
Hololive the lore

In the world of COVER mythical being roam the land story after story unfolding one another what could await them?

Kamil_Aizat · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The One Who Hold The Trident

In the heart of Atlantis, a kingdom teetered on the brink of destruction. Creatures, born from the council's wrath, now laid siege to the once-mighty city. Among the chaos, Princess Gura grappled with her powerless position. Her title was mere formality; true authority eluded her grasp.

As the calamity unfolded, Gura watched in helpless terror. The castle walls crumbled, trapping her beneath the debris. Pain seared through her, and despair threatened to consume her very soul. But then, an ethereal voice echoed in her mind.

"Dear child of Atlantis," it whispered, and suddenly, Gura found herself transported to a realm of pure white. Confusion and fear swirled within her.

"Who are you?" she wondered aloud.

"I am the Trident," the voice replied. "Protector of the royal lineage, guardian for a thousand years."

Gura scoffed. "The Trident? It abandoned us long ago."

"The royal family lost its honor," the Trident acknowledged. "Their lust for power blinded them. But you, my love, are different. I've observed you since your arrival in this world—you possess a purity they lack."

Gura's brow furrowed. "Why bring me here?"

"This domain exists within the Trident," it explained. "A sanctuary, separate from the outside world, designed to shield Atlantis' royals from harm. Here, you will be safe, and through you, Atlantis shall rise once more."

Despair clung to Gura. "But what right do I have? I failed to rule Atlantis, to right its wrongs. Why entrust me with this burden?"

The Trident's response was unwavering: "Failure is not the end. It is the crucible from which hope emerges. Your sheer willpower to overcome failure itself is hope. As long as hope lives, there is a chance—even for you."

Desperate, Gura asked, "What must I do?"

"Take me with you," the Trident commanded. "All the sea shall be at your command."

Gura hesitated, then reached for the ancient artifact. Power surged through her veins. She felt every life within the ocean—the calm depths and the tempestuous currents.

And so, the new Lord of the Sea emerged. As Atlantis fell, the Trident patiently awaited release from its watery prison. For when it was free, so too would be the true ruler of the sea.

Probably gonna add Watson next

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