
Hogwarts: The Unscientific Wizard

Andy Collins insists Hogwarts is a cursed school. A centenarian lives in solitude, an elderly cat lady's marriage has broken off, a middle-aged man with a hook nose is heartbroken in love, a half-giant lives in a cramped hut and a glass beauty has a daily hangover. Andy Collins lists them all, and it seems that every single professor at Hogwarts is on the list of bachelors! The entire Faculty! Andy Collins had no great ambitions and just wanted to study 'Magical Magic' in peace. To have a happy life as a Professor at the school after graduation, Andy Collins decided to break the curse and spend seven years of school life solving the personal problems of the professors as a part-time gig. First, let's start with a blind date. PS: Mc only watched 1st Harry Potter Film. === Author: soda bottle cap === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.pro/book/52880.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Book&Literature
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Chapter 7 Am I the Uncle Snake(Orochimaru) in the magical world?

With infinite longing for the future, Andy flipped through the book "The Standard Book of Spells - Grade 1" with great anticipation.


Andy gently waved his wand according to the standard gestures depicted in the book and whispered the incantation, and the tip of the wand suddenly emitted a faint bright light.

"This is the Wand-Lighting Charm? It's unexpectedly simple!"

As the basis among all magic spells, the Wand-Lighting Charm, the young wizard only needed to strictly follow the steps depicted in the book to cast the spell, and the possibility of failing to cast this spell is basically non-existent.

Even if a certain young wizard's brain was the same as a troll's, they could still succeed after a few more tries.

However, the description of the Wand-Lighting Charm in the textbook was not just about gestures and incantations.

The book's description of the Wand-Lighting Charm was very comprehensive, with magical principles, applicable occasions, and magical changes after becoming proficient - including, but not limited to, throwing the Wand-Lighting Charm out.

In short, as a first-year textbook, this book was undoubtedly qualified.

"Haha! Andy, you're screwed!"

Isabel suddenly gloated and laughed, "I heard that young wizards can't cast spells outside of school, and you're about to be expelled from Hogwarts."

"Let's see, Andy, you should be the first young wizard since Hogwarts was founded to be expelled before enrolling, right? Congratulations, you've made history."

The little brat rolled around on the sofa in glee.

"Silly girl!" Andy retorted a sentence, my sister with bird brain!

The Ministry of Magic, in order to prevent underage young wizards from casting spells outside the school, first established the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, and then set up the 'Trace Threads' to monitor the spell casting of young wizards outside the school.

According to the Collins family's ancestors' constant trial and error of the laws of the magical world, the so-called 'Tracer Thread' was naturally not considered a secret.

Firstly, only young wizards who entered Hogwarts to attend school would have Trace Thread monitor on their bodies.

And Andy is currently not officially enrolled in school.

Secondly, the function of the 'Trace Thread' was not perfect, it was a ranged monitoring, mainly targeting Muggle-born young wizards, the reason being to prevent the magical world from being exposed.

As for the young wizards from wizarding families, as long as there were adult wizards accompanying them, the Tracer Thread would completely lose its proper function.

Of course, if there were no adult wizards around, even if a young wizard from a wizard family cast a spell outside, the Ministry of Magic would still detect the traces of the spell.

Without bothering with Isabel anymore, Andy silently switched on the system and then waved his wand.


The red liquid in the orb seemed to have increased a bit from a month and a half ago, only Andy hadn't figured out the principle of the increase in red liquid so far.

Andy had a guess, just that it was hard to get verification before.

'Is it related to the attributes on the prompt?'

With this doubt, Andy continuously waved his wand.



After a dozen or so attempts in a row, Andy was keenly aware that the red liquid within the orb seemed to have risen slightly by an amount.

A very tiny rise, if not for careful observation, Andy might not even notice it.

Over the past five years, Andy had never stopped studying the system.

The system had a total of ten attributes.

On the left side were: Charm, Transfiguration, Dark Magic, Alchemy, Divination.

The right side was: Magic, Soul, Mind, Thinking, Will.

Andy's previous guess was that the red liquid inside the orb could only be increased if he exercised and improved the ability of the five attributes on the left side.

Over the years, Andy had tried all sorts of methods but had only obtained one potential point.

Practising the control of magic power was not actually counted within the attributes of 'Charms', and Andy had not been able to read books related to spell casting before.

However, the red liquid inside the orb still increased, and it also accumulated to be full once, giving Andy a potential point.

Originally it was just a guess.

Now it was confirmed.

Over the past five years, Andy had raised a total of two attributes, the [Magic] attribute had changed from [1] to [2], and the [Soul] attribute had changed from [3] to [4].   

Both were passively raised.

Other than that, the originally unstable magic power had gradually become stable.

The gradual stabilisation of the magic power was actually tantamount to a disguised enhancement of the abilities related to Charms, Transfiguration, Dark Magic, and so on.

After trying countless approaches, this was the last few possibilities that Andy could think of.

"So the next step... is to learn the magic spells and then start practising a lot."

In other words...

'If the left attribute can really increase the red liquid inside the orb due to the improvement of its ability, then Dark Magic will have to be considered within the 'scope of learning'.'

I want to learn all the magic in the world.

Learn the truth of magic.

Seek immortality and power.

My wand represents isolation, isolation from the world, longevity and rebirth.

"This persona is really familiar."

Andy pondered.

'If I get into Slytherin and get a bunch of poisonous snakes as pets, and release them to bite people when I fight them...'

Am I the Uncle Snake of the wizarding world?

Do I have hidden ambition in my eyes?

"Actually, if you think about it, the Slytherin House seems pretty good."

Slytherin House was originally symbolised by the emphasis on ambition, leadership, craftiness, determination and resourcefulness.

But as some rumours about Slytherin himself emerged, Slytherin House became a symbol of pureblood.

"Let's forget about it, it's better to take things like Sorting Houses as they come."

In fact, in Andy's opinion, the greatest treasure of Hogwarts was the collection of books in the library that had been collected for thousands of years.

Perhaps, it was also the greatest treasure in the magical world.

As long as one learnt the magics written on them, one could naturally become a powerful wizard.


In the evening, when Kyle came home from work, Helen had also prepared a sumptuous dinner and the living room was filled with the fragrance of it.

"Andy, you're pretty happy today, aren't you?"

Kyle spoke excitedly, "I haven't asked yet, what is your wand made of?"

"Pine wood with phoenix tail feather." Andy was tired now after practising magic all afternoon.

"Not bad, wands with phoenix tail feather are rare, but pine wood is just about as common as it gets." Kyle was an ordinary wizard, his judgement of a good or bad wand was the wood and the core.

Isabel whispered a complaint, "Mum, Andy cast a spell in the house today."

"Be careful."

Helen looked at Andy and said, "If I'm not at home, just read the book, don't wave your wand around freely when you have nothing to do."

"Got it!" Andy nodded.

"Speaking of which..."

Kyle suddenly suggested, "Andy's at school age now, so how about we have a little family celebration? The last time Andy and Isa saw their grandfather and grandmother was last Christmas."

"What do you think?" Kyle turned his head to Helen.

"Hmm! I'll write to them tomorrow, then." Helen couldn't deny it.

Andy looked at the three family members at the table and suddenly felt that there was still some difference between himself and Uncle Snake's persona.


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