
Hogwarts: The Unscientific Wizard

Andy Collins insists Hogwarts is a cursed school. A centenarian lives in solitude, an elderly cat lady's marriage has broken off, a middle-aged man with a hook nose is heartbroken in love, a half-giant lives in a cramped hut and a glass beauty has a daily hangover. Andy Collins lists them all, and it seems that every single professor at Hogwarts is on the list of bachelors! The entire Faculty! Andy Collins had no great ambitions and just wanted to study 'Magical Magic' in peace. To have a happy life as a Professor at the school after graduation, Andy Collins decided to break the curse and spend seven years of school life solving the personal problems of the professors as a part-time gig. First, let's start with a blind date. PS: Mc only watched 1st Harry Potter Film. === Author: soda bottle cap === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.pro/book/52880.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Book&Literature
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Chapter 44 I have never seen such a shameless little wizard

"Of course, I know some magic is dangerous."

Andy scratched his head and smiled cheekily, "I just came over tonight to step in, I didn't prepare to read any books. I haven't even finished reading those books outside, how would I miss the books in the restricted area?"

Speaking of this, Andy suddenly realized that tonight might be an opportunity.

This white-bearded old grandpa in front of him was the ceiling of combat power in the magical world, even if he peeked at hundreds of restricted books, he probably wouldn't be able to gain as much as this person in front of him casually pointing out a few points.

"The Headmaster's office seems to be on the seventh floor, right? Headmaster, want to go back together? We happen to be on the way."

Andy said with a shameless smile, "If we meet the professor who makes nightly inspections on the way...Headmaster, you can still help me out."

Dumbledore: "..."

Dumbledore has been teaching for nearly a hundred years, and this is the first time he has encountered a brazen little wizard like Andy.

After being caught red-handed by the Headmaster on the spot on a night out, this little wizard was not only not afraid, he also invited the Headmaster to join him on a night out.

"That's just right, I think it's time to go to bed at this hour," Dumbledore said with a smile.

Andy was also full of smiles, "Headmaster, you are old, you should pay attention to going to bed early and getting up early in general so that your body can be healthy. Only when your body is healthy, you can live a long life."

"Oh? Is that so?"

Dumbledore looked at Andy and winked, "I am exactly one hundred and ten years old this year, and it looks like my body is still healthy."

Andy gulped.

There was no way to talk about this topic.

"Do you have any secrets? How do you take care of your body regularly? My grandfather and grandmother are very old, and I wish they could live as long as you."

Andy asked for advice with a serious look on his face, "I've noticed that wizards usually live a bit longer than muggles. I've heard that muggles have to retire in their sixties, but you're over a hundred, and you're still working, that's impressive."

Dumbledore didn't feel like he could have any more conversation tonight.

"It might have something to do with the fact that I have more of a sweet tooth." Dumbledore began to talk nonsense.

As they spoke, the two walked out of the library, Dumbledore locked the door behind him smoothly before continuing, "And of course, one must keep a good mentality."

"I think your mentality is quite good."

Andy flattered him a bit, then got straight to the point, "Headmaster, the secret of wizards' longevity, is it related to magic?"

"Collins, I often tell people that death is just another great adventure."

Dumbledore glanced at Andy and said as he walked, "Wizards don't live longer than muggles, but magic does make our bodies physically look a little healthier."


Andy understood slightly better.

"Headmaster, you don't seem like you're afraid of death?" Andy questioned.

"I am ready for another great adventure at any time."

Dumbledore's words sounded frank, but then his words changed, and he said, "I didn't think that at your age, you should be contemplating the issue of death."

"Everyone dies, I don't think it's a subject to be avoided."

Andy spread his hands and said indifferently, "But I'm not like you, I don't really like taking risks."

Dumbledore laughed as if showing a point, "Ah! I can already see that."

Andy's face flushed at his words, "Can you help me keep this a secret?"

That repeated horizontal jump in the restricted section of the library did seem a bit silly.

Without talking about the topic of death anymore, Dumbledore asked as if it was a casual conversation, "You like magic a lot?"

"Of course, I think magic is miraculous."

Speaking of magic, Andy immediately burst with energy, "And there are still many unanswered questions about magic, such as: what is the origin and nature of magic? Why can magic do all those miraculous wonders? Where is the upper limit of magic? Why can we use magic ..."   

There were so many things Andy wanted to know, and magic had so many unsolved mysteries just waiting for Andy to explore.

"Well, well!"

Dumbledore had a bit of a headache, "It's going to be dawn if you keep asking."

"Uh!" Andy scratched his head.

Dumbledore continued, "I'm afraid these questions will require you to explore them one by one."

"You don't know either?" Andy was somewhat puzzled.

"Know some, don't know some, and know half a thing about some."

Dumbledore shook his head, "These questions are still too far away from you. But as it happens, you are young now, and you have plenty of time to find the answers to your questions."

As they spoke, the two had arrived at the seventh floor.

Andy proceeded to move an inch, "Headmaster, it's a long night and I have no desire to sleep, why don't we go to the Astronomy Tower to look at the moon? The moon is round tonight, we can talk about life and ideals."

Dumbledore: "..."

"My body is not as good as it used to be as I get older."

Dumbledore hammered his old waist, "If you want to see the moon, why don't you call your little girlfriend, what's there to see with an old man like me."

Andy sighed.

I feel disgusted too, but you are very knowledgeable!

In the end, Andy is not able to watch the moon with Dumbledore. Dumbledore went back to the Headmaster's office and Andy went back to the Ravenclaw dormitory.

Dumbledore didn't mention the point deduction from start to finish.

Andy didn't care about deductions, and Dumbledore knew that Andy didn't care about deductions.

The point deduction system of Hogwarts is to punish those young wizards who make mistakes, since Andy doesn't care about point deduction, this so-called punishment is naturally meaningless.

Lying on the bed, Andy recalled what happened tonight.

The restricted section of the library was indeed only blocked by a rope, and that rope did not have any protective enchantments on it, but it did have warning enchantments.

As long as someone crossed the rope, Dumbledore would know.

The significance of this was naturally so that those young wizards who were interested in improving themselves could learn more advanced magic.

As for the conversations with Dumbledore...

Those conversations seemed as if they were just casual chit-chat, but Andy felt that he had gained a great deal.

Especially about the lifespan of wizards.

Dumbledore said that wizards didn't live longer than muggles, but magic could make wizards look a little healthier.

If we extend this topic.

A young wizard can do what his heart desires with a magic outburst - so does this so-called heart desire include stopping ageing a little bit?

Andy felt that this should be the case.

It was just that when a wizard's age exceeded eleven, the magic power would gradually stabilize.

And the stabilized magic power obviously no longer could do what the mind wanted. But it could still make a wizard's body 'look' a little healthier.

Other than that, although Dumbledore didn't answer Andy's pile of questions, he let Andy find out for himself.

He said he knew some, he didn't know some, and some questions were half-known.

But again, this certainly shows one thing; there are answers to some questions!


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