
Hololive: The Mystery of Death

Two years later, after the attack on Hololive Productions, Amelia Watson set out to find other Hololive members and uncover the mystery that lies behind the attack.

Akirin_Shiroyami · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter 1:(The End and The Beginning )

2 years ago, there was an attack on the Hololive Production, the entire top-west corner of the building was blown off and Yagoo, was found dead. Calli was next to him, regenerating from what's left of her body, unconscious. Earlier that day, Yagoo organized a live concert with all the Hololive members in it to celebrate the 5th year anniversary since the founding of Hololive Production, since the first stream with Tokino Sora, who faced having only 13 viewers at the time. That night Calli told Kiara that she would be late for the show, was the night that started everything, and it ended everything, starting with the show being cancelled. The explosion from the headquarters was infused dark matters from a mysterious source that affected only creatures and people that has magical powers. With Yagoo dead, Hololive has fallen, the idols gone rogue and scattered all across the world, leaving the mystery of the death of Yagoo unsolved, the case was never closed. Of course the police lost their best unit: Oozora Subaru the duck and Amelia Watson the detective, meaning that their success rate at solving everything has decreased exponentially.

The fans went mad, demanding, protesting against the Japanese government who hid the truth of the incident or the whereabouts of the idols from the public. To be perfectly honest, nobody knows where the idols are. They appear from time to time, some to create disastrous event, some just returned to their animal self. The public was told that an unfortunate explosion took place that blew up the place and that the people who were behind the vtuber masks were dead, but the witnesses and the people who love Hololive, saw something that brought the idea of Death to their Oshi, only to find them here and there later on. So what actually happened?

Ame woke up somewhere in Tokyo, lying somewhere in the middle of a park. Lying on the grass, the morning sun shines brightly at her face, awakened from the deep sleep. She looked around her as tree leaves fell onto her, confused. She brushed it off and took out her clock, it was the same day, but two years later.

"How? What?" Ame thought to herself. "I was about to go on stage for hololive's 5th year anniversary… What happened???"

A couple lousy dressed guys came around Ame and started chattering in gleeful joy, they were just a bunch of drunk alcoholics everyday Japanese workers. They seemed to have been drinking all night, Ame analyzed, their shirts were wet with sweat and spilled beer, their face were red, their blazers and ties were no where to be found. Those uncontrollable giggles stopped the moment they saw her.

"Oi I found the girl from yesterday," said the first guy.

"What's her name again?" asked the second guy.

"Ay girl, you done with your headache yeah? How about we go to bed now like you promised us last night eh??" said the third guy.

"In bed?" said Ame with disgust. "Uhh, what exactly happened last night?"

"The girl drank too much, we should just take her," said the first guy.

"Take me? Excuse me!?"

"Imma be the good guy here and tell what's going on. So yesterday, you went up to us, begging us that you would do anything for a shot at the bar. So, we bought you some, then you had a headache, so we thought the fun could wait. We decided to wait for you to come back, so we ordered more drinks and watched the news that was on the tv in the corner of the bar. But you never came back and now THIS is where you've been hiding all night?!" the second guy explained, "some bloody rat attacked a restaurant, man, the news just reports anything these days.

"No, I'm not gonna do whatever you're trying to do," said Ame.

"You backing out on your promise?! Girl we spent more than 20,000 yen for all your goddamn sakes, so you are coming with us or we're gonna force you to-"

"I can pay you back in dollars if you want," suggested Ame. "If money is the thing you're worried about."

"Oh hell nah, we're only interested in that because it's you who's drinking them," said the third guy as he patted Ame on her back, "So you're coming with u-"

Bam, Ame punched the third guy.

"Don't, touch me," said Ame. The second guy charged and swung a punch at Ame, but she ducked and did an uppercut, knocking the second guy out cold. The first guy is the biggest out of the three, he is quite intimidating but Ame just kicked him in the nuts and he's on the ground the next second, whining in pain as Ame walked away. She checked her phone, but it has no battery. She looked around and then hiccuped, maybe she did have too much beer last night.

Ame checked her pocket watch again to make sure that she didn't read it wrong, but 2 years have indeed passed after the performance. Did the performance turn out well? Ame wondered. She needs to know what happened two years ago, she needs to know everything that happened after the black out before the performance. Her mind is still a little dizzy, still feeling a bit nauseated. So instead she decided to go back to last night to see what's on the news. She took out her pocket watch and reset it to last night and whispered: "self".

She fell asleep again, but this time she was conscious in her dreams. It was only reseted to last night right after those guys hit on her. She followed her past self from the memory into the bar, there were plenty of people there, drinking beer. Nothing was out of order or out of the story those three guys were saying. Ame watched in horror as her last night self was inhaling sake after sake, and the three guys keep reluctantly pulling out their wallet and paying every time her past self wanted some more. After fast forwarding an hour or two, her past self got up and went to the bathroom and vomited. She couldn't bear to watch that scene, but this is the perfect chance to watch the news, since the second guy said they watched the news while she was gone. She looked around in the memory and in the corner of the bar, she saw the tv set playing news footage. The news reported something about an arrest of a girl who caused chaos at McDonalds with an army of rats.

She knew immediately that it was Hakos Baelz and that Ame had to bail her out of prison now. Suddenly the third guy in her memory stood up and told the other two that he's gonna go check up on her past self. Ame followed him to the bathroom and no one was there, her past self has wandered off through the bar's backdoor. The third guy yelled in frustration as he went to alert the other two. She exited her memory grinning, and came back to the present. Luckily, the news footage showed that Bae's arrest was just at the nearby police department. Ame found her wallet and took a cab to the police department. After she got there, she walked through the front door and showed the police at the front desk her ID card.

"Ahh, Detective Watson… is it?? It's, uh, good to see you back… actually," said the police officer, shaking. "And uhh, please state your business???"

"I would like to know what my dear friend and fellow Hololive idol Hakos Baelz is doing here locked up and why did she attack a McDonalds with rats? Surely she can afford her own food."

"Well looks like this is a job for you detective isn't it, look I don't know what is happening anymore ok?" said the police officer as he reached under the table and took out the cell keys. "Would you uhh.. Would you like me to show you to Ms. Baelz's cell?"

"Yes please do , thank you officer," answered Amelia. She noticed that the officer had been trembling ever since Ame entered the room, like he had just seen a ghost came back to life. Ame knows that there is an emergency button under the desk, but surely a police officer would have no means of pressing the button after the return of the legendary detective right? They arrived at the cell Baelz was kept in and Ame ordered the door to be unlocked. She entered the cell and Bae got up from her cell bed and looked at Ame ferociously. "Bae, what are you doin-"

Bae launched herself onto Ame, trying to bite her. Ame dodged and Bae jumped towards a wall and did a backflip kick. Ame stepped aside, grabbed Bae's tail and threw her on the ground. Ame restrained her by handcuffing Bae's hands behind her back while sitting on her, while she was forced to lie face down on the ground. Ame pinned her down, and Bae kept struggling.


But it was no use, Bae kept fighting against Ame's strength like she had somehow lost her mind. Ame's only weapon is the pocket watch, but she doesn't know what to do with it. But then she remembered the clock said that 2 years had passed after she lost her own mind. She took out her pocket watch and fast-forwarded Bae's mind two year later. Bae calmed down and looked up at the wall, confused.

"Where am I and why am I staring at a wall?"

"Good, you're finally back,"said Ame.

"What do you mean, have me back, I was always here," said Bae. "Also why did you pin me down, get off of me!"

"I'm sorry Bae, but we are in a jail cell, your jail cell," Ame began as she uncuffed Bae and got off of her. "You lead an army of mice and attacked McDonalds."

"Damnn, I did that?? It would be nice to watch that happen, how was it??" exclaimed Bae. "But heavens no, even I wouldn't do that, I am an idol."

"So you're telling me that you don't know that you did it?"asked Ame, ordering the police officer to turn on his phone and show her today's news.

"Oh my god, I know I like me some chaos but my god I didn't know I could command an army of rats!! Oh…Oh wow... oh no…. Ugghhhh…. Oh, ma gawd, I did that?" Bae asked in horror, looking back at Ame. "Why would I do such thing right before the start of our performance for the 5th year anniversa-"

"Bae… It was shocking for me too, but the anniversary was 2 years ago….."

"What?! But the last thing I remember is Sora-senpai cheering us up before the stage performance, I swear I am not lying!"

"So you too huh?" Ame whispered to herself, then suddenly a unit of police officers surrounded Bae and Ame, all of them heavily armed.

"Officers, may I ask what is the meaning of this?" Ame asked.

"Bae only attacks citizens with rats, but you, detective. You did something so much worse!" the police officer yelled. "I don't care that you used to be my favorite idol anymore! I thought you were just an entertainer, when have you got such powers?! You are a threat to our safety and we will bring you down."

"What do you mean I've done something worse?"

"Oh please stop with the act Detective Watson, you know what you did. Now put your hands on your head and get down on your knees, so we can take your pocket watch and put you on trial," said the police officer, trembling with fear. All the other police officers behind raised their weapons and pointed at Ame and Bae.

"Oh shit Ame, what do we do?"

"We run," replied Ame as she reached into her pocket and clicked on her pocket watch and time slowed down. Ame pulled Bae out of the cell and through the slowed down cops, then pushed through the armed crowd and ran out of the police department. A team of special forces jumped out of the back of their vehicles, also heavily armed. Ame slowed their time as well and hopped in the vehicle with Bae and drove away. They kept driving until they were out of the city, and parked the car somewhere under the Fuji mountain and got out.

"What on earth is happening??? *hiccups* Ahhhhhhh, the last minute we were popular idols and the next minute we're treated like criminals?!" Ame screamed in frustration. "And how did they know that we are actually magical people?!"

"Hey don't look at me, I'm as confused as you are Ame."


Ame pondered around the car while Bae is making friends with mice. What she knows so far is that the 5th year anniversary was 2 years ago, and idols commit crimes without knowing that they did.

"If they don't know what they did," Ame wondered, "then what did I do that made the police officer so scared of me?"

"Bae, do you have your phone??"Ame asked.

"No, I think some mice took it away when I was unconscious, why? What do you need it for?"

"I need to check the news, assuming that we are not the only ones out of all the Hololive idols that did something bad, the news should've reported them in one way or another, that's how I found you."

"Why not use your phone then?"

"My phone is out of battery Bae," Ame sighed. Bae thought about what Ame said and then a light bulb appeared on top of Bae's head.

"Hey Ame, do you want me to send some mice to steal a phone from the electronic stores in the city?"

"I thought you can't command mice."

"Yes well, that's what I thought, but if the unconscious me can do it, I can do it while awake as well," she turned to the rats next to her, "I'm gonna name you Mr. Squeaks, and I want you to gather 10 other mice so you can go to the city electronic stores, and steal a phone. You got it, Mr. Squeaks??"

Mr. Squeaks squeaked and left. Ame looked surprised.

"Wow I can't believe you did it," said Ame.

"Yeah me too. I can't believe I did it," said Bae cheerfully, smiling back at Ame. They walked back to somewhere close to Tokyo city, abandoning the vehicle, so that the rats don't have to go back all the way. They waited under a sakura tree until the rats brought Bae a phone. Mr. Squeaks squeaked at Bae that a cat was following them and that the mice were scared.

"It's ok, Mr. Squeaks, I'll protect you,"said Bae as she handed Ame the phone. "Come out here cat, we rats are not afraid of you!"

Behind the sakura tree, they heard some noise, and then the cat jumped out.

"Mogu mogu… Okayu~" The cat launched herself onto Bae and started scratching Bae. Ame took out her pocket watch and aimed at Nekomata Okayu and fast forwarded her mind to the point where she finally calmed down.

"Nyaa~~" Okayu yawned, "Maybe I shouldn't sleep right before the performance, that was a rough dream. Hmm, Ame-chan, Bae-chan, sorry to make you watch over me while I'm sleeping."

"Bae," Ame sighed as she turned on the stolen phone, "fill her in."

"Ok!" said Bae as she switched over to speaking Japanese, "So Okayu-senpai…"

And Ame stopped listening, her full focus is on the phone. She searched online for news records on Hololive and all the idols' recent traces, and the result of the search, broke her down. She fell on to her knees as the news reported horrible news like: Shishiro Botan, locked down in an animal jail cell after devouring a human being; City fire near Kyoto caused by a phoenix; The income of the fish market decreases exponentially as a shark kept whirring up tsunamis; Meteor fell from the sky near Mount Fuji, possible suspect of the caused is Hoshimachi Suisei; Zombie attacks on citizens in Nagasaki forced the Japanese soldiers to be on guard 24/7, etc and more. And finally the War of Time: Amelia Watson started a time war against the known Hololive idol Ouro Kronii, thousands of Ame flooded the city causing mayhem and Kronii was overwhelmed by the power of a thousand Ames, the Ames left after wrecking most of the city. Bae saw Ame collapsed and rushed to her immediately and saw the news on the Time War.

"Ame, umm, you didn't do that, you were unconscious right?? Uh don't blame yourself alright??"

"Easy for you to say, you only attacked people with mice, *hiccups* I DESTROYED A WHOLE FUCKING CITY!!"

"Ame-chan, we can still fix this right?" said Okayu, wiggling her tail in front of Amelia. "Stop crying Ame-chan and I'll let you play with my tail."

Ame stopped crying as she snuggled on Okayu's tail, and Bae comforted Ame, hugging her tightly.

"So nyat happened during the nyanniversary?"

"I can check that right away," said Bae, picking up the phone to search for Hololive Productions. The top results were the incident that happened 2 years ago. The government posted the news as it was caused by a misfire in one of the departments that caused a chain reaction of explosion, with the known death of Yagoo, and serious injuries with Calliope Mori. The other results are what the people around and the fans who saw what happened: A mysterious dark energy beam cut through the entire building causing explosions to nearby houses and-

"So all we gotta do is to stop whoever was there that night, right?" Okayu asked.

"I remembered Kiara saying that Calli needs to stay with Yagoo for something, do you reckon that she knows something about the killer?" Bae asked next.

"Yeah I think she does, but there aren't any reports on living people just suddenly dying on the streets is there? I think the better way is just to go back and stop the killer, I mean the killer is only human right?" said Ame.

"A human with dark superpowers," said Bae.

"Yeah well, I can control time, all I gotta do is to go back, reverse the mind of the killer to 10 years ago, so the killer doesn't even know what is Hololive, and then the change of the history will wipe out this timeline, therefore the me I am right now will cease to exist and the me 2 years ago wouldn't go crazy and instead go perform, Yagoo will still be alive, life will go on and all of us will no idea what had happened in this timeline. Yeah, this could work."

"Humu humu, do you want me and Bae to come with you?"

"No Okayu-senpai, I want as little interference in the timeline is possible, also 2 years is a giant leap for someone who's barely sober *hiccups*."

"Barely sober?" Bae asked.

"Well apparently it was too much beer that woke me up from my unconsciousness."

"Ame-chan drinks?!"

"Yes Okayu-senpai, so basically I need you to stay here just in case my mind isn't feeling up to it."

"So what happens to us if you changed the past?" Bae asked.

"If I succeeded, you will die, without knowing that you're dead, and you're 2 years ago self would live on the life that we were supposed to live."

"And if you fail?"

"Well, I won't be able to come back and you'll be on your own to find the others. Anyhow the changes should take up to only about 5 minutes."

"Ok, be careful Ame-chan" replied Okayu.

"Safe trip!" Bae yelled.

Ame clicked her pocket watch and reset it to two years ago. She took a deep breath and whispered: "past".

Written By: ZeXeraz

Sources/Credits to: https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Hololive

Credits to Hololive Productions

This is a Work in Progress, stay tuned for more!!!

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