
Hololive: The Mystery of Death

Two years later, after the attack on Hololive Productions, Amelia Watson set out to find other Hololive members and uncover the mystery that lies behind the attack.

Akirin_Shiroyami · Others
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12 Chs

 Chapter 5:( Bon Voyage )

After a good night's sleep, everyone woke up and went to the largest cabin of the ship, which is used as the common room. Moona was the last to arrive while Ame and Calli were still unconscious, the chattering filled the room and they greeted Moona as she entered the room. The OkaKoro group just finished telling Kronii's group their story while comforting Kronii. 

"Alright I guess it's my turn," Marine said as she went to make some sakes for Moona. "Here, that's all I have for now. Anyway, like I said last night, I just woke up on my bed, drifting in the middle of the ocean on my ship, with Aqua-senpai doing chores next to me."

"Wait, Aqua-tan is doing chores?!" Matsuri exclaimed, "Is she finally accepting that she's a maid???"


"I seriously thought you just finally decided to be a maid, and I didn't overwork you!!! I told you it's enough, and somehow you always find more things to do, and how the fuck am I suppose to know we were out of control, I just blacked out for a few months straight!!" Marine argued back, defending herself.

"Ok so for me," Shion started. "I was the first one targeted by Kronii, she did to me the same thing Ame did to you."

"You were the fastest uprising magician around, of course you're the obvious choice," said Kronii. 

"We were next," said Noel. "I was battling Flare in a nearby forest and Kronii stepped in and stopped the both of us."

"And Kronii never told us who won the battle tho, I'm sorry I hurt you," said Flare.

"I'm sorry too," Noel replied.

"And then they found me bombing Saitama city a few weeks later Peko,"said Pekora. "After they saved me, fighting zombies is the only thing we've been doing ever since. When we finally lured Rushia-chan out Peko, we found out Ollie-chan was controlled by Rushia's Necromancer skills and Calli was in a nearby hospital."

"Sorry, Ollie-chan," Rushia apologized.

"Hey, don't sweat it, I didn't even know I was serving a dark lord with an army of zombies!!" teased Ollie, admiring Noel's breasts.

"Now I think that's enough stories, time to wake Calli up," said Kronii and she put her hand on Calli's wounds and sped up until it completely healed and finally, Calli opened her eyes for the first time in two years.

"I-I… want to be with them… sensei… SENSEI!!!" Calli screams suddenly, bolting straight up, her scythe magically appears in her hand and then realizes where she is. "Guh~ Where… Where am I???"

"You're inside my ship," said Marine.

"You have a ship?! What happened?? I was battling Sensei and then- oh… Oh yeah no wonder, ok what happened after that, did Yagoo manage to escape?? Why am I in Marine-senpai's ship?? How-"

"Calli, calm down," said Kronii, and they told Calli everything. Calli sat on her bed, shocked at what she heard. She then stood up and left the room without a word. The idols followed her and entered Ame's room, Calli placed her hand on Ame's head and drained all the dark matter from her body and Ame woke up as well. The idols once again gathered at the main cabin to talk things through.

"This," Calli began, "is all my fault."

"How?" said Ame, and the idols stared at Calli.

"Death sensei told me to leave Hololive because I have been reaping less and less souls lately, and Death sensei is not happy about that. I told Death to leave me alone because… because I don't… want to leave Hololive. So, I told it to leave me alone and we broke into a fight," Calli continued, tears started rolling down her face, drowning in guilt, "Death then decided to kill Yagoo, the source and key figure of Hololive, because that way I'll lose the only thing that made me feel like I'm home. I'm sorry, I didn't want to get you gals in this mess, so I stayed behind that night with Yagoo, I wasn't strong enough, I couldn't stop it. I could've just left with Death, now you are all just suffering because of my own selfishness."

"No, no, we're in this together," said Ame and everyone comforted each other that this is gonna turn out fine.

"Alright let's review in order to figure out what we should do next," Kronii started, her mood darkening. "Before we start, even though I don't want to talk about this but, who's already dead?"

"There's more other than Bae and Mumei?!" Haato shouted, shocked.

"Yes," Shion replied and then continued, "Watame got devoured by Fubuki, Mio-sha, and Botan-chan, but that's it I think. Next we should discuss the obvious ones."

"Nya~ I know one!!" Okayu started. "I did some research on my phone last night, and I found Omarun-chan working as a Ringmaster in Yokohama city!"

"And I found Mikomiko at Fushimi Inari-taisha in Kyoto," Korone barked happily.

"I want to search around Kunisaki in the Oita prefecture of Kyushu," said Shion. "Maybe there's actually a secret demonic portal to the Underworld."

"Can't Calli open the portal?" Haachama asked.

"No, mine goes to Hell, and that's worlds apart from the Underworld," Calli answered. "But I can guide you once we're in the Underworld, I'm familiar with the region."

"I can travel interdimensional-wise to find Nenechi and Aki-senpai," Ame suggested.

"Me and Aqua-senpai will continue to search the seas for Gura and Ina," Marine suggested.

"Alright, that's the plan then," said Ame. "Okayu-senpai and Korone-senpai should go to Kyoto, Shion-senpai and Calli will go to Kunisaki, Lamy-chan and Matsuri-senpai can go find Polka-chan in Yokohama, I will go travel to the multiverse with Kronii to-"

"No," Kronii interrupted. "I'm sorry but I can't help but thinking there has to be something going on at Mount Fuji, I'll head there instead."

"Ok, other than that, does everyone agree to the plan?"Ame asked and the idols nodded in agreement, and then they made breakfast for themselves in the main cabin to fuel their energy in order to overcome what's happening next, after they finished breakfast, Shion opened the portal.

Somewhere in Kawasaki, a city in between Tokyo and Yokohama, Robocco woke up after getting repaired, apparently confused by the sudden change of surroundings. 2 years earlier, right after Yagoo was killed, an electrical surge overloaded her body and she collapsed near the stage. The government argued if they should dicept her or not to sell for parts, but then decided to use her as a test subject for the next generation humanized-bio-weapon. The programmer who was in charge of combat data thought that this disrespects the memory of Robocco, so he didn't delete her memory.

"Ahaha yes!!" shouted the general. "Nice work dear engineers, scientists, and programmers, this will be the next generation of weapons: Iron Man, but it's waifus, easier to seduce people. Or assassin, all sorts of jobs fit, and with the upgrade of weaponry, we can finally-"

"I'm sorry, I don't think I'm reading this correctly but did the calendar just move on by 2 years?" Robocco interrupted.

"What?!" Everyone in the room said it at the same time, except for the head of programmers, who cheered quietly to himself.

"What do you mean what? I'm gonna be late for the Hololive performance- Ohhhhhh" The new data that was added onto her memories now sinked in, and everything that happened for the last two years, including government secrets, ran through Robocco's mind. She understood everything, and by connecting various news stories, she now knows where every single idols are. Thanks to the upgrade, Robocco's radar sensor and satellite hack, she can pinpoint the exact location of every Hololive member.

"What did you do?! You," the general pointed at the head of the programming department, "You were supposed to check this, why didn't you erase her memory file, it was supposed to be the VERY FIRST GODDAMN THING YOU DO!!!"

"General, I'm sorry but I don't agree with this plan, this is an insult on Hololive and an insult on the memories of Robocco!"

"You know what, after we solve this problem, you and I are gonna have a talk."

"Robocco, I was in your superchat, I watched your every stream!!!"


The other programmers are afraid to go against orders, even though they were also Hololive fans.

"Thank you for the support!! Please keep supporting Hololive!!" Robocco started. "Killing others for the benefit of one is wrong, you know. Since I am also a Japanese citizen, I have no intention of going against the government, so advise you to stop before-"

Suddenly the lights started flashing and the alert code was on and everyone started panicking, dark matters rose from the floor, eating through the flesh of the people who were there.

"Wha-, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" The general shouted.

"I didn't do anything, that's not me," said Robocco, staying on guard. Then she saw the head of the programmer's leg was slowly eaten away, and her leg boosters activated, pushing her towards him. A bunch of mini machine guns activated from behind her back and missiles appeared from her arms, she fired all of them at the dark matters that was eating away the people, she managed to save some of them, the head of programmer being one of them, but when she flied towards them, trying to pull them out, a dark portal opened and a scythe knocked her back, and then the dark matter swallowed everyone in the lab besides Robocco.

"How lucky, it's the robot, looks like luck is on my side today."

"Calli's sensei?!" Robocco gasped.

"Yes, it's me Death. I assume you have the location of everyone in Hololive?"

"No," Robocco lied.

"Hmm, well you're too dangerous to be kept alive anyway," said Death as it raised its scythe and dark matter flew towards Robocco like thousands of arrows. Activating her boosters once more, dodging the attacks, she then blasted through the roof and flew out towards the sunlight where the dark matter couldn't reach. She then activated every single weapon on her body and fired them towards Death, but just as she began to fire the weapons, the whole world in front of her turned pitch-black for a moment, as the darkness cleared, the lab was completely destroyed. Robocco sighed as she reloaded her weapons as soon as possible. She knows it's not over because the life scan and the temperature scan didn't detect anything that's alive or anything that has a lower body temperature in front of her. Suddenly a scythe was placed on Robocco's shoulder and she panicked as Death held her.

"Move and you'll die," Death smirked at Robocco as it restrained her, choking her by the neck. "Now, let me repeat again, I assume you have the location of every idol in Hololive?"

"Strangling doesn't work against robots," Robocco resisted as she fired every weapon at close range again, but nothing happened.

"I saw that coming, since you are not a life form, that means you don't have a soul, so I can't read your mind. That's one of the reasons I came looking for you first. Resisting is useless against me, I've already infiltrated your robotic body with my dark matters and cut off your defense systems."

Robocco pretends to struggle, while trying to delete all the files containing the locations of the idols, but before she could do it, the system was overrode. Robocco can't control any function but her eyes and her mouth now, everything else turned offline.

"Oho, trying to delete the files are you," Death cackled quietly. "You should've done that earlier, now you are mine, I can do whatever I want with you now."

Death let out an evil laugh as police surrounded the lab and Death dragged her through the portal back into Hell.