
Hogwarts: The Unscientific Wizard

Andy Collins insists Hogwarts is a cursed school. A centenarian lives in solitude, an elderly cat lady's marriage has broken off, a middle-aged man with a hook nose is heartbroken in love, a half-giant lives in a cramped hut and a glass beauty has a daily hangover. Andy Collins lists them all, and it seems that every single professor at Hogwarts is on the list of bachelors! The entire Faculty! Andy Collins had no great ambitions and just wanted to study 'Magical Magic' in peace. To have a happy life as a Professor at the school after graduation, Andy Collins decided to break the curse and spend seven years of school life solving the personal problems of the professors as a part-time gig. First, let's start with a blind date. PS: Mc only watched 1st Harry Potter Film. === Author: soda bottle cap === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.pro/book/52880.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Book&Literature
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131 Chs

Chapter 41 Am I the big boss behind Hogwarts?


Snape picked a few books at random, then dragged that black cloak and left the library with the breeze.

He didn't bother to care about this!

He came over to take a look, which was considered as accomplishing the task Dumbledore had given him. If Andy was found studying dark magic in private in the future, then he would report directly to Dumbledore.

Other than that, they would just continue to have a simple teacher-student relationship.

After all, Andy was not Harry Potter and did not have a pair of turquoise eyes, not worthy of Snape's special attention.

As for Andy's future...

Even if Andy becomes the Dark Lord in the future, that has nothing to do with Snape.

The reason why he had switched to Dumbledore's side was to protect Lily Evans in the past, and now it was to protect Lily's child, and it had nothing to do with his personal values of good and evil.

Snape thought so, the most he could do was to do his duty as a professor...

Nothing more!


After finishing the book that introduced the theory of magic, and seeing that there was still time to spare, Andy walked over to the bookshelf and picked another magic book that explained curses.

Curses and Counter-Curses.

"Why are you studying curses?"

Hermione looked at Andy with a suspicious expression, "Are you trying to curse someone?"

Andy: "?"

Andy was confused.

Why would Hermione think like that? What kind of image do I have in her eyes?

"What makes you think that?" Andy asked.

"Or else what?"

Hermione closed her book with a 'snap', "Why would you study curses if not to curse others?"

In the eyes of the young witch, Andy is a true little villain.

Just look at the things Andy did after coming to Hogwarts!

Let's not mention the matter of scaring people about Sorting, after all, a lot of people have done this before.

But Andy had done a lot more bad things than that!

First, he told people that Professor McGonagall was raising a tabby cat.

The result? That cat was Professor McGonagall's Animagus Transformation.

At the opening dinner, Andy also said he wanted to go explore that hallway on the third floor.

The result? The people who went were Harry and Ron.

The same goes for this time, including the ousting of Professor Quirrell, which was all Andy's plan behind the scenes.

The little witch counted down the bad things Andy had done, and finally concluded, "You haven't done anything bad, but you've often tricked people into doing bad things."

So I'm actually the Big Boss behind Hogwarts?

Quirrell, who had his brain eaten by Voldemort, isn't even as big as me?

Andy felt wronged.

The other things were fine, those did have something to do with Andy.

But what does Harry and Ron's night out have to do with me?

"Harry and Ron went on a night out because they agreed to duel with Malfoy. They broke into the forbidden area on the third floor because they panicked while running away."

Andy decided to redeem himself in the little witch's mind, "What does any of this have to do with me? It's not like I told them to go!"

The little witch scowled and crossed her arms, "So everything else has something to do with you, huh?"

She almost touched Professor McGonagall's cat head.


Andy hastily made a gesture of silence, "Stop talking for now, Madam Pince will kick us out if you're not careful."

The little witch immediately pretended to read her book, but her little eyes were still glaring at Andy from time to time.

Obviously, this is not over!

Andy was somewhat guilty, now there was more than an hour before the noon meal time, this little girl shouldn't remember that long, right?

The hour passed in a flash.

Great Hall.

Andy sat at the Ravenclaw's long table, his right hand rubbing his upper arm, and a 'hissing' sound escaped his mouth intermittently twice.   

It was obvious that he had suffered a bit.

The young witch had kept this in mind for four or five days already, so obviously it wasn't something that could be forgotten in just an hour.

In the past, Andy had always pushed this onto George and Fred, and Hermione had always taken it seriously.

Until today, when Andy was finally exposed.

"I was just joking!"

Andy explained in a miserable tone, "Besides when you were about to touch Professor McGonagall, didn't I stop you!"


The little witch snorted loudly as she glanced at Andy with cold eyes, "Now why don't you say that George and Fred told you?"

Andy defended, "Wasn't that, so I could have Professor McGonagall whip the two of them up?"

"Great! So you still have such a thought." The little witch felt that Andy was just too bad.

Andy slapped his forehead.

He decided that he would go and return this Curses and Counter-Curses book this afternoon.

If his brain hadn't been cursed by this book, Andy felt that he would be able to clean up a little witch easily. If his brain wasn't cursed, would Andy be in this embarrassing situation today?

It must have been this book that screwed me over!


After lunch, Andy and Hermione went to the abandoned classroom on the fifth floor to practice magic as usual.

After practising for the past few days, Hermione had become more and more skilful in the use of magic spells. In Transfiguration, she was also able to quickly turn matches into silver needles.

It couldn't be said that the progress was great, but at least she already looked like a little witch.

As for Andy...

It could only be said that there was progress, but the progress was not obvious.

Take the Full Body-Bind Curse for example, the difference in magic strength was just a difference of five minutes, ten minutes, or maybe half an hour of petrification.

It couldn't possibly allow you to petrify someone permanently.

Andy had seen the duelling competitions in the magical world and had a rough assessment of the magic level of those duelling masters.

The more he studied magic, the more Andy could feel that there was an upper limit to magic in this world.

The root cause of this was that wizards had innate magical power.

In the world of Harry Potter, a wizard's magic power was not obtained through meditation or other means of cultivation.

It is innate, and it increases as the wizard grows.

When the wizard's body grows to its limit, the growth of magic power naturally reaches its limit.

Because there is an upper limit to magic power, the wizards of this world have researched all sorts of various kinds of magic, allowing magic to blossom.

Hmm...kind of like Earth in the Dragon Ball world.

'Luckily, I don't have that problem!'

Andy could solve the problem of scarcity of magic power by adding points through the system, but the question now is: can boosting magic power really boost the power of a spell?

Maybe it would have some effect.

But the relationship between magic power and magic was a bit like gunpowder and guns.

Even if you had a storehouse of gunpowder and cartridges, if all you had in your hand was a centuries-old cannon, there's no way you could outfight a fully loaded Gatling.

'Not only does the upper limit of magic power exist in this world, but even magic also has an upper limit?'

Andy frowned slightly.

'Or does it mean that the current magic... has actually gone off the path?'

The advantage of modern magic was that it was simple, accessible, and easy to learn and master.

Whereas ancient magic...

Andy had read some books that introduced ancient magic, but they were only introductions. With the passage of time, ancient magic had basically been lost.


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