

In London in the 1990s, Harry was thrown into the garden of No. 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumoured in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil. "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?" "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins." As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labour contract. But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor. What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! ! A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application. "I am going home for the holidays!" It's a translation. Raw name : 霍格沃茨:移动城堡的猫巫师

The_Dream_Wanderer · Book&Literature
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100 Chs

A good wizard should have...

A group of people looked at Harry in shock, their minds a little bewildered. Harry seized Dudley by the collar and slammed him against the alley wall.

"Dudley Dursley!"

An uncontainable growl escaped Harry's lips, akin to the warning growl of an enraged beast before it strikes.

Dudley stared into Harry's green eyes, inexplicably paralyzed, his lips quivering along with the fat on his face.

"Don't speak of my parents in that manner again!"

Dudley, visibly frightened, nodded repeatedly and apologized tearfully:

"I...I didn't mean it, Harry. I was so angry...I, I, I...I'll never do it again...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those things, no matter what..."

Harry loosened his grip on Dudley's collar and glanced back at the others lying on the ground. It was evident that the shockwave had taken its toll on them.

There was no hint of malice in Harry's eyes. If it weren't for the ache coursing through his body from Dudley's earlier assault, he might have considered giving each of them a kick.

"Don't bother me again," Harry said calmly, then turned and departed.

Dudley remained somewhat dazed, his gaze trailing after Harry as he limped out of the alley.

However, Harry didn't return to Privet Drive. Instead, he made his way to the community park on Plantagenet Street, adjacent to Privet Drive, where he sat alone on a swing, his head in his hands, consumed by self-blame.

He would wait here for someone from the Ministry of Magic.

Uncle Felix had mentioned that the Ministry of Magic possessed specialized magical detection abilities that could locate wizards who cast spells in front of Muggles and subsequently apprehend them.

So, he waited, anticipating the arrival of Ministry officials.

In the meantime, he removed the ring and buried it in the soil. This way, when he was apprehended, the Ministry wouldn't discover his wizarding abilities.

He wouldn't cause any trouble.

With a sense of unease gnawing at him, Harry waited until the sky darkened, but no one came.

Gazing at the purple-red sky, he murmured to himself, "Haven't... haven't I been discovered by the Ministry of Magic?"


The sudden voice caused Harry to startle, but he soon recognized the speaker.

Turning his head, he saw Uncle Felix standing by the park entrance, dressed in a formal suit, a brown coat, and a linen newsboy hat.

He raised his hand, retrieved a pocket watch from his left breast pocket, checked the time, then looked at Harry. "What are you doing? Contemplating life?"

Harry stood up hastily, shaking his head. "No... no."

Felix appeared somewhat disappointed. "You haven't begun contemplating life yet? Do you have to wait until you're eleven for that?"

"Um... what?!"

"You'll be marked absent from work once, and your weekends will be canceled for a month," Felix remarked. "Except tomorrow, as we've already agreed upon."

Harry nodded quickly, retrieved the ring he'd buried, now dirt-stained, and hurried toward the park's exit.

Felix glanced at the ring and led the way toward Privet Drive. Harry hesitated, then spoke up.

"So, what brings you here?" Harry looked at Felix. "Were you waiting for the Ministry of Magic to come arrest me?"

Harry was momentarily taken aback, then nodded.

"Magic disturbances rarely attract the Ministry of Magic," Felix explained.

He then produced a wand resembling a small wooden stick. "The Ministry can only detect magic use once you possess a wand and they've placed a trace on it."

"What's a trace?" Harry inquired.

"Currently, it's a precautionary measure to detect underage wizards using magic outside of school—a derivative of the Reasonable Restraint of Underage Sorcery Act of 1875."

Felix stowed the wand away. "This law is solely for underage wizards. Another category falls under the International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy: any magical activity potentially attracting the attention of non-magical individuals constitutes a serious breach of the law."

"This regulation applies to wizards of all ages. Any magic that draws the notice of Muggles is illegal, regardless of whether magic is actually used," Felix concluded.

Harry pondered for a moment, then voiced his doubts, "So, I must have violated the latter, the International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy!"

Felix nodded solemnly. "Indeed, you've breached the law."

He then looked ahead and continued, "But what does it matter? How will the Ministry of Magic monitor it?"

"Is that so?" Harry questioned.

Felix nodded, then fixed Harry with a serious gaze. "However, we must ensure one thing: that doesn't grant us license to act recklessly."

Harry was taken aback, shaking his head. "No, I won't."

Reflecting on the events after school, he lifted his head and stared ahead resolutely. "Isn't that just typical of Dudley? I refuse to stoop to his level."

"Dudley? Is it because of him that you lost control of your magic?" Felix raised an eyebrow, beginning to understand some of the underlying factors.

Harry nodded with a hint of remorse. "Well... he said something... and I couldn't contain myself..."

Adding after a moment, he said, "I'm sorry, Uncle Felix, I failed to control my emotions properly..."

Felix shook his head. While Harry could independently manage his magical abilities, he still lost control, resulting in a magical outburst.

Though Felix wasn't aware of the exact words Dudley uttered, it was evident they were highly offensive.

Felix had no intention of reprimanding Harry. He shook his head, stating, "Keep your emotions in check and remain rational. I hope you maintain clear-headedness at all times, rather than becoming indifferent. You've done nothing wrong and needn't apologize."

With that, Felix turned to examine Harry carefully. There was still blood on the tip of his nose, his clothes were disheveled, and his cheeks bore bruises.

"But... originally, the next step was to nurture your intellect. Now, upon reflection, perhaps I should alter course," Felix mused.

"Alter course?" Harry looked at Felix, perplexed.

Felix turned, facing the fading sunset's glow, slowly raising his arms. With his right fist clenched, he raised his left hand to point towards the sky.

The setting sun bathed Felix's back, casting him in a halo of light, reminiscent of an ancient Greek sculpture.

In the dimming light, Harry caught a glimpse of a physique as perfect as carved marble.

"An exceptional wizard should possess a golden physique!" Felix declared, his voice resonating with the sunset.


With a pop, Felix's stomach bulged out.

"Um... I couldn't hold it in any longer!" Felix exclaimed, feeling like a deflating balloon as he touched his belly, a look of helplessness crossing his face. "I've gained quite a bit of weight recently..."