a small chuckle, but I wasn't sure.

"I... did? I'm sorry for not asking this earlier, but who are you again?" I felt my body unconsciously take a step back out of surprise.

"You... That's right, you lose your memories for some reason after you die. I'm actually surprised that you-" Before I could finish, I felt the pressure of two arms on my shoulders, forcing me to stay in place as I was greeted with a close-up of Kiara-chan's face.

"I... I... I DIED?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT I DIED?!" Shaking me, I wasn't able to form that many words as the strength of this woman pressured me to be unable to do so.

"Let.... explain!" Hearing this, she stopped shaking me. If she acts like this without her memories, it makes me question why I can remember things after dying.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Bowing again, she apologized. I'm not going to be used this... "formal" Kiara-chan.

"Alright... just listen, okay?" She nodded her head fast like a child. "I am Shinzou Haru, and you kind of put everything on the line to save me earlier from a dangerous fight." She tilted her head as if she was trying to be cute here...

"A fight? I don't remember getting into a fight, though. Wait... something is coming back to me. I remember... fighting this... pink-haired woman with a scythe. I don't remember her name though." She's probably talking about Calli-san. Strangely enough, Kiara-chan never got the chance to talk to me about their encounter.

"...That was-"

"But even when I don't remember her name, my heart... began to pound really quickly when I just remembered how she looked. Who was she?" Looking deep into her eyes, I could see a small glint of something in there. Could it be hope? Could it be determination? I wouldn't know.

"Her name is Calli-san. She's... a Reaper that's coming for my life because I cheated death. You fought her earlier to buy me and Amelia-chan some-" I stopped when I remembered about Amelia-chan. She's probably still in the cave!

"Is there something wrong, Haru-kun?" I didn't think too much on choice of words, as I quickly began to run into any direction to where I think the cave might be.

I was running through the unknown as I was basically going through branches sticks as I tried to find my way back to the cave. However, I wasn't able to get far when I felt something tug on my right arm. Looking back, I could see Kiara-chan's concerned face.

"Where are you running off to? Don't you think it's too dangerous to just wander off like that?" I tried to take my arm back, but with her strength, I wasn't able to budge through anything.

"Listen, I need to go help my friend! I know you wouldn't know who they are, but I have to find them!" But even when I explained it to her, she still didn't let go of my arm. Looking back at her, her face look conflicted enough to be unsure about something.

"Why won't you let go?! I need to go, Kiara-chan!" She slightly opened her mouth.

"I won't." My eyes widened a bit before trying to force my arm out again. The fact that she still tried to stop me is starting to get on my nerves.

"Why won't you?! Why are you trying to stop me?!" Her grip on my arm tightened as she looked more conflicted.

"I don't know. I don't know why I won't let go. I know nothing about you, but something in my head is telling me to stop you from going alone at whatever cost." I stopped trying to force my arm out after she spoke.

"You were always trying to stop me. Even if my decision was suicidal, you always tried to stop me. And I never understood that or you, Kiara-chan." I could feel the grip over my arm begin to loosen.

"I... No, even if I don't understand that much right now, I can tell that there's something between us. In my heart, there's something that I promised to you and it's a promise that isn't meant to be broken!"

"Not everything could be resolved just by promising something and hoping that it will last forever!"

"If I try hard enough, then it doesn't have to be broken!"

"You don't understand anything about me, so why even try to begin with?! I didn't even ask you to die for me! If a promise like this is so important, then why bother with someone who wants no part of it?!" Maybe it was because the heat of the moment, but I slowly felt all of my thoughts return to me about her stupid promise.

"I... don't care about any of that. I don't care about any of that, Haru! I don't regret a single thing that I've done to protect you, Haru! I fought Calli, a tentacle witch, and even died for you! And you know, Haru? I don't regret a single thing of it! To me, a promise is everything! Especially... escpially...!" She stopped on her words. I could see the tears in her eyes begin to burst. Her memories are starting to return.

"I thought we were already done with crying. Why are we even fighting to begin with?" I reached up and gently pat her head as she cried some more.

"...Why do you continue to put yourself at such risk? I try to protect you and you just... try to throw your life away." She choked between sobs.

"I'm more than determined enough to not stand there when people can die because of my lack of decision. It happened before, and I can't let it happen again. I won't be able to sleep anymore knowing that there was at least one more person sacrificing theirselves for someone such as me. I'm not standing anymore; I'll walk and eventually start running."

"But..." I began to smile a bit when she couldn't find the words to speak.

"Be honest with me, is there another reason why you won't break your promise with me?" She didn't speak, she only nodded her head. "You don't need to tell me the reason. You're a good person, Kiara-chan. If I had met you sooner, then, at least there was one person who wouldn't make me think that the world isn't so bad." My hand on her head began to journey its way on her tear-stained cheeks.

"My mother used to always caress my cheeks when I cried. I've cried so much before, that I remember the pattern in the way she does it. I was such a crybaby, wasn't I? Do you know what that means, Kiara?" She looked at me in my eyes and shook her head.

"It means you're starting to become a big crybaby."


"Are you sure you won't try to stop me?" I was finally able to see something familiar like the red gates that tower above us.

"There's point in trying to stop you anymore. If you're so determined, then I'm going to have to try to make sure that you're safe while doing whatever you need to do." It seems like she finally accepts my decision.

"Well, at least you aren't trying to stop me. Have any ideas as to where we need to go? I remember seeing these gates before, but I have no idea where we need to go next." Staring at all directions, tha pathways had a bunch of gates that look identical at all directions, but I can't seem to think of anything.

"How about that building right there? There might be someone in there we might be able to ask for directions." To our left, I saw a building that was much smaller than the museum-like building. It was more in the size of a house than anything.

Walking up to it, we walked up the steps to knock on the door. And when I finally reached it, I gently tapped on the door, only revealing that it was slightly opened. As it slightly opened, I poked my head through and was about to announce myself, only for something to take my interest.

I saw a long and bushy white tail with black tips sticking from out of a room. Strangely, on the tail, it was a... pentagram? Is that what it's called?

"Is there something wrong, Haru-san?" Hearing a feminine voice behind me, Kiara-chan and I had turned around to see... Ookami Mio standing there with a basket full of bread. Her wolf ears twitched slightly as she patiently waits for us to respond.

"A-ah, we were about to go inside to see if there was anyone inside! We got lost and we needed directions..." Kiara-chan tried to explain. Staring at Kiara-chan, she calmly nodded her head.

"I understand. I suppose you need to go to the source of magical energy that I had felt earlier?" Is she referring to the cave?

"Do you mean the cave?" I asked, trying to clarify if we're on the same page.

"Yes. I had felt magical energy clashing with one another inside that cave, but I was busy to see what was going on within it." She stated.

"Sorry about that, there was... a bit of a fight going on because of a tentacle witch trying to do some weird stuff to Haru here." Mio-chan had blinked a couple of times before looking at me.

"Kiara-chan, you're making a huge misunderstanding here. As much as I would like to explain it, but we're in a bit of a hurry to save my friend. Could you show us the way there? Possibly... the quickest?" She smiled.

"Sure, I'll be happy to help you. Please, follow me." After placing her basket of bread down at the door frame, she walked downstairs, motioning us to follow us. Following, I could only hope that Amelia-chan is okay.

As we walked, I noticed Mio-chan, who was walking in front of us, had slightly turned her head back at us, staring at me a bit, before turning it back around.

...Something doesn't feel right.

In that instance, why did she look so sad?