
Hollow Moon: A Taken Throne

A man caught between worlds struggles to forge a kingdom of power. Left in the past, armed with the knowledge of every event to come, he is determined to rewrite the story of Bleach. His name is Silas Wren, and he was transported to Ichigo Kurosaki's body after an unfortunate car crash on earth. A Taken Throne is the third novel in the Hollow Moon series. Desperate to secure his survival and rise to power, Silas turns to Jesus Christ for help, hoping that his actions may pave the way for him to return home. And upon escaping the wrath of Soul Reapers and Hollows alike, he must now use the power of the Hōgyoku to his advantage. But how much havoc can one immortal man do? The stage is set for a monumental clash. As the shadow of Silas's machinations falls over the Soul Society, allegiances will fracture, secrets will be laid bare, and the very balance of all the worlds will be utterly disrupted.

AkitoTakahashi · Book&Literature
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50 Chs

Rightful Heir

"As you wish, lord—"


This would be Ulquiorra's first encounter with that name. Like an obedient slave, the Espada bowed before taking his leave.

Silas slowly returned to his usual position, closing his eyes. Soon, this room will be filled with every strong character in Las Noches. And there was something they would come to understand: even with their combined powers multiplied by ten, they still wouldn't equal a fraction of Silas's power.

One moment later.

Silas opened his eyes to physically see who was present. They were all here, including the fracción, the números, and the exequias. Not a single one of them hadn't shown up. Even those who regularly hid themselves in their palaces came.

Number one: Baraggan Louisenbairn.

This Espada resembled an aging king who was stocky, muscular, and adorned with scars. He also had a white mustache and a fragmented five-pointed crown mask. As the Espada representing "old age", Baraggan is arrogant, prideful, and fatalistic. He believes in the inevitability of death and scoffs at those who fear it. His immense power and sense of authority make him merciless towards his opponents.

Number two: Ulquiorra Cifer.

Ulquiorra is a slender, melancholic Arrancar with short black hair, green eyes, and teal markings underneath. His Hollow hole sits on his sternum, and his mask fragments form a broken horned helmet on his head. Cold and dispassionate, Ulquiorra views those he finds uninteresting as disposable and believes emotions are nonexistent. While not especially violent, he fulfills his duties and fights when provoked.

Number three: Nnoitra Gilga.

Nnoitra, as already explained, is incredibly tall, thin, and sadistic. His black hair frames a grinning face, revealing an eye patch concealing jawbone mask fragments and his Hollow hole. His rank is tattooed on his tongue, which may be three for now but would soon drop to five after others joined. Craving recognition as the strongest Espada, Nnoitra despises weakness and won't hesitate to attack injured enemies or refuse aid. He holds absolute contempt for those he sees as beneath him.

Number four: Cirucci Sanderwicci.

This was truly one of the Privaron Espada, who would be demoted to that rank after others joined. Cirucci is a Gothic lolita-styled Arrancar with short purple hair, teardrop markings, and a spiked hairpin mask fragment. She wears a frilly dress, poofy sleeves, boots, and leg warmers. Cirucci is cocky, blunt, and sadistic. She loves to taunt her opponents and is determined to win by any means necessary.

Number five: Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio.

Dordoni is a tall, muscular man with fair skin, black hair styled in horns, and a goatee. His hollow mask fragments form a horned plate on his forehead. Dordoni is flamboyant and seeks attention, but he's also fiercely determined to prove himself in battle. He'll use any means to goad opponents into giving him a worthy challenge. While currently ranked five, he would be demoted to a Privaron Espada, still maintaining his sense of honour and values as a true warrior.

Number six: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.

Grimmjow is muscular, sporting spiky blue hair, blue eyes with green markings, and a fragmented jawbone mask. Being considered one of Bleach's favourite Hollows, he is aggressive, impulsive, and possesses a bloodthirsty nature. He also shows disrespect for authority, having been one of Ichigo's personal rivals.

Number seven: Zommari Rureaux.

Zommari is a dark-skinned Arrancar with pronounced features, a skull-shaped mohawk formed by his mask fragments, and golden eyes. His chin is adorned with three triangles. Calm and meditative, he possesses a deep-seated contempt for Soul Reapers and unwavering loyalty towards those in charge. However, Zommari's composure often crumbles in battle, revealing an arrogant and overconfident side.

Number eight: Szayelaporro Granz.

Szayelaporro, who looks to have been recently promoted, is a slender, scholarly-looking Arrancar with pink hair and a Hollow mask fragment shaped like glasses. His attire is unique, consisting of a full-length shirt, gloves, and unique pants. As already witnessed, he is a scientist with a sadistic streak and an insatiable curiosity that takes pride in his ever-evolving power.

Number nine: Aaroniero Arruruerie.

Aaroniero has a hidden face beneath a cylindrical glass capsule filled with red liquid, where two small, tattooed Hollow heads reside. He typically wears a concealing mask. Each head has its own individuality and reacts uniquely to different situations. As a Gillian, Aaroniero is proud of his continued evolution. He's cruel, enjoys using his absorbed knowledge to toy with his opponents, and perhaps the strangest out of all the Espada.

And lastly, number zero: Yammy Llargo.

Yammy was the largest of the Espadas, a bald, tan-skinned Arrancar with pronounced sideburns and a fragmented jawbone mask on his chin. The number ten is tattooed on his left shoulder, but his release state obscures the number one, making him truly rank zero. While incredibly powerful, he is impulsive and dim-witted, preferring brute force over tactics. He enjoys battling but easily gets bored.

Sitting knew almost everything about them. But him sitting on the mere throne of their former leader was nothing. There was only one thing Silas needed to do to truly get their attention.

With a slow wave of his wrist, a cosmic orb formed in the space between the palm of his hand, linking to his chest. It radiated, glowing so brightly that it caused most of the Arrancars to shield their faces. Silas subdued the light by flexing his fingers, causing it to dwindle for them to see.

They all marveled, knowing that this was the Hōgyoku. And based on its appearance, they could tell that Silas had successfully merged with it.

"So, it seems your Hollowed-out hearts have come to understand... Perhaps it doesn't pay to have been loyal to your former leader…"

"And just what happened to lord Aizen?" Yammy boomed. Leave it to one of the strongest to also be one of the stupidest.

"You imbecilic!" Szayelaporro cried. "Didn't you listen to what Ulquiorra told us before coming here? The throne's been taken. This is our new leader!"

"You all can address me as lord Ichigo," Silas interrupted. "I am neither a Soul Reaper, nor a Hollow, nor a Quincy. Be sure to remember that…"

By looking at their expressions, Silas could practically hear their thoughts. Some had mixed emotions; others were excited.

Not every Arrancar in Las Noches was loyal to Aizen. Most of them served under Aizen because he was simply powerful and willing to be their leader without fear. Not only had Silas demonstrated those traits, he proved that he was even stronger!

"Hollows of Hueco Mundo... You need not trouble yourself by thinking Las Noches is doomed. Rather, a new adventure awaits us all. Not only have the power to inflict pain, but I also have the power to strengthen others. Doubt me not, hesitate not, less my anger be tested, and I utterly destroy the cause."

They all remained silent, listening to the words being etched in their being.

"Let us pave the way for what I desire. If you are to die so easily, you are of no use to me… But weakness has the power to awaken that which is dormant. Perhaps you will come to see that."

A moment of silence. A long, painful silence for each Arrancar to accept this unexpected change.

Each of them worked under Aizen. With their leader now gone, they would cling to the next best thing. This was their nature. Not as Arrancar, but as Hollows.

"Are my eyes deceiving me?" Zommari asked. Ironic because his true form was full of eyes. "I am seeing what you all see, correct?"

"Ha-ha!" Grimmjow laughed. "Give him a chance. It means he's as straight as an arrow, brewing with authority. Unlike all of us here."

That comment was truly directed at Baraggan.

"That is what I expect," the old king of Las Noches said, feigning his obedience. "Or else our kingdom will fall."

"We're here to lend you our hand—no, our whole body, lord Ichigo!" announced Dordoni.

Szayelaporro grinned, adjusting his glasses, saying, "As long as our new lord allows me to conduct my experiments, I'm perfectly fine with this new change."

"Those are bold words coming from you," Grimmjow mocked. "Are you saying you'll leave if you don't get your way? Huh?!"

"Nonsense!" Szayelaporro corrected. "I'm identifying my strengths with our new leader. Well, number six, what do you have to offer to lord Ichigo?"

"You all act as if you have a conscious," Nnoitra interjected with a whole hearty smile. "When was the last time any of you were ready to lay down yourself for that weak Soul Reaper?"

This was it. Through Silas's speech, they all, one-by-one, forgot about who Aizen was. Not a single one of them had thoughts of going against Silas; each of them acknowledged him as their new leader.

More so was their quick change in behaviour.

The mood gradually shifted with newfound clarity and a sense of loyalty toward Silas. After all, he wasn't a Soul Reaper and had already displayed signs of being greater than that of a Hollow. To them, he had transcended those boundaries, being the only person in existence who had the right to lead them.

"True words were never spoken," Ulquiorra added.

Silas was secretly waiting to specifically come here for this Espada. For deep down inside, Ulquiorra knew something that others didn't: those who lose their true purpose will inevitably destroy themselves. Now that Silas has displayed his authority over them all, their purpose has been renewed.

The throne he sat on had a new ruler, and this throne wouldn't be changing owners. It was a throne to enact judgement on.

It was a taken throne.