
Hollywood System

In a parallel world without Marvel and Dc a new tycoon is about to emerge from the depths. He will conquer the movie industry, create classics, make blockbuster movies, and be crowned the King of Hollywood! [Ps: I do not own anything this is purely fictional all the credits go to the rightful owner. Also if you are going to rate this fan-fic please just put 1 star.]

EliasHanni · Movies
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26 Chs


"Well it's still a secret for now, so shush your mouth!" Liam said with a playful tone.

While Kevin closed his mouth as he looked around the classroom if someone else heard what he said luckily they were all busy with their cliques.

The boys kept on talking about new ideas that they could add to the comics, and they didn't notice that it was already time to go home.

They both walked outside of the school and still, their topic was about the new Comic Liam would create. The new superhero Spider-Man.

Reaching the intersection and bidding their farewells Liam walked home.

As soon as he arrived he started to sketch his new creation Spider-Man, he would follow the plotline of the first ever Spider-Man Tobey Maguire.

Liam's mother also arrived they had a small meeting in the church to discuss how to further propagate the church and about the funds that can renovate some broken furniture inside the church.

Silvia got home and as usual, Liam was drawing on the dinner table. She thought about it but maybe she should buy a desk and a chair to put in her son's room. "Hey sweetie how was your day? Had fun with your friend Kevin?" Silvia asked with curiosity.

"Yeah we had fun, we talked about a lot of stuff," Liam said and continued his drawings.

Suddenly there was a screech in their garage meaning his father was home.

Immediately the door flung open revealing his father's disheveled look. "Liam was that the ending?!" John who was in his work read the 10 pages Liam has sent him it was the end of the story for the Guardians of the Galaxy.

This made him quite sad that his favorite story already ended, he did laugh at the part when Peter started dancing. But still, he couldn't take the fact that it was the end of the series.

"It's alright Dad I will make two other comics continuing the story of the Guardians of the Galaxy, but for now I have other heroes I need to work on," Liam said to his father.

"Really? Phew, I thought that was the end haha" Jhon sighed with relief. Just like any other fan that would get sad if their favorites would stop uploading, Jhon was also the same.

"Ahem? Honey the door." Silvia looked at her husband, she knew that Jhon was immersed in their son's work but she feared that this would lead to obsession.

"Oh haha sorry honey, I just got excited," Jhon said with a bit of embarrassment to his wife.

Jhon hurriedly changed into the bedroom and came downstairs. "So what's the next hero you're going to create?" John asked, he saw the cover where a man wearing a blue and red colored suit with what looked to be a white rope he was holding onto and the cover page titled it Spider-Man.

"So this is your new work? Spider-Man?" John asked.

"Yep, I already made ten chapters you can start reading them, Dad. Oh yeah, the final output of the Guardians of the Galaxy is already finished I already put it inside the box" Liam said as he pointed at the small box beneath their coffee table.

John nodded his head and took the 10 pages of the new superhero story, unlike the Guardians of the Galaxy the main protagonist was a young man in his teens who was bitten by a radioactive spider and possesses abilities like a spider.

As the usual routine was, they ate dinner and slept. Liam who was laying on his bed needed to up his game now, he needed to finish two more after the amazing Spider-Man. He looked at his fan points he already gathered 500 fan points from both his dad and Kevin.

"System put 100 in my stamina," Liam said, as soon as the system fell to those words, Liam felt the energy to write, as soon as he started to draw he was just like a printing machine.

"My god" Liam muttered and started to draw, each of the panels looked amazing and after just three hours he already finished Spider-Man, he looked at the stacked papers which all were the scenes of Spider-Man from the movie.

Liam couldn't help but gulp hard and in awe at this sudden outcome. He looked at the clock it was 9:57 pm, which means it only took him three hours to finish everything originally it would take him a lot of days but now it was finished in just three hours.

When morning came, Liam gave Jhon 10 copies. Liam would act like he was still making ten chapters a day of Spider-Man to not rose any suspicion, but with this Liam also started creating the other superhero his favorite Ironman.

As soon as he came to school Liam was bombarded with Kevin's questions about the story of Spider-Man.

Liam didn't draw at school since it would look strange to many people who would see him flipping a lot of pages one by one, since now he can practically create ten chapters every 10 minutes. For now, Liam decided that he would only draw at his home.

Nothing much happened that day, Liam and Kevin went home and the usual topic was the characters and the superhero Spider-Man. As he came home Liam walked to his bedroom, he didn't have a desk there so he could only draw on the floor as he started sketching Ironman.

And with that five hours passed by and he was done, it took a little longer than he thought it would unlike Spider-Man but Liam just shrugged he was finished with this one.

Next, he started sketching Hulk. For Liam he likes Mark Ruffalo's version of the Hulk, Edward Norton's version was cool, but due to some articles popping out about his attitude it made Liam have a bad look at him, and even Kevin Feige had a say in the matter.

The Avengers was a group, not a one-person show, and well Edward was not one who likes to work with others. That's why Liam decided that in the future he would like for Mark Ruffalo to play and act as the Incredible Hulk in the movie.

He doesn't want the same reaction people had when Mark Ruffalo appeared as the Hulk in Avengers, many had trouble adjusting to the new character since they already etched in their minds Edward Norton as their Hulk.

Though after many movies Mark Ruffalo's version was also etched in their heads still the impression of Edward's hulk remained.

Liam finished The Hulk halfway and thought that he could finish the remaining scenes tomorrow.

Liam went to bed and slept, and soon morning came. Liam immediately finished the remaining story of the Hulk, and after a few minutes, he was done.

Liam thought about how fast he could create the chapters now. Suddenly Liam felt dizzy, he held his head and a painful headache came. Liam touched his nose, it was wet, he looked at his hands and there was blood.

"What the" Before he could finish his sentence he passed out.


When Liam opened his eyes again, he was in a hospital bed. Liam looked around the place suddenly a nurse who saw him awake immediately tended to him.

"Umm, what happened? What am I doing here?" Liam asked, the last memory he had was when he passed out after completing the story of the Hulk.

"Oh just wait right there, I will call the doctor" The nurse left the ward and a minute later a doctor came and Liam saw his mother with the doctors.

The doctor examined his whole body and after a few minutes asked some question which Liam just answered with ease, after the doctor and the nurses left It was him and his mom.

"Mom?" Liam asked looking at her mother who was holding a handkerchief while wiping her tears.

"What happened?" Liam asked.

"Thank god your alright do you know how worried I was?! Liam don't ever do that ever again. When I went to your room you passed out on the floor with blood gushing out of your nose. I panicked and called 991 to help. Do you know how many days you were asleep? Three days! the doctor couldn't pinpoint the exact cause of why you wouldn't wake up. I and your Dad were worried as heck, we thought we lost you!" Silvia hugged Liam as hard as she could, her tears were already falling, soaking Liam's clothes.

"W-Wait what do you mean by three days?!" Now Liam was confused at this predicament, he didn't understand why he was asleep for three days.

"You were, even the doctors didn't understand but they said it was due to stress and accumulated fatigue that you slept for three days. Do you even know how worried your dad and I were?!" Silvia couldn't help but cry, this was her son, her only child, if something would have happened much worse she can't live with that.


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