
Hollow Moon: A Taken Throne

A man caught between worlds struggles to forge a kingdom of power. Left in the past, armed with the knowledge of every event to come, he is determined to rewrite the story of Bleach. His name is Silas Wren, and he was transported to Ichigo Kurosaki's body after an unfortunate car crash on earth. A Taken Throne is the third novel in the Hollow Moon series. Desperate to secure his survival and rise to power, Silas turns to Jesus Christ for help, hoping that his actions may pave the way for him to return home. And upon escaping the wrath of Soul Reapers and Hollows alike, he must now use the power of the Hōgyoku to his advantage. But how much havoc can one immortal man do? The stage is set for a monumental clash. As the shadow of Silas's machinations falls over the Soul Society, allegiances will fracture, secrets will be laid bare, and the very balance of all the worlds will be utterly disrupted.

AkitoTakahashi · Book&Literature
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The Espada

To say traversing Las Noches didn't take days was an understatement.

It's been two days since Silas first came here, able to hide himself so methodically that he never once set an alarm. To his surprise, not once had Aizen, Tōsen, or Gin stepped foot in Las Noches. If he had, he would have immediately picked up on their spiritual pressures.

There were few who would pique his senses. But none of them were who he was looking for. He would have at least liked to have glimpsed at characters like Ulquiorra Cifer and Nnoitra, but not even they were around.

Interacting with such characters anyway wouldn't profit him in the slightest, so he continued to look until something finally caught his interest.

The sterile scent of bleach and formaldehyde assaulted Silas's senses as he slipped through a hidden access panel, entering a vast, brightly lit laboratory. Rows upon rows of glass vials glinted under the harsh light, filled with swirling liquids of every color imaginable.

Strange contraptions whirred and buzzed in the background, each one indicating that someone had been conducting experiments.

This was it. It had taken longer than expected, but this was undoubtedly Szayelaporro Granz's laboratory!

No other area resembled a scientist's workstation more than this one. There were the control rooms that were often used by Gin and Tōsen, but they didn't carry the feel of morbid fascination and the macabre.

Silas moved silently. He needed to be swift. This wasn't a place he wanted to linger for too long.

He scanned the room, searching for his primary target: any data about Aizen's current Espada. He knew the ten Espada were the backbone of Aizen's Arrancar army, and any intel on who the current ones were and their abilities could be invaluable.

His gaze fell upon a massive holographic display flickering in the corner. It showcased the fortress of Las Noches in intricate detail, with holographic figures of Arrancar officers patrolling its halls.

If Silas had had access to this sooner, it would have made finding things around Las Noches easier. And judging from Szayelaporro's device, this didn't seem like something he was supposed to be doing.

Szayelaporro was the meticulous scientist of Las Noches, flaunting his narcissism and flamboyance with lewd, disturbing comments aimed at his opponents. This ruthless and sadistic Arrancar treats others as mere research material, harbouring a deep disdain for non-Hollows and wishing for their destruction at Aizen's hands.

He fancies himself an actor, turning battles into twisted theatrical performances where he cruelly toys with his victims. This was important to note in case Silas ever felt like keeping him around.

Apart from remembering this arrogant-natured character, something caught Silas's attention. To his left was a roster that displayed prominently on the side—a list of the current Espada.

Though this wasn't what he came for, he had a slight hunch that Szayelaporro would have this sort of information.

There were ten names in total, two more than he remembered from the original series.

His eyes scanned the list. Aaroniero Arruruerie, Zommari Rureaux, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Nnoitra Gilga, Ulquiorra Cifer, Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio, Baraggan Louisenbairn, Yammy Llargo, and Nel Tu Odelschwanck.

Just the first eight held interest. Silas stopped reading to think about how their ranks didn't match at all. But it was to be expected. Espadas and their ranks changed throughout the course of time, which the story hardly expanded on.

So who exactly were the Espada?

As Silas remembered, the Espada are Aizen's elite group of ten Arrancars, known for their exceptional strength. Each member is ranked from zero to nine, with each number correlating to the time of their creation.

This number, displayed as a unique tattoo somewhere on their bodies, changes based on their progress in Las Noches.

This group, along with Aizen, Gin, and Tōsen, is roughly equivalent in power to Soul Society's thirteen court guard squads. They are also Aizen's most trusted subordinates, despite the former seeing them as nothing but tools.

While aware of that fact, many Arrancars aspire to join the Espada simply to gain proximity to him.

Of all the current Espadas on this list, only Nel was of interest. He wouldn't need to try to win her over since Nel originally liked Ichigo from the moment they met.

She takes on two forms: her child form and her adult form.

Nel, in her childlike form, possesses a surprisingly vulgar vocabulary and a quirky sense of humour that contrasts with her innocent appearance. She has an odd fascination with Soul Reapers, initially fearing them but eventually forming a deep attachment to Ichigo.

In her true form, she exhibits a mature, intelligent, and composed demeanor. A pacifist at heart, she dislikes unnecessary fighting and shows compassion by refusing to harm weakened opponents. Her loyalty, analytical nature, and respect for worthy leaders further define her personality.

Even in her adult form, she retains a playful side and an enduring fondness for Ichigo.

He frowned, remembering that she would be betrayed by her own brethren, Nnoitra and Szayelaporro. The latter created a device for Nnoitra to help trick Nel. While the former, ever jealous that a female Hollow both outranked her and outmatched her in strength, did whatever it took to ensure her downfall.

After their plan succeeded, she was thrown out of Las Noches in an unconscious state, where her body reverted back into a child because of her spiritual pressure leaking out from the wound inflicted on her mask.

Silas believed there was nothing he could do to stop this event, less that he risked altering the timeline.

As such, he continued down the list of the last two members: Alessandro Del Socaccio and Cirucci Sanderwicci. These two would eventually lose their ranks as Esapda and receive the rank of "Privaron Espada", those demoted from the group either when they lose strength or cease to be useful to Aizen.

Surely, the two Silas had already subtly recruited, Sol and Halibel, would one day take their place. As for Nel, her spot (not rank) was taken by Szayelaporro, who was currently a Privaron Espada.

The implications were clear. Aizen's plans here were exactly what Silas had anticipated. The presence of Nel and this soon-to-be Privaron Espada suggested the same trajectory for the Arrancar and their role in Aizen's schemes.

The only question now was: would they remain loyal to Aizen after his demise, or would their stories change once Silas took over?