
Hollow Moon: A Lost Shadow

Silas Wren, a cynical man from earth, returns to Karakura Town. Initially trialed into walking the path of Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenage Soul Reaper thrust into protecting the innocent from Hollows, Silas changes his destiny and uses his extraordinary abilities to control his fate. From the author who brought you "Conquer the Ninja World," comes the second adaptation to the Hollow Moon series, A Lost Shadow. While battling Hollows and navigating the turbulent relationships in Ichigo's circle, Silas begins to uncover disturbing secrets about the Soul Society. He neither plays the hero nor the villain, but he veneers his own course that sets him apart from naive idealism. As forces rise, conspiracies threaten to upend the fragile balance of the Soul Society, forcing Silas to make morally ambiguous choices while battling an inner darkness stemming from his own mysterious past.

AkitoTakahashi · Book&Literature
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50 Chs

Ascent From Darkness

The Seireitei sprawled beneath Silas. From his perch high above the clouds, he considered how ignorant the Souls were of the fact that their world was made up. He saw not a bustling city but a cage waiting to be shattered, a monument to hypocrisy awaiting its fiery dissolution.

No smile graced his lips, only a grim frown. He was contemptuous, warred with a deep emotion of solemn resolve tinged with sorrow. Each grain of sand on their ground represented a Soul he would soon slay. Their arrogance, their blind faith in their self-proclaimed righteousness—it gave him a purpose not to spare anyone.

Yet, beneath the icy contempt, there was a sense of exhilaration. This was his moment, the culmination of his meticulous planning and his patient vengeance.

His hand rested on the hilt of his weapon. If he had been guided this far, the promises of retribution would surely follow. It didn't matter whose death he needed to see; what mattered was that the entire world needed to be annihilated.

Only then would he return home, so he believed.

Silas closed his eyes, letting the night breeze brush past his hair. The feeling of having been freed from Muken laced his spirit with anticipation. Slowly lifting his head, he opened his eyes and gazed at the stars. A certain squadron he knew he would have to go all out in was situated there: squad zero.

They were known as the "Royal Special Task Force," a special unit dedicated to the protection of the "Royal Family" and king of the Soul Society. A list of names was recalled: Senjumaru Shutara, Ōetsu Nimaiya, Kirio Hikifune, Tenjirō Kirinji, and their leader, Ichibē Hyōsube.

Each one of them had their own unique abilities.

Ōetsu Nimaiya, holding the third seat, was a swordsmith. He never had his Shikai or Bankai revealed, but to be able to craft Zanpakutō should hint at just how powerful he is.

Then there was Kirio Hikifune, an essential chef. She holds the second seat. Not only is her spiritual pressure immeasurable, but she can also mix her spiritual powers into the food she cooks, strengthening anyone who eats it.

Tenjirō Kirinji holds the first seat and is an overall talented healer, having even taught Retsu Unohana. He's not just proficient enough to heal almost any injury; his speed exceeds even that of Soi Fon, who's regarded as the fastest flash step user.

Afterwards was Senjumaru Shutara's, whose abilities were already mentioned once. To unleash her full power, three other generals would have to end their lives.

Lastly, was Ichibē Hyōsube, a Soul Reaper not even the writers can comprehend. His power can manipulate the metaphysical name that represents anything, giving him authority over that thing. As convoluted as that sounds, his abilities don't stop there. Ichibē's name alone is a curse. Anyone deemed unworthy to speak his name will lose their voice if they do so.

He is also the person who identified everything within the Soul Society, giving almost everything its name. The terms "Zanpakutō", "Shikai," and "Bankai"—including the names of every Zanpakutō handed to Soul Reapers—are all known to him. But what truly sets him apart as a dominant force is that if his body is destroyed, he remains alive and can completely restore it later. This is achieved by stealing a small amount of power from someone who says his name to initiate the process—of which he can mentally speak to the individuals around him and ask them to do so.

All of squad zero's collective spiritual power alone far surpasses the combined power of everyone in the thirteen court guard squads. If they were to ever release their full power, it would be felt even in the Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the world of the living!

Silas still didn't have enough strength to face the likes of them. To do something like that required an army.

A soft sigh escaped his lips. Destroying the world wasn't just a matter of vengeance; it was the truth that would set him free. It was the only mission he had to see his family again. This was a necessary evil, a path paved with good morals and the blood of his adversaries. This path may be grim, but his hope won't die with these characters.

He would be the storm amidst the ashes that a new dawn might arise—justice served cold and absolute.

"You know I can read your mind, right?" Enrakyōten laughed.

Silas peered in its direction. His expression hadn't changed in the slightest. "Kidding! Ya don't have to look at me that way. It'll make me fall for you!"

"This is the part you say 'kidding' again."

"Gasp! How did you know?!"

Silas's head slowly shifted back to the ground. There was something he absolutely had to fuse with before he moved again. His incarceration hadn't been long, so he needed to understand what recent events had already unfolded.

Soul Reapers were out on their nightly patrol. While about five of them walked side-by-side, they heard a voice asking if Ichigo's sentence was fair.

"Of course it was!" a Soul Reaper protested.

The group went back and forth, confessing that "Ichigo" was a cruel man, using Ms. Kuchiki's heart for his own purposes. Who cared that he brought Aizen to justice? He killed Mayuri and Yoruichi, one of whom was a captain and another a member of a royal household.

People like that deserve to be locked up for thousands of years.

"You're onto something. By the by, where'd they put all of Ichigo's stuff?"

"I think it's somewhere in Central Forty... Hey! Why ya asking anyway?"

"I'm not askin'... You're the one wanting to know!"

Little had either of them known; the person who instigated this conversation was Silas himself. By using the fusion ability, he projected a voice in the air to ask where they confiscated his belongings.

An argument ensued among the Soul Reapers, each of them being confused as to who brought the topic up. As far as Silas was concerned, his new destination now was Central 46. He was going to retrieve what was rightfully his.