
Hololive: The Mystery of Death

Two years later, after the attack on Hololive Productions, Amelia Watson set out to find other Hololive members and uncover the mystery that lies behind the attack.

Akirin_Shiroyami · Others
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12 Chs

 Chapter 3:( HiHi HIGH TENSION!!! )

The four of them split in two separate directions by calling taxis. Ame reversed the taxi drivers' minds 3 years ago, so instead of worrying about having the idols in their cabs, the cab drivers are now actually excited that the idols are taking their cabs. Ame and Bae arrived at the front of the radio station after a short while and they snuck in.

Ame stopped time on everything besides Bae, they rushed in and climbed the stairs to the 4th floor, and resumed time. It is clear that the place is busy, everyone was walking around, some on phone calls, some were ironing clothes, others were preparing the stage, and in the middle of them all stood the dazzling model Moona Hoshinova. Photographers were taking pictures of Moona while she set different poses in her costumes until she saw them. Moona called off the photo shoots and asked for a break, and then she walked towards the public staircase.

"Hey, fancy seeing you two after 2 years," said Moona.

"Moona. You're-"

"Conscious, I know," said Moona, interrupting Bae. "I woke up a few months later, thousands of flashes of lights from the camera blinded me, it shocked my brain and I came to realize what I was doing, I came back to my old career of being a model. I was signing autographs when I woke up, funny right?"

"Senpai, if you woke up early," Ame began as anger started to build inside her. "Why didn't you come looking for us? Why didn't you help wake us up?"

"Ame, it's not that I didn't want to, I can't. I'm too busy with the model work, you should see my schedule, I am-"

"Senpai, what are you talking about? We are your family!" Ame shouted. "What kind of fucking excuse is that?? What happened between you and HoloID?? What happened between you and Pekora-senpai??? What happened to you and us? Did you… give up on us??"

"Do I look like I can do anything?! Ame, I am a model! Look at you, timekeeper and chaos creator, me, I can do nothing but dazzle people!" Moona shouted back. Bae looked worried about both of them, scared of whatever she said might trigger them both. Ame turned and started walking down the stairs.

"Bae, let's go. Moona is probably too busy with her new modeling schedule anyway." 

"Ame I've never given up on you guys, but time wars and wild magical animal attacks, tsunamis and meteor strikes? Ame, it's too much for me to handle!" Moona broke down into tears. "Do you know how helpless and hopeless I felt when I started finding out what was happening???" 

Ame turned back and hugged Moona, telling her that it's alright. Bae nodded in pride, knowing that the argument was resolved and they had successfully got Moona back to her senses. Wait, one more problem, Bae thought to herself, is Moona coming with us though?? Suddenly the door to the staircase slammed open, and Moona's manager came in.

"Moona! Break time is over, come quick! Victoria's Secret is demanding your photos NOW!!"


"Moona, what do you mean no?! Stop saying nonsense, come on we got work to do!"

"I said no, I resign, manager. It has been a great two years working with you, but I've decided to go back to being an idol."

"Moona, Hololive is dead, now come ba-"

"Hololive can be saved," said Ame.

"Oh, if it isn't the international terrorist. What are you doing here? Starting another time war? Oh yeah, I know what you've done, I watch the news. Besides, Moona, you can't just quit like that. This is the biggest hit we'll get, what am I gonna say if you quit?"

"Just say I quit, it's that easy," said Moona as she stood back up and led Bae and Ame walking back downstairs leaving the manager frustrated. They walked out of the building while they filled Moona in for what's happening.

"I can solve almost every problem you have right now," said Moona. "During those two years, my name is still clear and I have a huge apartment in Tokyo with 7 bedrooms including the master bedroom. You can live there in the meantime, and I have extra cables to charge your phones. And please do take a shower, I don't think either of you have showered in the last two years."

"Thanks Moona, let's go get Okayu-senpai and Haato-senpai," said Ame, while Bae called another cab and they drove through Tokyo and arrived in front of the high school. Okayu and Haato were sitting in front of the gate while patting someone on their laps. The person on their laps was sleeping soundly, barking softly. Okayu purred as Haato spotted the three of them.

"Hi guys, did you get Matsuri-senpai back?" Ame asked.

"No, but we got Korone back! She was growling at us so I fed her some onigiri I had leftover and then she went to sleep" said Okayu cheerfully. Inugami Korone woke up from her sleep and stretched when they were filling each other in.

"Uwahhh, sadness :(," Korone frowned after they told her what was happening.

"So how are we gonna find Matsuri-senpai??" Bae asked.

"There's a soccer tournament in the Tokyo stadium tonight," Moona said. "Tokyo High won against all the other high schools around the area, so tonight they are playing with Akita High. Maybe that's where she's gonna be."

"Brilliant! Let's head back and take a shower," Ame suggested and they took 2 cabs and went to Moona's apartment. It is huge with 2 floors at the highest floor of this apartment building. They each picked a room to sleep in and took a shower. They then did some laundry and then had a quick but luxurious dinner before heading back out towards the stadium. 

This time they took the rail train, but Moona activated her own powers and dazzled people, having all the attention on her and none on the other idols who were following closely behind her. The train was not as crowded as it usually was, mainly because everyone was focusing on Moona and forgot to enter the train.

They each got a seat together on one side as the other side began to fill up too. Ame took out her own phone, completely charged thanks to the extra outlets Moona provided, and checked the news. The first match of the Japanese National soccer has just started, the score is still 0 to 0. She continued to watch the video while the others crouched in, having sudden interest in the game until a girl walked up towards them.

"Umm," said the girl, confused. "I don't.... wanna say this out loud, but... are you from Hololive Productions??"

All of them looked up immediately, trying to shush her. Hololive idols' reputation was almost shattered into a million pieces over the last two years, but instead Bae bolted straight up and hugged the girl.

"MUMEI!!! MUMEI!! IT'S ME BAE!!!!" Bae shouted as she squeezed her tighter and tighter. The shout attracted attention to them and people started murmuring and avoiding them. Moona took the phone and focused on the phone while Ame stood up trying to quiet Bae down.

"Mumei? Is that my name??" The Guardian of Civilization stood there confused while getting squished by the Symbol of Chaos. The people around them started to get alerted and some even took out their phones and were trying to call the police.

"What are you doing here, Mumei??" Bae asked cheerfully, still as loud as ever. Some passengers left for other carriages or got off the railway train a few stops early just to avoid them.

"Why was I here, I forgor, but Hololive just came into my mind when I saw you guys."

"Guys we have to go, the people are growing uncomfortable with our presence," said Ame, luckily, they just arrived at their stop and they got off while the phone in Moona's hand shouted 'Tokyo High scored a spectacular first goal!'

"Oi, I found her," said Okayu, walking to the right of Moona.

"What?! Where?" Korone asked, walking to the left of Moona.

"Over there," Okayu pointed out at the corner of the screen. A group of cheerleaders standing in a line cheering for Tokyo High School.

"Wow she's right," said Haato, who's in front of Moona, walking backwards.

"Great, we now know where Matsuri is, we got Mumei just now, so it's 7 against 1. Whatever her special powers are, we should be able to get her back," Ame analyzed. They walked the rest of the way towards the stadium, turned a corner and saw the familiar street that they used to take, everytime they head to the studio. The nostalgic feeling swept over them and they began to follow this familiar street, until they reached the empty, shattered place of what's left of Hololive Production. Two years after the explosion, angry fans vandalized it, the government ordered it to be destroyed and is reconstructing into something else. The construction hasn't started yet, the logo of Hololive laid in front of the entrance, broken in half. Korone broke down and started sobbing, Okayu kneeled down to comfort her, the others stood there in silence, knowing that their rogue actions destroyed the lives of many families, it brought sadness and depression to people, and it is the exact opposite of what idols do, of what comedians do, of what they do. 

"I think we should get going again," sighed Ame after a long silence. "This is what we've signed up for. Saving Matsuri will get us one step closer to getting back our future, one step closer to getting back Hololive. Let's go."

After a long walk, they arrived at the stadium. They snuck in without getting noticed by the guards and got to the highest row of the watch stand, the score is now 2 to 0. Many were cheering for the Tokyo team and others were encouraging the Akita team as the referee announced half-time. Matsuri's cheerleading team and Akita's cheerleading team both got onto the court to start their performance, and the idols decided to wait until the game was over in order to not attract any attention. OkaKoro went to buy some snacks and the 7 of them watched the game anxiously. The game ended 3 to 1, Tokyo High won. Both schools went to their locker rooms with the exact opposite feelings. Akita High mourned in regret, thinking that they could've done better, while Tokyo High was laughing cheerfully. The crowd began to exit the stadium and the idols snuck down to the court and into the hall with the help of Moona drawing attention, they then waited for Moona to catch up to them. Since Moona is the only one with a good reputation, she knocked on the door, and went in. The Tokyo High soccer and cheerleading teams both went silent and then went wild. All of them went up to Moona asking for autographs and pictures with Moona, and she took time to do all of them while the idols waited outside on the field. After a while, Moona pretended to invite Matsuri to her model job and promised her team that she will give Matsuri a ride home. The team exited the stadium and got on their bus while Moona led Matsuri back on the field. Matsuri saw the idols and shrieked.

"You… You were on the news doing bad stuff!! Ms. Moona why…. Are you teaming up with criminals?? AM I BEING SCAMMED????? HEEELLLPPPPPP!!!" 

Bae charged at Matsuri, trying to hold her. Matsuri realized it and did a backflip and Bae fell on the ground. 

"No wait, stop! Our goal is to get her back without hurting her!" Moona shouted, and then she whispered to Ame. "Here, I'll grab her attention and then you go time her, alright?"

"Got it," Amelia replied.

Moona used the last of her strength and shined once more, Matsuri gazed towards her and was awestrucked. Ame took out her pocket watch hurriedly, but it fell out of her hand. Ame quickly picked up the watch, but when she looked back up, she saw Matsuri holding a book and a pen, staring at Moona with hungry eyes. Her smug face made Ame worry that something bad was about to happen. Matsuri then started writing something on her notebook while Ame dashed towards Matsuri, pointing her watch at Matsuri and then the dazzling light suddenly faded as Ame tripped on something small. Ame got up and looked at what she tripped at, a little head stretched out of the large pile of clothes, and the clothes looked oddly familiar.

"Owwww, Ame!! Watch out for where you're going!!" shouted a high-pitched voice. Matsuri's smug face is starting to get more dangerous, a heart-shape formed in her eyes as she threw the notebook, and the notebook magically disappeared, and ran towards the voice. Matsuri dashed past Ame and hugged what looked like a 10 years old-ish Moona. "Ame save me, Matsuri is choking meeeeee."

Ame jumped back and pointed her watch at her once more, but at the very next second, Ame shrunk and found herself to be too small for her own clothes, her pocket watch fell out of her hands.

"The notebook! It is Matsuri-senpai's power!" Bae yelled.

"It says…. Loli-Note," said Mumei, squinting her eyes to see the words on the cover of the notebook.

"Little Moooooonnaaa, do you want to date your big sister??" said Matsuri. "I can give you lots of fun!! What about Ame, hmmm?"

And this alerted the idols. Okayu went into Neko-mode and a pink-ish cat-like aura surrounded her while her eyes glowed in a bright violet color. Korone went into Inu-mode and a yellow-ish dog-like aura surrounded her and her eyes glowed a bit golden yellow amongst her brown eyes. 

"Mumei, Bae, go get the pocket watch from Ame. We are gonna pin her down," said Haato. OkaKoro dashed with their increased speed, the two of them exchanged eye contact and immediately knew how to support each other. Okayu ran in front of Korone and charged with a low sweep, Matsuri jumped, but she didn't realize that Korone jumped at the same time, she swung her leg and kicked Matsuri in the head. Matsuri fell to the ground while Mumei went to take care of Moona and Bae went to get the pocket watch of loli Ame.

"Ame, give me your watch please."

"No, this is my watch," said loli Ame, pouting.

"I'll give it back to you once I finish, okay?"

"No, you can't have it, plus you don't know how to use it."

"Then teach me-" and loli Ame started screaming in her gremlin noises, interrupting Bae.

"Wait, who is Matsuri-senpai again? I forgor…" said Mumei, and Bae screamed in frustration.

Matsuri fell onto the ground and Okayu pinned her down and then knocked Matsuri out cold. Both cat and dog auras faded while Moona and Ame grew back to their normal size, but naked, because they crawled out of the adult clothes when they were lolis. The idols waited for Moona and Ame to dress when suddenly a blue light shone brightly in front of them and Kronii appeared.

"Kronii!!!" Mumei and Bae shouted excitedly in unison, running up to hug her, but Kronii pushed them aside.

"Bae, Mumei, it is really nice to see you alive again, but now is not the time. Ame, you need to get them away from here now! I am Kronii from a year later, I came back to this time to tell you, you guys need to leave Tokyo NOW! I don't know how much I can stay, but, whatever you do, you need to leave now! I think I have a base with other idols as well at Hokkaido, meet the past me there!! Death is on its way to hunt you. Also don't travel back to stop Death 2 years ago the second time. I tried that with my team, it's not enough to beat it. Go get Calli, she is at Ak-"

Another blue light appeared and Kronii disappeared instantly. The idols were confused by the sudden information, while suddenly the stadium lights blacked out and darkness surrounded them.