
Holonatural Occurences(Hololive Fanfiction)

Turns out, life isn't as it seems as it creeps its way into Haru Shinzou's life. While on a trip, he encounters a mysterious wolf-girl that seems to be linked to something that shouldn't even be real to begin with. With the existence of the supernatural, who's to say he'll have a great life? Or more than one? Discalimer : NOT A COPY I am the original creator and I am basically re-uploading my chapters from Wattpad. This is my fault for not having this disclaimer here before and I apologize.

Arusu120 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

It (Was) Wasn't Your (My) Fault

"Atatatata! Sakura-chan, that hurts!" The overwhelming pressure that covers over my right shoulder aches my entire body. I understood her as a shrine maiden, not a nurse! Needles are worse than these!

"If you keep moving around so much, then it's going to hurt! Spellcraft are very distinct compared to basic spells! If someone didn't use a gem on you, then this would be a lot more simpler..." We both stared at Amelia-chan. Compared to me, Sakura-chan could only her a stern look, only for Amelia-chan to rub the back of her head with a sheepish grin.

"Hahaha, I had to do it! If I didn't, then he would've died of blood loss!" Sakura-chan could only sigh as she finished tying the cloth around my shoulder, I gritted my teeth in pain. "You should be good to go now, Haru-san."

"Thanks..." I closed my eyes after looking at the cloth that covered my missing arm. I wish I could get over it, but I couldn't. I'm stuck with only one arm now.

"Haru-san," I felt Sakura-chan's hand touch my shoulder. "I'm... sorry that this had to happen to you. I didn't expect you two to be in harms way so suddenly. I knew that the criminals were going to be a hassle, but I didn't expect any other supernatural beings to be after you too." She looks at me with a saddened face.

"Don't look at me like that," I moved my shoulder away from her hand. "It's more bothersome for someone to show pity for my own stupid mistake. Let's just get this over with..." Sakura nodded sadly before walking in front of me.

"...Alright, if that's what you want, then I have no power to control your decisions. Now, please explain to me why you are here, Haru-san." I got up from off the clinic bed that I was sitting on and stood up.

"There wasn't anyone inside that art room. Instead, there was only this... weird creature that was..." My eyes widened as I noticed something missing. I had checked my pockets and even my head, but there was nothing there.

"I lost it!" The little creature that I had found in the art room had disappeared and I had no idea as to where it could've gone. It must've dropped from off of my head when Calli-san came!

"Is there something wrong, Haru-san?" Her head tilted cutely in wonder.

"The thing that helped us get some info as to where that book is. Strangely enough, it told me that it was located in a shrine, but we have no idea as to what shrine it wants us to look for."

"And you wanted to ask me for some information on the shrines in the other sectors?" I shook my head.

"...Are you sure that you checked everywhere in this area?" The glance at her caused Sakura-chan to crossed her arms.

"What is that supposed to mean? Of course I checked this entire shrine! Well, most of it..." That had gotten my attention.

"Most? There's more to this shrine than what is already shown?" Sakura-chan grimaced a bit before speaking out.

"...I didn't want to speak about it, but yes, there is a part of the shrine that has been closed off due to... a strange occurrence that had happened there around the time the book had gotten stolen. This part was available through a cave, but because of the... Basically, the cave had been closed off because of rumble."

She's hiding something, but it's not my right to push into personal business.

"So, all we have to do is to go through this cave right? It sounds easy enough." Amelia-chan sounded sure of herself. Well, I'm not a fan of closed and tight spaces, but it's something I'm going to have to do.

"I haven't been through that cave for a long time. To be honest, I still don't belive that the book is still here. Are you absolutely sure that the thing that you spoke to said that the book is in this shrine? Are you sure it's wise to trust that creature? If anything, this might be a trap for you two..." I thought about this being a trap as well, but if it is a trap...

"Amelia-chan, I think you should stay here where it's safe." I suggested, only for her to stare at me with widened eyes.

"What?! No way! Why exactly do I have to stay?! I'll have you know that I'm experienced with things like these! If it is a trap, then you're going to need some sort of protection!" She poked my head after every sentence. Grabbing her finger, I lowered it.

"And if it's a trap that's more troublesome like Calli-san, then we're both screwed. If anything, whatever is leading us to this place wants me for some reason. Getting you involved and possibly killed won't settle right with me." I don't want another life stolen because of me again.

"You're not convincing me, Haru. If you're doing this, then I'm going as well. You lost your arm, and the last thing you're going to lose is your life if you go there by yourself." As much as I didn't want to start another argument with her, I didn't want her to lose her life either. Seriously, when was I ever this concerned over someone else's life? What's changing me?

"Fine. Sakura-chan, can you lead us to where this cave is?" Sakura-chan looked like she was in her own world before she shook her head.

"Y-yes! Please follow me!"


"It's been so long since I've been here." Staring at Sakura-chan, I could see her eyes begin to glow a soft light as she stared at the rubble ahead of her. It wasn't that far off from the actual building, we just had to follow one of the many paths around this entire shrine and find this huge presentation of rocks.

"...In memory..." Looking at my right, I saw a tomb and read the first few words on there. I see, there were lives lost in this area. No wonder Sakura-chan didn't talk about this place before.

"Please be careful. I would like to help out, but I need to protect the shrine from any intruders. And... if you find anyone in there..." Sakura-chan 's fists had clenched as she stared at the ground.

"...How do we get through?" The huge amount of rubble was getting in the way of our entrance into the cave. Besides, even if we get passed this,  who's to know if there are more piles of rubble in the way?

"Allow me." Reaching into her pouch again, she brought out another red gem. Before she could do anything with the red gem, Sakura-chan grabbed Amelia-chan's wrist.

"Spellcraft is dangerous, Amelia-san. Just let me handle this, please." Amelia-chan pouted before placing the gem back inside her pouch. Where did this stuff about spells and stuff even come from? And more importantly, how does Amelia-chan even have these... items?

Standing in front of us, she held her palm out started to whisper something that we couldn't hear. Suddenly, her palm illuminated a red glow until a red orb appeared from out of her palm. Slowly, it moved to the pile of rubble and...


"...I'm glad that normal people are using spells like this in the normal society." As the pile of rubble had exploded, the path inside the cave was clear, allowing us to finally enter. Hopefully, there's no more rubble in the way.

"Thanks for that, Sakura..." There was sweat clearly dripping down Amelia-chan's head as she noticed how strong the spell was.

"It's no problem. With the path now clear, I advise you two to be on your guard at all times. I don't know if there are going to be dangers ahead of us, but if there are, then please come back quickly. I'll figure a way to seal this up again while you two are inside." If there was anything to be afraid of right now, it would be the pitch blackness inside the cave.

"Amelia-chan, I hope you're ready for this." I stood right next to her.

"Me? I should be asking that to you. Want me to hold your hand while we go in? You're shaking like a deer in headlight." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just... do this already." We started to walk towards the entrance of the cave and went inside.


"This place is much more darker than the tunnel we've been traveling through. Even with a flashlight on, you can barely see what's in front of you." With both of our lights on, we couldn't see that much in front of us. 

"I can't imagine how it was like for those who traveled in here before." I spoke while squinting to see a bit more.

"Well, we haven't encountered anything dangerous... yet. Are you sure that you're up for this? I would've expected you to just go home and lay down after what just happened to you."

"I should be taking a nap right now and pretending that this was all a dream, but I'm afraid that I can't do that when we are so close to finishing this." Stopping a bit, I heard a cracking noise from the left us. Turning to it, there was nothing there. I must've been imagining things.

"Fine, I guess I can't control your decisions. But if you lose another arm, then you're done for now on." If I could see her expression, I could tell she was smirking playfully. I swear, she's like a gremlin always trying to attacking me when the moment is right.

"I've been meaning to ask you about those gems that you have. Where did you even get them?" It felt like we were walking for a long time, so like the tunnels, it's probably best to just start up a conversation.

"Oh, well, because I have my ways of course! A detective never gives off her important secrets! If you want to, however, I can teach you how to make some these bad boys!" Her giggles sounded so weird, it's almost equivalent to an actual gremlin.

"I'll think about it. As much as I want to protect myself, I don't want to cause destructive damage that could potentially hurt a innocent bystander.  If you have other things, I'll probably choose those over the gems." I heard another sound and turned to my right this time. Is there something in here with us or something?

"Hm, well, I could teach you some basic self-defense moves if you're interested. They'll help you disarm someone with a gun or weapon, but if we're dealing with someone like the woman from before, then, you're going to need something very-" Suddenly, I couldn't hear Amelia-chan's  once anymore. Even the light from her phone had disappeared as well.

"Amelia-chan? Where did you go?" I turned my camera all around me to find any signs of Amelia-chan, but I couldn't find anything. Did something take her or something? Damn it, where did it even come from?!

"Amelia-chan?! Where are you?!" I started to run forward a bit to see if there are were anything, but I can't see anything that much. My light from the phone was starting to flicker every few seconds, and I can't figure out why my phone was starting to die so quickly.

"No... leave her out of this!" I heard Amelia-chan's voice to my left which led to another path. Taking it, I ran forward to see what happened to her.

Who is she specifically talking to anyway?

"Please... let her go. Let her go!" Her screams started to get louder and louder what is going on wither her!

Finding her with her hands clenching her head on the ground, I went to her side and started to shake her.

"Amelia-chan?! What's going on with you?!" She started to mutter some words along the lines of "she's not a part of this" and "it was my fault for it". What is going on?

"Amelia-chan?! Come on, we have no time for this!" Her eyes started to widen with fear and craziness as if she wasn't in this world anymore. If anything, she's too lost in her own thoughts that she's not listening to me. Shaking her wasn't working, so I need to get her out of here. We aren't too far inside, so the best thing to do is to take her back to Sakura-chan and do this myself.

"Alright, I'm taking you back to Sakura-chan. I don't know why I'm not acting-" Suddenly, my head started to ache as if there was something trying to rip put of my skull.

"It's not your fault."

"How..." The pain was starting to become unbearable.

"It's not your fault."

"Shut... up!" I started to crawl towards Amelia-chan, who laid down on the floor unconscious.

"It's not your fault."

"You're not her! You're just a... figment of my imagination!" The sight of the cave started to disappear into something else entirely. I felt the touch of water softly landing on my head, along with the gentle feminine hand that caress my face, the sight of a burning building, and the smell of a burnt body that was in front of me.

"Just leave, Haru-kun! It's not safe for you to be here!" If I had left the building when she told me do that, would she still be alive?

It was hard to remember what exactly started the fire that had basically burnt the entire building down.

Along with my mother and sister.

But, now that I'm finally experiencing this again, I could finally remember what exactly caused the fire...

The sight of animalistic pointy ears had been formed from within the fire.

"It was all my fault."


I was able to finally see clearly now. The sight of light at the end of a tunnel was in front of me, as my body began to walk in auto pilot. How long had I been walking? My legs were so tired, that they were going to give out at any second.

I don't remember.

Where is she?

Where is Amelia-chan? Did I leave her back there?

I finally exited the cave, only to be greeted with the sight of a light that was not familiar to me. While it was cloudy, the atmosphere around me feels empty.

This was the sight of the other side of the shrine.

There was dead trees everywhere and every single fiber of color around the area was devoid of bright colors.

Expect for red colored umbrella that was carried from someone in front of me.

"To come here while being on the verge of forgetting oneself is commendable, Haru-kun. However, now that you found me, I have to ask you one question," The person with a feminine voice started to turn around, allowing me to see her long black hair, a halo that lies above her head, her revealing alien-like outfit, and tentacles that surrounded her body.

"Water you going to do now?" She grinned.