
Hokage Can Hear My Thoughts!!

Takashi reincarnated in Naruto world with the [Strongest Lazy System] Tsunade took care of him for many years before he was sent back to Konoha. He spent many years lazing around and enhancing his strength. But when he entered Hokage office. [Is this the "Yellow Flash?"] His inner voice could be heard by the Hokage! Watch as he brings chaos to the Ninja World without even knowing it! *Cover does not belong to me

_Lazy_Guy · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


In the meeting room, Minato was staring at Takashi intently.

Takashi was confused and annoyed.

He wanted to be a Tuna!

And This Blondie was in his way!

He must overcome this mountain as big as Mt.Tai!!

[What The Fuck is Blondie thinking? Staring at this Young Master's handsomeness! Look at my face, it says that I want to get off work but nooooo! You first made the 4 Evil of Konoha leave and suppressed their arrogance]

[I want to go home!!]

[Wait, we are alone...I first suspected this guy to be Gay...Then does this guy want to....Impossible!! This Young Master does not consent to this!!]


What do you mean Gay?

I am not attracted to you at all.


Laozi will kill you!

[I have to go to my house fast!! ]

Minato is speechless...

Minato's hands trembled for a while, obviously being pissed off by Takashi, now he finally knows why Tsunade dumped him to Konoha!

It was because Tsunade herself could not handle him!!

If she lived with him then she would have died in a year max!!



I was exposed!

Must gamble more with Shizune's money to forget about this!!



If he had not heard about his impending doom he would have questioned Takashi!


How could Minato ask about the masked man without sounding suspicious?!

There was an awkward silence in the office.

Minato: "The weather is so good today!"

Takashi: "It's raining"

Minato: "I like rain."

Takashi: "Sorry I lied, it's sunny outside."



Minato could feel something rising but it was not the Shield Hero!

It was his blood pressure, you Horny idiots!!

Minato who could feel himself going into cardiac somehow controlled his anger and asked "Takashi! What do you think of Tsunade-sama?"

Takashi replied," Of course, my sister is gentle and virtuous, quiet and elegant, dignified and beautiful."

"Is that so, was the sleeping arrangement good? Did you eat properly?"

Takashi was getting more and more confused by Minato's questions "Was okay."

[This Piss-haired Blondie, you ask how the weather is on a rainy day(not really). How did you become Hokage with such an IQ? Did you eat pig shit?

Konoha will die under your leadership sooner or later. In the books, he was praised for his High IQ but now...He is so stupid now. Must be Kushina's influence]



Let this mother educate you!!

[And about my sister, don't you better? She is more ferocious than a tiger and her temper is beyond comprehension.]

[Other girls are like only when they are on periods, but my sister is different! She has a period three times a day. It seems it seems she is in a good mood only once a month. Does her body work in reverse?]

[Also eating well? Sleeping well? Fuck! I was chased for debts and all the other things! Sometimes I was so poor, I slept without eating!!]




It's useless to talk with him!!

Minato in the end resigned and spoke "You may go, I am tired."

Takashi bowed and left but while he was closing the door his thoughts were heard by the Fourth Hokage.

[Oh? Is he getting weaker and weaker? It seems he would soon die! Then perhaps Kushina and me....HeHehehehe]


Laozi will kill you!!

Take this!


Takashi who had left the office could hear the screams of the angry Minato back in the office!

After leaving Takashi thought that his ferocious operation just now has shaped him into a good boy with a normal relationship.

He definitely won't get the attention of Namikaze Minato and the F4 of Konoha, so it's better to play a little bit of rubbish and screw everything up.

UmU all is according to plan!

In this way, I can go back to Tsunade's arms again. Takashi misses her sister's arms.

His sister too likes him else she would not let her younger brother, whom she had cultivated for many years, come to Konoha.



I ate pig shit!!

Normal relationship?!

Laozi will kill you if we were met again!!

Minato was transforming into a Super Saiyan in anger but was ignored by Takashi!

But Takashi never thought that Minato could hear his voice, thinking that Tsunade's younger brother had the talent of Super-Kage, so he must try his best to cultivate his talent!

Not long after leaving, Minato began to plan to find something for Takashi to do.

Originally, Namikaze Minato planned to give Takashi some real power, but he thought that the four heroes of Konoha would stop him.

Namikaze Minato gave up, and now his foundation is too weak, and the power of many important departments of Konoha is still controlled by these four people.

It's not easy to directly turn against them now, but Minato feels that the good days of the elders are coming to an end.

In the end, Minato planned to let Takashi lead a team, which would not only allow Takashi to bond with Konoha but also test Takashi's strength.

Namikaze Minato felt that his plan was so perfect, but he would never have imagined that shortly, he would regret this decision for the rest of his life!!

"Um...But just who is Takashi?" Minato thought aloud.

He took out three blank sheets of paper and wrote something on them.


Namikaze Minato called softly, and suddenly in the dark corner, a man dressed in Anbu's clothes and wearing a fox mask walked out of the dark shadow.

"Give these three letters to Kakashi, Kurenai Yuhi, and Might Guy." Minato handed the three letters to the Anbu ninja named Inu, but Inu didn't take them right away.

Inu: "Hokage-sama, are you sure?"

Namikaze Minato : "I'm pretty sure!"

Inu: "Are you really sure?"

Namikaze Minato : "???, I'm very, very sure, what's wrong?"

Namikaze Minato was very puzzled, Inu followed him for a long time, and he was a rare confidant of his own. Every time he was diligent and he was not afraid of hard work.

"Lord Hokage, you asked me to turn off the gas. I searched around Konoha three times, but I couldn't find where the gas in Takashi's house is! I just could not find it! So I cut off the gas supply of the entire Shinobi village !"

Inu spread out his hands and said helplessly to Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato : (⊙o⊙)

"So Hokage-sama, reimburse the compensation!"

Said Inu, walked up to him, gave Minato a ticket, took three letters and a blinking technique, leaving a white smoke behind, It's gone, the action is smooth and there is no procrastination.

Minato looked at the countless 0's in the bill and desperately prayed that the currency is Zimbabwean Dollars, not Yen!!

He carefully looked at the end.

Its Yen!!!





This cannot happen!!

Minato knew that there was no way he could embezzle public funds and he had to reimburse the entire payment himself!!

He could not even think of Kushina's anger when he returned home!!

Namikaze Minato suddenly found himself in debt which even Tsunade would be proud of!!

(Tsunade: In terms of moneyless ness I-Tsunade of the Sannin bow down to Fourth Hokage!



That day in Konoha a myth of a man screaming in anger was born!

Mothers would soothe their children to sleep by replying to them 'Sleep now or the wailing man will come!!'

On that day, Minato along with Danzo later would be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit!!


Severe vomiting of blood!!


Why did they vomit so much blood?

Hemophilic Patients: *Crying tears of joy* Good days are coming for us! Good Days!!)

Life of Namikaze Minato was never easy!