
Hokage Can Hear My Thoughts!!

Takashi reincarnated in Naruto world with the [Strongest Lazy System] Tsunade took care of him for many years before he was sent back to Konoha. He spent many years lazing around and enhancing his strength. But when he entered Hokage office. [Is this the "Yellow Flash?"] His inner voice could be heard by the Hokage! Watch as he brings chaos to the Ninja World without even knowing it! *Cover does not belong to me

_Lazy_Guy · Anime & Comics
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Minato barely controlled his vomit of blood!

He heard that Takashi could beat Tsunade and the Forth Raikage in hand-wrestling, so isn't he strong?

This means Takashi has good talent!

He must not be allowed to be lazy like this any longer, otherwise, he will waste his great youth!

For Konoha, he-Namikaze Minato must remove Takashi's laziness!

After listening to his thoughts, Minato had already set a goal- Never let Takashi laze!


This Piss-haired Blonde!

You are courting death!

This Young Master will kill you!

Konoha's F4 who had not heard Takashi's thoughts had their faces as if Donkey shit on their faces!!

They knew that although Takashi refused to be an elite Jonin, in the next sentence he had immediately used his identity to press them.

Not treating him as an Elite jonin means not giving a face to the Senju Clan and thus offending Tsunade!

Who wants to offend that Grandma in this day and age?!

No one.

One punch of Granny is enough to make Third Hokage and Danzo permanently retire!

The arrival of Takashi allowed them to restore their relationship with Tsunade. Even if it was to give Tsunade a face, it would be useless if they did not give Elite Jonin status to Takashi.

They looked at each other's pig faces and acquiesced.

[These guys are quite easy to fool, but this Blonde is the real problem! As an elite Jonin doesn't this Young Master deserve an assistant with a good figure? It seems it is necessary to discuss this issue as soon as possible]

[ Who do I want? Hinata is too young now, it's not easy to start! ]

[Yes! Kurenai Yuhi is now 12 or 13 years old! About my age! When the time comes, let Hokage adjust it himself, and have a relationship between the boss and the secretary. ]

[Hehehe! Boss and secretary. Such a good plot, how much would I earn if I made a smut book like Jiraiya? Probably in billions. After all this Young Master is its writer]

[Even Second Hokage will die of blood loss from reading this!]


Hashirama: Will you brother?

Tobirama: Why The Fuck is Impure World Ressurection not working?! I need to make this guy lose his Butt Virginity!!

Hashirama: I see! You swung that way!

No wonder!No wonder! You died single!

No wonder you looked at Uchiha Izuna like that!


Fuck!! I m surrounded by pig brains!!)

[If this relationship continues...the boy will be called Sato, and the girl will be called Hana. ]

Cough! cough! Cough!

Minato hearing such dangerous thoughts drew attention to himself by Coughing more than a Covid-19 patient.

"We in Konoha welcome you, you have come to develop our Ninja Village to a new level! Let's make our Konoha more prosperous together! and follow the will of fire together!"

Minato already had black lines on his face. If Takashi is allowed to think like this then I am afraid that after a while, the grandson, great-grandson, and great-grandson's names will all be decided!

And Kurenai is still young!

Just 13 and Takashi was thinking of going after her!

Minato did not want to even think about what would happen when Kurenai's father knew about this...This illicit affair!

( Kurenai: Father! Although I am 13, I want Takashi to make my belly big!

Takashi: Don't worry Father-in-law. I believe in my seeds' power!

Kurenai's father:...

I see.

Where The Fuck is the sword?!


Experience this Senior's Ultimate move!

Celestial Divine Dick cutting Slash!!)

And what is the relation of the second Hokage?

Did he read smut during his reign?


This crystal ball...

It...can let a person see anywhere in Konoha...anywhere...including...woman's bathhouse area...

No wonder!

No wonder!

No wonder! Second Hokage- same!

It seems that you were a pervert in disguise!

Could it be that powerful and powerful people have some perverted hobbies?



Minato was getting more and more enlightened thinking about this!

(The coffin of Tobirama was cracking!

It could barely hold back Tobirama from resurrecting and killing Minato!!

Tobirama: Pig brain I say!!

Pig brain!!

This guy's IQ is the same as Sakura's chest!!

Sakura: B-But I don't have a chest!

Tobirama: Exactly!!!)

[In the original work, I have never seen this Blonde so annoying! Now that I think of it. Isn't Kushina supposed to give birth to Naruto in two months? ]

[That is to say, this piss-haired Blonde will soon be killed by the masked man. Sure enough, he would die, after all, he is coughing blood now, with such a weak body; no wonder he lost! It seems Minato had a weak constitution from the beginning! ]



What do you mean by weak constitution?!

The reason Lou Tzu(Father) is spitting blood is because of you!!

[Sigh...It is good that I am in Konoha at present. If Blonde and Reddie were to die at the hands of Nine-Tails, then I am afraid that my sister would come all the way to give me a love education! If it were not for that I would never do such troublesome work! Paddle and continue being a Tuna!!]

[Sure enough, I am still too soft-hearted, my heart is too soft, I cry alone until dawn, I have no complaints and no regrets.... (10,000 words of complaints are omitted here. Please read ahead.)]

Namikaze Minato: !!!

Nine tails Chaos?

Kushina and I were going to be killed by Nine Tails when Naruto was born.

No, how did Takashi know my child was going to call Naruto?

Namikaze Minato never thought that he would hear shocking news from Takashi's thoughts.

A masked man?

He was going to lose a battle?!

It seems that it is time for him to train!

So when the masked man comes, show him the immense difference between Heaven and Earth!!

(Masked Man: I am here for the Nine-Tails!

Minato: Junior, who has never seen Mt.Tai dares to challenge me?

Junior! Do!You!Dare!

You are courting death!

Let this senior show you the immense difference between Heaven and Earth!

Masked Man(Obito): *sweating intensifies* ...


Minato caught wind of another detail that is as yesterday that he and Kushina decided to name their child Naruto, and no one told anyone, how did Takashi know about it?

Two months later, it was the day of Kushina gave birth. If someone wanted to kill the two of them, it was definitely the best time. At this time, the seal of the Nine-Tails was the weakest.

Namikaze Minato was stunned. Although he didn't believe Takashi's thoughts, he had to believe them.

After all, no one could lie in their hearts! Minato also swore to not let Takashi ever discover that he could hear his thoughts!!

If I spoke that he told anyone he could hear Takashi's thoughts, then he would be rushed to a mental Hospital!!

Kushina would become a widow!

Naruto without a father!

Minato then glanced at Takashi who tilted his head in confusion.

If he is admitted to a mental hospital then Takashi would surely take this chance to NTR him!



Cannot let this happen!

I must pretend!

Yes, I must pretend everything is normal!




I don't know why but pretending seems so fun!!

"Minato, are you okay? As a Hokage, you must always control your expression!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Namikaze Minato's face and immediately criticized him.

Hiruzen had seen Minato's face change from a neutral face to a face as if he saw Might Guy naked! To a pig-shitting grin on his face!



It seems Minato was losing it!

Hiruzen had a hechache!

He wanted to retire and continue the legacy of pervert Hokage and peak at the woman's bathhouse but Minato was now ill!!


I have eaten shit!!

I knew Minato finally lost it after eating Kushina's Black ash food every day!



Hiruzen You cut-throat dog!

What did you say about my food?!

Minato is perfectly healthy!

Minato: Yes! Yes! You are right dear!!

Minato's immune system:...

WBC 1: Sergeant! Sergeant! WBC is down!! Help, please!! We will lose him!!

WBC 2: No can do. We cannot do anything! The Host...

WBC 1: The Host? What happened to him?!

WBC 2: The Host has Hemorrhoids in his ass!!



"Three generations, I want to talk to Takashi alone."

Namikaze Minato bowed to the F4 of Konoha and issued an order to evict them!

All the F4 were stunned?!



Did Minato wake at the wrong side of the bed?

How dare he say this to us?!

This guy!

You are courting death!!

Although the F4 were dissatisfied, they saw Minato Namikaze's tone was tough and he didn't care.

What can they say?


They left while swearing revenge the next time!

Hiruzen: This youngster who forgot the difference between Heaven and Earth must be re-educated.

Danzo:This old man is offened!

Root! It seems it is time to go underground!

Everything for Konoha! Everything for Konoha!!

Root Agent 1: But Danzo-sama!!Our funds were stopped by the Forth Hokage so we don't have a base.

Danzo: Fuck!!

Call everything to this location we are going to meet there!

Root Agent 1: Are you sure this is the correct address Danzo-sama?

Danzo: You are courting death!!

Danzo who did know that he had given the wrong address would spend the entire cold winter day waiting for his agents while the agents were in a different location.

Where the agents were?

Ichiraku Ramen shop....

Eating Ramen ..

While Danzo starved on cold winter nights they ate warm ramen...

Later, Danzo would be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit due to severe blood loss!!