
Hololive the lore

In the world of COVER mythical being roam the land story after story unfolding one another what could await them?

Kamil_Aizat · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Fall of Atlantis

The entity of civilization gazed upon the mortal realm with a mixture of curiosity and reverence. From her celestial vantage point, she observed humanity's journey—a tapestry woven with threads of ingenuity, strife, and wonder. The mortal race, like a fledgling bird, had taken flight, creating marvels that danced across the canvas of existence.

Among the council members, she alone understood the delicate balance between awe and detachment. While her peers regarded mortals as mere playthings, she found solace in their progress. Their resilience, their capacity to forge beauty from the raw materials of existence—it stirred something within her.

One day, she glimpsed a civilization that defied convention. They had built a city above the water, its spires reaching toward the heavens. The entity yearned to witness this creation up close, to immerse herself in its vibrancy. And so, she donned a mortal vessel—a fragile shell to house her celestial essence—and descended.

But reality diverged from her lofty expectations. Beneath the gleaming towers, she encountered a world of contradictions. The civilization thrived on suffering, its foundations rooted in exploitation. The opulence of the privileged contrasted sharply with the destitution of the downtrodden. Joy and despair coexisted, entwined like ivy on a crumbling wall.

Disillusionment settled upon her like a shroud. She returned to her celestial throne, heart heavy with disappointment. The city's beauty had masked its flaws, and she grappled with the duality of existence—the light and shadow that danced across the mortal stage.

As she continued her vigil, the arrogance of the civilization intensified. Mortals, emboldened by their achievements, pointed their weapons at the heavens. The council, weary of their hubris, convened to pass judgment. They forged a creature—an arbiter of fate—to descend upon the city.

And so, with solemn proclamation, the creature declared, "Thou human arrogance ends now! By the decree of the council, the people of Atlantis shall meet their reckoning." The celestial entity watched, torn between sorrow and duty, as the threads of destiny unraveled. Atlantis, once a beacon of aspiration, would now face its twilight. The mortal tapestry, woven with both brilliance and darkness, would yield to cosmic justice.