
Hollowed Heart

The world had never been on his side, despite his struggles on keeping his loved ones safe, the cruel world decided to end his life in that instant. But even then, his life did not end... More rather, it became quite a surprise. ============ Each chapter will have 4k - 6k Words Only Chapter 1 and 2 have less then 4k Words

Solemn_Ark · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Life wasn't really easy for him, actually, it never is easy for anybody at all. The hardships one would face, the challenges one would encounter, the suffering one would go through, it's an endless pool of torture. However, his life isn't the usual day-to-day suffering, it's something else.

[Hollowed Heart]

In an alleyway within the corners of the Karakura City, there stood a group of people facing a beat-up boy who is struggling to even look up.

The people who surrounded him only had grins on their faces, not even showing a single hint of sympathy or pity.

"Did you really think you could ever escape us? Don't get so cocky you wimp!" The slightly chubby man said before kicking the boy hard enough to fling him to the wall. The boy spat out saliva, possible to even see some hints of blood on that spit.

The boy struggled to even speak, he could only look at the man with anger, but even he knew that it was a futile attempt. His expression only further irritated the man, causing him to punch the boy on the chest. The boy began to cough roughly while holding his chest, spitting out some blood while doing so.

"You should remember that your family is still indebted to us, your life would become meaningless if you can't even pay a single penny of that family debt of yours." The man laughed before kicking the boy to the head, knocking the boy out.

The group left, leaving the boy to bleed out on the floor. Although the kick was supposedly meant to knock him out, he still remained conscious, although his eyes were barely open, threatening to close and have him die in the process. But the boy chose to remain conscious, despite knowing that he'll die anyway.

"Why... Did it have to be this? Just because of our debt? Some dumb reason he has." He thought to himself in anger.

"If I could just... Fight. If I... Could just kill him... I'd be able... To finally... Ack! What's the use if I even kill him!?" He clenched his fist with his little strength, thinking deeply as his conscience slowly fades away.

"No... Killing him only satisfies my wants, not my needs... I have to... Protect... My... Sister..." His final thoughts were concluded as he dies in the alley covered in the dark.

Silence engulfed the world, the light of the moon shines bright. The soft breeze of the wind, the cold air of the night. As the clock ticks, the world swirls.

But as the clock hits midnight, the world froze. What caused such an occurrence is unknown, but the effect of such falls to the one who had died alone.

[New Host has been Assigned]

[Welcome to the Hollow System, Iazkari Seurve]

[Hollowed Heart]


That was what surrounded him.

Memories of his recent death played like an old video player of the past. It was like watching a movie made in the old era. His eyes gazed at the footage like a predator who spotted its prey. His thoughts remained still, not letting out a single letter or image.

But this soon breaks as a notification interrupts his focus.

[Welcome to the Hollow System, Iazkari Seurve]

"Wait what? Hollow System?" He asked himself.

[Yes, the Hollow System.]

As if hearing his thoughts, the System replied to his question.

"What is this... Hollow System?" Iazkari asks the System, curious about its aspects.

[The Hollow System is a System granted by the [REDECTED] to his chosen subject, allowing that subject to gain power beyond what any being can ever comprehend.]

The System answered his question, although seemingly glitched at the mention of who gave Iazkari the System.

"Huh... Odd... Oh well. Also, why can't I see anything right now?" Iazkari asks a question he long had before even being able to access the Hollow System.

[Currently, the Host is undergoing Hollowification. A stage common to those who become Hollows. It causes the Hollows to lose their sympathy and act like raging beasts. Currently, the System is negating the Hollowification to allow the Host to become a Hollow and not lose their mind. If it fails, the Host will wake up as an Adjuchas after a long sleep of 500 years.]

The System gives him the answer to his question, although it pretty much worried him to the brim.

"H-how long would it take?" Once again, he asks.

[It is speculated to last for 5-10 years, the Host will only need to remain patient. If you wish to make its process faster, I can put you in a sleep where you will wake up as your true form. Sleep can allow time to drift as your conscience is not awake, failure is still a probability.]

"The sleep would certainly do... But I don't want to wake up 500 years later though." Iazkari thought to himself, but the System seems to have taken his words as a request.

[Affirmative, time to allow the Host to become a Hollow without the Hollowification taking over has been set to 10 Years.]

[Initiating Procedures...]


[Closing off all senses...]


[Host will be put to sleep until procedures are finished]

[Starting Anti-Hollowification...]


[Hollowed Heart]

I'm the outskirts of Karakura town, a presence that attracted many appeared. A Hollow the stood 5 meters tall with a jet black body and a Knight-like mask that hid his face. The Hollow's arms were shaped like blades, indicating that these were meant to use as his main weapons.

The Hollow soon opened his eyes and gazed around him. A forest filled to the brim with the souls of the dead animals and humans. One could assume that this would be his feast... However, the Hollow merely ignored these souls and went to another place. One could ask, just where could this Hollow be? And even then, they would never get their answer.

[Reawakening of the Host is under processing]

[Initiating Host's awakening]


"What the... Where... Am I?" The Hollow asks himself.

[The Host stands in a forest on the outskirts of Karakura Town]

"Karakura town? I see... So, have I become a Hollow?" He asks the System.


"Ah... I see... Can you open the System?" He says as he slowly observes his new arms, completely unfazed by its new appearance.


[Hollow System]

Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 25

Race: Hollow

Rank: Fishbone {Grade 5} [Required Spirit Power to evolve (500/200,000)]


Strength - 5

Dexterity - 5

Constitution - 10

Intelligence - 10

Spirit Power: 500

Status Points: 0


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]

- Continuously distort hints of Spiritual Pressure surrounding the Host to hide their presence.




"Huh? No levels?' He observes the System panel and notices something that usually is found in System stories is nowhere to be seen.

[Yes, in order to gain SP, the user must gain 1000 Spirit Power. Each will give 1 Status Points to allow the Host to grow stronger.]

"I see... How strong am I currently?" Iazkari asks the System, curious of his own strength, which is disappointingly low.

[As of currently, the Host is only 5x stronger and faster than a Human, and 10x more durable and smarter than a Human.]

The System answers his question, making him fall into his own thoughts.

"So each status point is only equivalent to a Human? I'll be in huge danger if I am to meet with anyone stronger than me." He thought to himself, but got curious and decided to ask the System something he had thought off for a while.

"System, can you list people or a group of people that are the highest in terms of power right now?" This question was turned into a request.


[List of people within Karakura that have high Spiritual Pressure]

Kisuke Urahara [Shinigami]

Masaki Kurosaki [Quincy]

Isshin Kurosaki [Shinigami]

Ryuken Ishida [Quincy]


"Huh? Who are they?" Iazkari became curious.

[These are powerful people within Karakura. System cannot give the Host a list filled with every single powerful people from different realms and areas unless the Host has travelled those places or encountered these individuals.]

"Wait, but I never encountered these 4!?" He says to the System.

[The Host has encountered them although has not interacted with any of them.]

This further confused Iazkari, but decided to ask on a later date.

"So... How do I get stronger?" He asks the System.

[Devour souls or Hollows]

[Host has received a Quest]


[First steps as a Hollow]

- Devour 100 Souls [0/100]

- Defeat another Hollow{Optional} [0/1]

Rewards: [Enhance Defence] Skill, 10 SP

Bonus Reward: [High Speed Slice]


"Oh? A quest?"

[Yes, once the Host finishes the given quest, he will receive the rewards stated in the Quest Panel]

"What about the optional one? If I finish the first quest, will I lose it?" He asks the System.

[Upon finishing the Quest rewards will immediately be given, however, if there are optional quests, the Host is given a choice of confirmation first.]

"I see... This getting interesting." If one were to look at his Hollow mask, one could see his yellow eyes gleam with his discovery.

This is merely the beginning of his Journey. Just what wonders await him in the future?

[Hollowed Heart]