

In London in the 1990s, Harry was thrown into the garden of No. 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumoured in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil. "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?" "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins." As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labour contract. But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor. What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! ! A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application. "I am going home for the holidays!" It's a translation. Raw name : 霍格沃茨:移动城堡的猫巫师

The_Dream_Wanderer · Book&Literature
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100 Chs

CH65: A different kind of reading room

Perhaps it was due to the demanding nature of his schoolwork, or maybe the workload Harry imposed on himself was too burdensome. In short, one morning when Harry suddenly felt the need for a thicker coat, he realized with a start that he had been at Hogwarts for almost two months.

As the weather began to cool, he deliberated for a moment before shrugging off his coat. It felt bulky when worn over his wizard's robe, so he opted for a high-collared inner layer instead.

Upon entering the common area, Harry was about to leave when a familiar password echoed from outside.


The lounge door swung open, revealing Draco and two perspiring, stout figures. They entered, panting heavily and exhaling white mist into the slightly chilly room.

Spotting Harry, Draco inquired, "Heading out?"

"Just taking Crabbe and Goyle for their morning workout," Harry replied.

Draco lamented his inability to rise as early as Harry on weekends, musing on the futility of the days off if not for sleep. Thus, he typically rose later on such occasions, dragging Crabbe and Goyle along for exercise afterward.

Harry nodded. "I have some questions to research in the reading room."

"Alright," Draco acquiesced, heading in for a quick shower and change of clothes to freshen up.

As Harry traversed the dim corridors alone, he occasionally crossed paths with fellow Slytherins, exchanging nods of acknowledgment. Since the last battle, life had settled into a more tranquil rhythm for him. Though there were still some who harbored ill will towards him, certain older classmates intervened to defuse tensions, redirecting conflicts into spats among fifth years and above.

In the meantime, Harry found himself interacting more with his peers, offering assistance when needed and engaging in casual conversations driven by curiosity.

Yet, there was one question that left him stumped.

"What are your aspirations for the future? Ministry of Magic? Auror?" A sixth-year Slytherin posed the query.

It was widely acknowledged, perhaps due to familial expectations, that Slytherin students typically charted their career paths much earlier than their counterparts from other houses—a rare advantage of Slytherin.

Harry pondered for a while but couldn't formulate a response. He desired to become a formidable wizard, yet he sensed that this aspiration fell short.

Much like the common pursuit of wealth, the accumulation of riches wasn't a dream in itself. Behind the desire for affluence lay the pursuit of a better life—owning top-of-the-line brooms, embarking on global adventures, and more.

Galleons might bring fleeting satisfaction, but they weren't the essence of the dream.

Thus, he resolved to seek guidance from Uncle Felix.

Yet, it dawned on him that he should have addressed this issue a year earlier—on that particular afternoon.

"You haven't pondered your future yet? Must you wait until you're eleven to start contemplating it?"

Harry, Harry, Uncle Felix had reminded you of this a year ago. Why did you dismiss it as a jest?

Hurrying to the fifth floor, he swiftly entered Uncle Felix's office.

The melodious strains of a piano still filled the air, but the office had undergone a transformation. The room bustled with activity, tables arranged in rows, where young wizards delved into their studies.

This was what Harry referred to as the reading room.

Compared to the solemnity of the library, it exuded a more relaxed ambiance. Students found comfort in Teacher Felix's serene presence and the soothing music—a sanctuary for leisurely reading.

Whenever boredom struck or they found themselves at loose ends, they'd retreat here, perusing volumes of selected jokes, devil's advocate arguments, or the uncensored "Grimm's Fairy Tales."

The Green brothers had a penchant for divulging wizarding secrets to Muggles, causing quite the stir in the Ministry of Magic.

Nowadays, Muggle editions of Grimm's fairy tales omitted wizarding elements.

Children reading "Puss in Boots" inevitably cast curious glances towards Felix...

Upon hearing Harry's inquiry, Felix couldn't help but adjust his scarf.

"I never expected you to ask such a question."

Harry flushed with embarrassment. "Is it too simple?"

"No," Felix shook his head. "This question is far more complex than magic itself. Many spend their entire lives seeking its answer in vain."

"Absolutely," Harry replied with enthusiasm. "I wouldn't miss it for anything."

Felix chuckled softly. "Then it's settled. You can come and watch the night walk of a hundred ghosts with me. It'll be quite a spectacle."

Harry's eyes lit up with excitement. "Thank you, Captain. I can't wait!"

The Weasley twins exchanged mischievous glances before Fred turned back to Felix. "We promise it'll be something unforgettable."

Felix nodded appreciatively. "I have no doubt about that. Just make sure it's not too disruptive."

George grinned. "We'll do our best to keep it within acceptable bounds."

With that settled, Harry felt a surge of anticipation for the upcoming Halloween. It promised to be an eventful night, filled with magic, mystery, and perhaps a few surprises courtesy of the Weasley twins.

As they parted ways, Harry couldn't help but feel grateful for the sense of camaraderie he shared with his fellow students, even those from different houses. Hogwarts felt more like home with each passing day, and he was grateful for every moment spent within its ancient walls.


Translator's note:

Hello everyone!

I have a nice book suggestion for you all if you like fantasy book, it's The Night Angel trilogy of Brent Weeks, it's a amazing trilogy. I just wanted to share.


it's the last chapter of the week, have a great Friday and a nice weekend.

Advanced chapters on my patreon: The_Dream_Wanderer

Fun fact this chapter should have been posted 5 hours earlier but i forgot to press on publish....

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