

In London in the 1990s, Harry was thrown into the garden of No. 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumoured in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil. "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?" "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins." As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labour contract. But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor. What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! ! A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application. "I am going home for the holidays!" It's a translation. Raw name : 霍格沃茨:移动城堡的猫巫师

The_Dream_Wanderer · Book&Literature
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Is that a dragon ?


Felix Peregrine stood up in a daze, and after shaking his head, he noticed Harry's widened eyes beside him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Apologies for the oversight. Let me correct that:

"Uncle Felix...you...you..." Harry stammered, pointing at Felix, unable to find the words.

Felix reached up to touch his face, feeling the furry cheeks, and let out a resigned sigh.

"This is my curse," he explained.

"Curse?" Harry's memory flashed back to Felix's earlier mention of the curse related to the Moon Spirit Flower.

"Yes, exactly as you're thinking. This curse has transformed my face into that of a cat and weakened me considerably," Felix elaborated before standing up and checking the time, realizing it was only just past seven in the morning.

Suddenly, Harry's stomach growled loudly, causing him to flush with embarrassment.

"Do you know how to cook?" Felix inquired, turning towards Harry.

Harry nodded eagerly. "A little bit."

"Good," Felix nodded, heading upstairs. "Prepare some food while I freshen up. Lucifer, heat up some water, please."

Harry nodded in response, and as he heard the sound of water running upstairs, he made his way to the kitchen to start breakfast preparations.

"Please give me the eggshells," Lucifer's voice emerged unexpectedly from the stove.

"Of course, Mr. Lucifer," Harry complied, handing over the eggshells.

As the sound of water continued upstairs, half an hour later, Harry emerged from the kitchen with a classic English breakfast spread across the table. Soon after, Felix's footsteps echoed down the stairs.

He appeared wearing crisply ironed khaki trousers and an avocado sweater. Despite the dampness lingering on his cat-like features, he exuded an air of elegance.

"What are your plans for today?" Felix inquired as he took a seat at the table.

"First, I'll wash the curtains, sofa lining, and pillows," Harry responded after a moment of thought, then turned to Felix. "Do you have any plans, Uncle Felix?"

Felix shook his head, indicating his lack of objection. As long as Harry maintained a basic standard of cleanliness, he was content.

It was difficult for ordinary people to comprehend the sheer volume of items cluttering the castle. Even with Harry's efforts the previous day, cleaning the living room had proven to be quite the task. It seemed he would have his work cut out for him for quite some time to come.

"Just get started after breakfast," Felix suggested, leading by example as he began his meal. He then transferred all the leftovers to Lucifer before disappearing into the basement. He soon emerged with a set of glassware, placing it on the kitchen counter.

Taking the hint, Harry quickly finished his breakfast and cleaned up before joining Felix in the kitchen.

"Uncle Felix, what's all this?" Harry inquired, gesturing towards the equipment.

"It's a siphon pot," Felix explained, pulling out a few more pots from under the cupboard.

He then instructed Harry to place the dirty dishes in the sink before proceeding with the demonstration. He picked up a white jar containing a small section of roots, identified as Mandrake, and began the process.

"These are Mandrake roots. Mandrake has numerous magical properties and is used in various potions, including those for physical, mental, and sexual enhancement. It's a versatile herb," Felix explained as he filled a kettle with water and added the Mandrake roots.

Placing the kettle on the stove, Felix waited for the water to boil. Once it did, Harry watched intently as the grey roots infused the water, turning it a vibrant purple.

Felix then poured the purple Mandrake water into the siphon pot and began the extraction process. As the liquid flowed upwards, intermingling with sage stems, the color gradually shifted to green.

Once the green juice had been extracted, Felix added lemon balm to the mixture.

"What's this for?" Harry asked.

"It's an energy potion, a basic magical potion," Felix replied, stirring the concoction. By this point, the liquid had transformed into a verdant green hue, reminiscent of the fresh grass of spring with a hint of white.

"Is this a magical potion? It looks and smells like tea..." Harry remarked, intrigued by the process.

"Nonsense. I've pre-processed all the ingredients. This is just a basic potion; otherwise, it wouldn't be that simple," Felix dismissed Harry's comparison, handing him a cup.

Taking a cautious sip, Harry was met with an initial bitterness that gave way to a refreshing grassy flavor, accompanied by a soothing sensation reminiscent of a gentle breeze. It was as if he had awakened naturally after a restful sleep, stretching in the warmth of the morning sun.

"Potions aren't as complex as you may think. In fact, the entire magical system isn't as complex as it seems," Felix reassured Harry, taking a sip of the potion himself.

"It's nothing more than relying on reality and using magic as a medium to change the world."

Under Harry's serious attention, Felix Peregrine leaned against the bar and stretched out his hand. Various power changes were constantly surging in his palm: blazing flames, constantly flowing water masses, or green energy like the wind.

"Whether it is water, fire, life, or magic potions, alchemy, formations, or spells. In essence, they cannot escape this basic logic.

Magic is like a master key. The law of the world is an intricate maze formed by countless lines intertwined together.

As long as we find the right path, we can use magic to leverage changes in the laws so that they can be used by wizards."

Harry listened carefully, not daring to be distracted for a moment.

Felix Peregrine squeezed his palms, and all the changes disappeared. He stood up and said lazily: "That's it. From now on, I will have a cup of energy potion for breakfast every day, and you will prepare it."

Afterwards, he was silent for a moment and then added: "You won't be needed for breakfast unless you learn more cuisines one day."

English breakfast?

It really doesn't work.

Harry smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, Uncle Felix."

Seeing Felix return to the basement, Harry turned his head and looked at Lucifer on the stove:

"Mr. Lucifer, what Uncle Felix means is, can I come over for breakfast every day?"

Lucifer was also stopped by Harry's question and opened and closed his mouth. He never understood that what Harry was paying attention to was actually this...

Shouldn't we be happy to learn the recipe for a potion? Although it is a very low-level potion, it means that he can officially come into contact with magic.

This is already considered the job of a magic apprentice. In the previous world, many people wanted to give money to magicians and ask them to take their children as apprentices, but they never had the chance.

This kid actually only cares about taking care of the food? ?

After a while, Lucifer nodded stiffly and said feebly: "Uh... yes, I'll include your breakfast."

After saying that, he rushed back to the fireplace, looked at Harry's back in the kitchen, and sighed slightly.

This is what people who have never been loved are like this.

This kind of person, even if you put a cake in front of him on his birthday, he will not feel that it is his.


After sighing, Lucifer sank into the fire, stirring up a burst of dust that slowly drifted into the sky along the fireplace pipe.

On the other side, Harry didn't know what Lucifer was thinking. After washing the dishes, he removed the curtains, pillowcases, sofa linings, etc. and stuffed them into the washing machine.

Then he walked out of the castle and set up a long clothesline on the edge of the cliff.

After the things were washed, he hugged the cloth and walked out. The curtain cloth was very large, but fortunately the broomstick came to lend a hand, and one person and one stick were able to put it on the rope.

It's sunny today, it's not like London where it rains all day long. After finishing drying the things, Harry looked up at the sky and felt relieved.

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared in the corner of his eye. At first, he thought it was a flying bird, but then as the black shadow gradually enlarged, he realized something was wrong.

It has a long, thick neck, a huge body and bat-like wings. What's being dragged behind is not feathers, but a long tail...

"That's...a dragon??"