
Hollow Moon: A Taken Throne

A man caught between worlds struggles to forge a kingdom of power. Left in the past, armed with the knowledge of every event to come, he is determined to rewrite the story of Bleach. His name is Silas Wren, and he was transported to Ichigo Kurosaki's body after an unfortunate car crash on earth. A Taken Throne is the third novel in the Hollow Moon series. Desperate to secure his survival and rise to power, Silas turns to Jesus Christ for help, hoping that his actions may pave the way for him to return home. And upon escaping the wrath of Soul Reapers and Hollows alike, he must now use the power of the Hōgyoku to his advantage. But how much havoc can one immortal man do? The stage is set for a monumental clash. As the shadow of Silas's machinations falls over the Soul Society, allegiances will fracture, secrets will be laid bare, and the very balance of all the worlds will be utterly disrupted.

AkitoTakahashi · Book&Literature
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New Decrees

Silas, the new ruler, inherited a web of laws established under the previous leader, Aizen. Most, if not all, were likely outdated and in need of revision. Though memory failed him initially, Silas delved into Aizen's files to identify the obsolete regulations.

These were the laws themselves:

It is an offense to invade the world of the living without permission.

It is an offense for Espada members to mobilize their fracción without authorization.

It is forbidden for Espada ranked four and above to release their Zanpakutō within Las Noches.

It is forbidden for any Espada to use a Gran Rey Cero inside Las Noches.

It is an offense for Espada members to utilize the Exequias without authorization.

The Exequias is an elite execution unit. Rudbornn Chelute, a single Arrancar, formed its core, with additional members generated by his Resurrección's ability. As the name suggests, the Exequias dealt with rebels and intruders within Las Noches. They held a similar position to the Números (another Arrancar group), subordinate to the Espada.

However, the extent of the Espada's control over the Exequias remained unclear. In the original story, the Exequias had eliminated Dordoni and Cirucci Sanderwicci for failing their missions, likely acting on someone's orders. Only when confronted by a powerful opponent would Rudbornn and his team back down to avoid a fight.

Hence, neither of them dared to go against Silas's reign.

Because of that reign, Silas was going to construct new laws. The first law, which invaded the world of the living without permission, could undoubtedly continue. Silas would not wish for any of his Arrancars to travel to other places without his knowledge.

The next four laws were a tad redundant. Or rather, they would no longer be needed. For an Espada to release either their Gran Rey Cero or their Zanpakutō inside Las Noches would mean there was a rebellion, a fight taking place, or the fortress was under attack.

Silas would not allow for either of the aforementioned to unfold.

He sat on the throne, reading the Bible. The soft texture ran along his fingers as he flipped the page.

'Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. Romans 7:12.'

Not a moment too soon, an announcement was issued to all the Hollows within Las Noches. Yammy and Ulquiorra were walking along the halls when they saw a large panel on the side.

"Hey, Ulquiorra," Yammy boomed. "These are the new rules in Las Noches lord Ichigo talked about?"

"I do believe so…"

The panel was larger than Yammy. He squinted as he tried to read some of them.

"Wait! What does this word mean?"

Ulquiorra had already finished reading, while Yammy was still on the first line. The new laws were as follows:

Decree one: Any dispute among members must be settled in a duo with at least one Espada member spectating.

Decree two: Arrancars of higher rank are forbidden from harming or mistreating those of lower rank without just cause.

Decree three: Espada members are responsible for overseeing the training and conduct of their fracción, ensuring a well-disciplined and effective force.

Decree four: Espada refusing to gather when called to the meeting room will be terminated.

Decree five: False reports and manipulation of information by superiors will be punishable offenses.

Decree six: Following all significant missions, a mandatory debriefing will be held to analyze successes, failures, and potential improvements for upcoming operations.

Decree eight: Offering aid and shelter to lost or stranded travelers (even non-Arrancar) is encouraged, fostering a sense of community and possibly gaining valuable information.

Decree nine: Promotions within the Arrancar ranks (including Espada) will be based on demonstrably superior strength, leadership, and strategic thinking.

Decree ten: Regular defense drills will be conducted to simulate potential enemy attacks, ensuring Las Noches remains prepared for any threat.

Decree twelve: Stealing from fellow Arrancars or damaging their property will be met with appropriate penalties to ensure order and respect for possessions. 

Decree thirteen: The worship of idols or entities besides a higher power (if such exists in Hueco Mundo) is discouraged.

Decree fourteen: Unapproved Hollow incursions into Las Noches will be met with swift termination.

Only Ulquirroa could tell what some of these laws were implying. Silas was likely preparing for war. Little did anyone know that many of these laws correlated with what's written in the Bible. Do not bear false witness; honour thy father and mother; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not have no other gods; and thou shalt not lie.

Murmurs rippled through the halls of Las Noches as the Arrancars digested the new decrees. Yammy scratched his head, frustration evident on his face. "Seems like a lot of reading for simple rules, Ulquiorra," he grumbled.

Ulquiorra remained silent. He understood the implications better than most. These weren't just new rules; they were the foundation for a new Las Noches. Silas's mind was more cunning than the Arrancars gave credit to. He was building order, fostering a sense of community, and preparing them for something far greater than potential internal squabbles.

For Ulquiorra, the most unsettling decree was number four. Espada termination for missing meetings? It spoke of a tighter leash, a stricter control that went against the Espada's accustomed freedom. Yet a grudging respect bloomed within him.

Chaos breeds weakness, and a leader who demanded accountability wasn't something to scoff at. 

News of the decrees spread like wildfire. The fracción buzzed with nervous energy. Training intensified under the watchful eyes of their Espada, with possible promotions based on merit fueling healthy competition. How could they not be entertained?

Meanwhile, in Zommari's palace, the Espada was meditating in the dark. Rudbornn, leader of the Exequias, entered to inform him of the recent changes. 

"New laws," Zommari rumbled, his voice filling with unconcern as he maintained his position. 

"Indeed," Rudbornn replied. "Seems our new king has a different vision for Las Noches." 

"A vision that may not require your services," Zommari commented, opening his eyes. 

Rudbornn wasn't one to smile, as no one could tell if he did because of his mask. However, it was clear that he was interested based on his next words.

"Perhaps. But change rarely sits well with those accustomed to the old ways." 

Both Zommari and Rudbornn, like all the Arrancars in Las Noches, understood the measurements. Silas' new orders didn't threaten any of their power or freedom. It would be up to them to decide whether or not to obey and adapt.

But if they went against it, casualties would surely follow.