
Hollow Moon: A Lost Shadow

Silas Wren, a cynical man from earth, returns to Karakura Town. Initially trialed into walking the path of Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenage Soul Reaper thrust into protecting the innocent from Hollows, Silas changes his destiny and uses his extraordinary abilities to control his fate. From the author who brought you "Conquer the Ninja World," comes the second adaptation to the Hollow Moon series, A Lost Shadow. While battling Hollows and navigating the turbulent relationships in Ichigo's circle, Silas begins to uncover disturbing secrets about the Soul Society. He neither plays the hero nor the villain, but he veneers his own course that sets him apart from naive idealism. As forces rise, conspiracies threaten to upend the fragile balance of the Soul Society, forcing Silas to make morally ambiguous choices while battling an inner darkness stemming from his own mysterious past.

AkitoTakahashi · Book&Literature
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50 Chs

Company of Misfits

The Visoreds and him spent some time with him explaining some of the story that occurred in Bleach.

Of these things, he made it clear that he couldn't interact with either his past self, Ichigo's past friends, or Kisuke. To ensure something like this wasn't suspicious, he informed them of a time paradox and a shift in the space-time continuum that would rupture if he were to do something he shouldn't.

Only those who read sci-fi tropes, like Love and Lisa, truly understood what he was trying to get at. Hachigen tried to compare it to his barrier techniques but couldn't quite grasp the concept. While the rest, mainly Mashiro and Kensei, had a hard time believing the story.

Not that they didn't trust it, but rather, they could barely understand the time distortion part.

To be fair, Silas was making things up as he went. He truly wasn't aware of what would happen if he interacted with people from the past. Best not to entertain the idea.

"So..." Shinji said, picking his ear with a straight face. "You're from the future, where we fail to stop Aizen. And since you couldn't outrun the street sweeper in the precipice world, you were sent back in time."

There was one question roaming through everyone's mind: What was Silas's plan now?

"To join you..."

The request was a little hard to swallow. Although he proved that he wasn't just a Soul Reaper, he also came with a revelation. Such things required a lot of evidence, confirmation, and perhaps a witness. Yet he had none of those things except his foreknowledge and his Hollow mask.

Shinji gathered everyone in a circle to discuss things. It was like they were holding a secret meeting. Only, Silas was still in the room, being no more than five feet from them.

A random member would often pop their head out to make sure he wasn't listening. First Mashiro popped her head out, then Hachigen followed suit. It was clearly a comedic act, so he remained docile. After about five minutes, Silas had by now seen all of their faces peak in his direction.

"Alright," Lisa said with a lax attitude.

"You can join," Love added.

Just like that, he was made a member of the Visoreds. It might have been easy, but had a couple of conditions.

First, he warned them that they couldn't tell anyone about his existence. Truth be told, it was truly Kisuke he didn't want them interacting with. And lastly, while he was here, he'd be trying to develop a way to return to his time.

None of them seemed to have a problem accepting those conditions. Not because they liked or trusted him, but because he was now a member—the most important member of all.

The only thing they really wanted from him was to know about future events before they happened. Such things as what the Powerball numbers were. Sadly for them, he only had information based on Bleach's story, not lottery numbers.

• • •

The next day, Silas was the first to arise. Shinji had managed to find him a futon to rest on, which he denied, feeling fine with just sleeping in a corner.

Neither of them cared, being that they weren't people, Soul Reapers, or Hollows.

Things like where they slept and what they ate were personal preferences, which no one really judged them for. If Silas asked to sleep on the roof, they honestly wouldn't mind. As long as he informed them of his activities for the day, did some chores around the warehouse, and ran some errands, they didn't really care what he did or where he went.

These were things never truly expanded on in the story—things that Silas hadn't known about. The Visoreds were like a big family, each harbouring different tasks to ensure their basic needs were met.

Hiyori, who was in charge of making sure everyone got their chores done, kept a list of the daily tasks. It was no surprise that she was like the mother of the group, despite being the smallest. Her former captain before Kisuke was Kirio Hikifune, who, too, was a motherly figure.

Certain tasks she would assign were simple. Such things as shopping for groceries and who was in charge of cleaning. Since Silas revealed he knew how to cook, he would have to pull his own weight. It was either that or they would force him to clean the bathrooms every day.

When all the tasks were accomplished, everyone was given leisure time until food was ready. No one was really in charge of preparing the meals unless they became hungry. Otherwise, someone would go out and buy something everyone was accustomed to.

This was perhaps the highlight of the Visoreds: each of them bore their own likes and dislikes, entertaining themselves through various means.

Members like Hachigen and Love stayed at the warehouse. The former would be found trying to fix the broken appliances, like a clogged toilet, while the latter would be found binge-reading a book. Rose seemed to be the only one with a real job, holding concerts for the fans outside of the town. If it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be any real money flowing.

Kensei would often be spotted either working out here or at a local gym. Mashiro was sometimes by his side, pretending to engage in the exercises but never lifting any weights. As for Lisa, contrary to her schoolgirl outfit, she didn't actually attended any school. Her and Hiyori would enjoy themselves out in the town, sometimes going to a bathhouse.

Shinji was the strangest one of them all. His daily routine was going out to different towns and taking up side jobs for spiritually aware people. If someone claimed there was a ghost in their home or that they were being haunted by an unknown presence, he would charge them before dealing with it accordingly. Many of these "ghosts" were usually Souls that had yet to pass on.

It came as no surprise that he was the only one truly doing any Soul Reaper duties. After all, four out of the eight of them returned to the Soul Society upon Aizen's defeat—not accounting for Lisa, who would return to become a captain toward the end of the story.

Why certain Visoreds, like Hiyori, chose not to go back was because they hated both Soul Reapers and people. That or, there was nothing for them to do in the Soul Society anymore.

Since they were all Soul Reapers in age-less Gigais, things like a rundown warehouse didn't bother them. The shattered windows, the concrete layers of rubble stacked against each other—all of them were left alone as if they didn't exist.

Silas, by all means, chose the perfect place to reside for the time being.

He knew almost everything about the Visoreds. How they acted, how they went about their business, and what they enjoyed. Without that knowledge and his Hollow mask, he wouldn't have been able to successfully infiltrate their ranks.

But what was he truly after? Simple. He was going to analyze their fighting styles, their trademarks, and all manner of skills they possessed and then take them for himself. Once he accomplished that, he would slay them all!