
Holonatural Occurences(Hololive Fanfiction)

Turns out, life isn't as it seems as it creeps its way into Haru Shinzou's life. While on a trip, he encounters a mysterious wolf-girl that seems to be linked to something that shouldn't even be real to begin with. With the existence of the supernatural, who's to say he'll have a great life? Or more than one? Discalimer : NOT A COPY I am the original creator and I am basically re-uploading my chapters from Wattpad. This is my fault for not having this disclaimer here before and I apologize.

Arusu120 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Her Objective

Arriving back at Kiara-chan's home a bit late wasn't good. While we were still told to go to Choco-sensei's office tomorrow, a bit of her future scoldings werr given to us. A slap on the wrist, the head, and flick to the nose. For both me and Rushia-chan, it would be better if we didn't have any encounters at the school anymore.

If course, I need to get some more answers from her, but I think that it's going to take some time to even get some answers. She looked pretty stubborn...

"I'm home..."I'm sure that because I wasn't home at the usual time, that someone was going to scold me. Of course, Kurokami-san wouldn't bother with me as she wouldn't care, but Kiara-chan and Mio-chan would the ones to definitely scold me.

The sound of barking was what greeted me. Looking down, Bubba, with his detective hat, stood on two paws as his other two were occupied being on my legs.

"Amelia-chan not showing you some love, Bubba?" Kneeling down, I rubbed his back, only for him to scoot backwards just so I could pat his head. Such a needy dog, Amelia-chan has.

"Something happened, Haru-kun?" I looked up to see Kurokami-san's unamused face staring down at me.

"Sorry, I had another encounter with Rushia-chan, the necromancer we met before.  Didn't really expect her to be so aggressive so fast..." How can someone be so eager to kill someone? Did my dad really do something? I could ask, but... it might get into the conversation about the-

"Haru-kun, you're thinking too much again." I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her voice again. My apologetic smile didn't really look interesting to her either.

"Sorry. You're right." I stood back up to greet her eyes.

"That girl named Rushia might be a hassle to deal with. Without a doubt, you wanted to know some answers from her, right? You're signing your death papers, you know that? Wait, I forgot that you could just pop up after being killed, my fault." I was expecting her to show a bit more concern than these jokes.

"Well, yes, I wanted to know some answers from someone who wanted to kill me." Kurokami-san began to glare at me. For some reason, it didn't look like she was go along with my joke.

"Do you have no sense of precaution? Did you even plan to escape when you first saw her? I'm betting that you didn't." She was getting a bit more and more hostile by the second.

"Didn't Mio-chan talk to you about-" She paused as she stood right in front of me. Her hand was close enough to grab my collar, but she stopped.  Instead of focusing on my eyes, she focused her attention on my blazer, something I would wear for time to time for the uniform. Looking at what she was staring at, I've noticed that there was a bit of a hole on my shoulder.

"Ah, I must've not noticed that in the confrontation. Kurokami-san, I know that you and everyone else worry about me, especially in school now, but there are a lot of things I can't control. I didn't know that Rushia-chan was waiting for me, and I couldn't think of any plans for escaping because I was in the moment. I will take my faults for not planning, but... I was more focused on trying to persuade her to try to talk to me without violence."

She looked as though she wasn't buying my reasoning, and only seeing it as an excuse as she sighed.

"...Give me it." She demanded.

"Give you... what?"  Her eyebrow twitched as she pinched the fabric of the blazer, before shaking it so I could understand.

"Okay..." She could've just said that she wants the blazer. I'm not that much of an idiot. Taking off, my jacket, something just came to me...

"Wait, what are you going to do with it?" With her hand that was in front of me, it twitched for a second, before her palm met with her face.

"I'm... going to sew it, you idiot." I could only blink at the surprising talent I didn't know she had.

"You... can-" Between her index and middle finger, her left eye glared at me. "I mean... thank you, Kurokami-san." Handing her the blazer, she then walked away to the living room. Strangely enough, there was already sewing materials on the table for her to use. Very convenient.

"Don't think that I was actually waiting for this to happen. It's all by mere convenience." I wasn't thinking of the convenience to be a serious matter.  I could see her sewing some kind scarf in preparation for the winter that's coming soon. As she sat down, she started to get to work on my blazer.

Nothing but the sounds of fabric being delicately touched by the pins. She looked as if she had some experience doing this, and not something she picked up a week or two ago.

"...When did you learn to sew?" An attempt to at least start an conversation...

"Are you really that surprised that I know how to sew?" She kept her focus on the fabric as she responded.

"N-no! I was just... Yes, I am surprised to see this. I know I shouldn't judge someone so easily, but you really don't look the type to even care about the they dress. Even with that, I didn't expect you to know something that's a bit more... girly? I'm sorry." I hadn't noticed that she had stopped and stared at me, only to work again.

"...At least you're honest. But if we're being honest here, I didn't expect someone as scrawny as you to want to save the world." Point taken.

"Well... I'll take the point to heart."

There was silence between us again, with no one wanting to say anything else. I was expecting her to be done quickly, but... it was almost as if she was taking her time with this. Well, I don't know how long it takes to finish sewing, so I should just patiently wait.

"...Shirakami did, I didn't." I was curious as to what she meant by that. Something about this weird silence between us seems... a bit worrying to me.

"Fubuki did what?" She placed the pins down and sighed. It was like she was holding something back. Well, she was always holding something back since that day I was with her...

"She learned how to sew, I didn't." She answered with a low growl.

"And I'm guessing... you both were taught by Mio-chan?" I didn't really understand what she-

"...Nevermind, forget I said anything." I know about Kurokami-san's feelings about Fubuki-chan, and I don't think she's very fond of  being connected with her. Ever so distant... No, they both seem distant from one another.

"Do you hate Fubuki-chan?" It was a question that made her pause for a second. It was as if it was a life-changing question that was set upon her.

"No, I don't," A short answer, but it didn't hold any hatred towards the person in question. "...What would you do when you learn that your life is to satisfy the life of someone else?" Her bangs were covering her eyes as she stared at the table with clenched fists.

This is probably what she feels. To satisfy the life of Fubuki-chan? Was she a creation from someone else? Or was she from Fubuki-chan herself? Looking at the two, they are twins from head to toe.

The words within my head are telling me that they don't know why they signed up for any of this.

"...You don't need to answer. I could already guess by your new goody-two-shoes personality. No doubt you would want to make them happy, that's just you now. But what of the person with that objective? What would happen to them when they are not needed anymore? Do they-"

"Are you saying that the person with that objective is useless?" I leaned forward at the table and place my head in my hands.

"...Would it even matter if they were useless or not? They serve their objective and that's that. Messing up or doing it right wouldn't matter as long as they do what they're supposed to do."

"But what of an escape, Kurokami-san? What if the person what that objective wanted to escape? Could they? Or would they?" She had opened her mouth to respond, but chose not to.

"I don't know. Would it be selfish for them to escape something they hadn't signed up for? Or is it heroic for doing something for a person that the world wouldn't see?" She grasped hands tightly. I saw a moment of hesitation before.

"Then what matters to the person with that objective? Did they really decide to sign up for that objective? Or over time with the objective,  they wanted to escape?"

There was a sigh that was soon followed by silence.

"...What is the point of answering my questions with questions?" She deadpanned. I merely smiled and opened my mouth.

"Until you have an answer, Fubuki-chan." She paused when she heard the name. Her red eyes didn't show any hatred or surprise, they only showed a lack connection to the world that I see.

"Fubuki-chan." Her eyes blinked. I made no mistake when I made called out her name.


"Fubuki Kurokami Shirakami. It sounds weird when you put it all together, but that is your name... isn't it?" I chuckled a bit at the long name. Wasn't it so strange and funny at the same time?

...Voices in my head?

"You don't need to call me by her name. You can just call me Kuro or Kurokami." This time, it was my time to breathe a sigh.

"Your face, your eyes, your hair... Everything that you have is similar to Fubuki-chan, Fubuki-chan. And that's because you are Fubuki-chan." She shook her head in denial.

"I'm not her, Haru-kun. I don't even have her personality. So what of her looks? If someone would meet Shirakami one day me the next, they wouldn't understand what the hell happened." I crossed my arms and looked at her with an upward brow.

"Theb who are you two? Shirakami-chan? Kurokami-san? Fubuki-chan? There is no either or, only the person the person in front of me is that person that I see. And you are Fubuki-chan. Only... less cheerful and shy." With a click of her tongue, she stood up.

"I don't understand nor get what you're getting from this, but I don't have time for this." She walked passed me, but before then, I grabbed her arm.

This was someone that could punch, kick, and even kill me in a second right now. But I wasn't afraid of my friend.

"Are you happy?" The glare and menacing aura I'm seeing isn't helping my situation...

"Why would it matter to you? We are just supernatural beings that don't deserve to be in this world. You'll just do what you need to do and send us off back home." She could've easily gotten out of my grip, but she didn't. She wouldn't for some reason.

"...I don't think you understand your own words, Fubuki-chan. One person has the objective of making sure the other is happy? Have you even considered if the both of you were meant to satisfy each other?" It was almost as if she was pushing us away from her. I hadn't seen... well, the black haired Fubuki-chan that much because she's been moving away from all of us.

"Just call me Kurokami-san like you've been doing you idiot!" I stood my ground and shook my head.

"Then how will my point get across to you?!You are Fubuki-chan. You may act different than what I've seen before, but you are still half of what makes Fubuki-chan complete!

"We call each other by our last names for a reason! Even twins have different names to distinguish the two!" She finally took her arm away from me and stood with her back turned towards me.

"It doesn't matter to me, nor anyone in this house what kind of role you have, Fubuki-chan. We are all your friends and-"

"You're going to be wasting your time on someone who shouldn't exist. Just leave it be and do your thing already, Haru-kun. The world isn't going to save itself; and the focusing on one person won't change a single thing." As she walked to the staircase, she suddenly paused when she saw someone standing in front of her.

And I don't think it was someone we should see at this time...

"Kuro-chan... Haru-kun..." Mio-chan, who had been standing at the staircase with her arms crossed narrowed her eyes at us.

"Hey... Mio-chan." I greeted her, in which she didn't really seem to be in the mood for casual talk.

"I heard everything." She spoke out, giving a sense of authority in the room. No one dared to speak out back to her

"So what? Are you going to pull my ear every time I do something bad?" Fubuki-chan was the first to respond with her hands clenched, not looking the mood to hear a lecture.

"...I'm not your mother, Kuro-chan. You are your own person, and I will not hold it against you unless you do something that risks the life of others or your own." Fubuki-chan took her first few steps on the stairs, before being halted by Mio-chan's hand.

"But... you should never see yourself as anything less than being yourself. You're not useless, and you're-"

"I get it, I get it. Can I go now?" Mio-chan looked reluctant at first, but nodded her head and moved out of the way. Watching Fubuki-chan go away, I could only feel a pain of guilt in my heart.

"She was always like this, Haru-kun. You don't have to worry about it. But I agree with Kurokami-chan by calling her that instead of Fubuki-chan. I understand how you feel, but you must respect her wishes if you want her to do so with you." I wanted to speak back at her words, but I didn't. I stepped over her boundary... and shouldn't have.

"Right. Sorry that I got in the way with what you've been doing." Looks like I find myself back at the start with Kurokami-san. She definitely hates me now...

"Please don't yourself over this, Haru-kun. She tends to push me away a lot too. She'll come around eventually. And when she does, her friends will be there to listen to everything she has to say." She showed a genuine smile, in which I had returned one as well. But a simple beating sound was all I could hear. It could've been my guilt or... it's probably best to not even think of this. It wouldn't work out, anyway.

Tomorrow will be the day to hear some more answers hopefully. But knowing life, it won't go the way I want it to be.

I will apologize to Kurokami-san tomorrow.